A New beginning

By MaryMwangi503

7.2K 1K 106

Violet and Maya have to survive this cruel world at a young age after their parents suspiciously die in a c... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6:
chapter 7: Step away from her
chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
Chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
Chapter 45
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65
chapter 66
chapter 67
chapter 68

Chapter 58

69 14 0
By MaryMwangi503


" Vee, " Rita calls walking out of the kitchen.

She looks nervous as hell!

" Yes, " I say walking over to her.

" I need to talk to you in my room, right now!" she says grabbing my hand.

" Is everything okay? " One of the officers asks noticing her tension.

" Yes, everything is fine " Rita answers and leads me to the stairs.

" What's wrong ," I ask the second we enter her room. " You look so nervous and scared . "

" I don't know if am doing the right thing by telling you this and not the police but, I don't know what else to do, " she says almost in tears.

" Rita, please tell me what's going on! "

" Your uncle called, " she says making me tremble in fear.

He called?!

I knew this moment was coming but why does it have to be now when Maya is in trouble?!

How am I going to handle all this fucking stress all at once?!

" What are you saying Rita?  Why would he call you?! "

" Because he knows your phone is tapped by the police and his call will be traced ! "

" How does he know that and how did he even get your number?! " I ask sitting on the bed. There's this crazy ache forming in my head and am feeling dizzy ,again!

" Anyway, what did he want?! "

" He's got Maya Vee, " she says and I freeze.

He's got Maya!

I thought Mike has Maya?!

" What?! How?  Didn't Mike kidnap Maya?! " I ask getting up.

" They are working together!" Rita says walking towards me. "Your uncle wants to talk to you , he told me if I called the police he was going to kill Maya, and by his tone, he wasn't bluffing! "

" Why is this all happening to me? " I ask falling down to the floor as hot tears run down my face and Rita kneels beside me her hands on my shoulder.

I feel so dead right now! I feel like someone is tearing me apart from the inside!

My uncle is a monster and i don't even want to imagine what he's doing to my sister!

My situation has gone from bad to worse now!

" How can I contact him?"

" He said he'd call! Don't you think we should tell the police about this?!

" No.. " I say shaking my head."That guy is a psycho!And am not taking any chances with my sister. "

A Second later Rita's phone rings and I quickly stand and rush to answer it, my hands shacky.

"Give me back my sister you piece of shit!  If you dare harm even a hair on her head am going to kill you, if it's the last thing i do! " I say the second I answer.

" Oh wow!  Fierce aren't we?  I love it! ' he says with a laugh."I don't think that's a nice way to greet your Uncle after so long, but its okay, I really missed you sweet voice, " he says making my blood boil.

" What the hell do you want?  You already destroyed our lives and stole everything we had!  Why can't you just leave us alone! "

" Actually.. I never stole anything from you,Everything is still under your name."

" So, that's why you really doing this?  For money?! "

" Of course baby, money makes the world go round !I'll surely give your sister back Vee, but, I need you to meet up with me first."

" Is Maya going to be there? "

" No."

" If you want me, you are going to have to let my sister go first! "

" This is no negotiation Vee,  you have no say here. It's either you do as I say or you never see your sister again! I want to make sure that you come alone before I take you to Maya, So meet me at the abandoned work shop near the city park, in two hours and don't make any stupid moves or you know what will happen to your poor sister," he says hanging up.

" What did he say? "

" He wants to meet up with me? "

" Did he tell you where? "

" Yes. "

" That's great!  Let's go and tell the cops, so  they can rescue Maya and catch that bastard! "

" We can't do that Rita. He's not going to bring Maya along, and if we involve the police he might find out and do something crazy! "

" So you are just going to go to him, with no protection?! "

" Yes, and please dont tell anyone about this. "

" Okay, but if you are going, am coming with you. "

" Of course not!  Am not risking your life! "

" But you want to risk yours?! I wont let that happen! Am coming with you! " she says and before I can protest, the door is opened and Alex walks in.

He looks at us for a second and notices the tension in the room.

" Is everything okay here? " he asks walking over to me.

" Yes, everything is fine," I answer, trying to act as calm as possible.

" Okay.., " he says unconvinced ." Anyways we just found out that Mikes car was spotted heading out of the city about an hour ago."

" Where did he take her? "That's Rita.

" We still don't know yet."

" Vee, I think we should tell him, " Rita says and glare at her, shaking my head.

" Tell me what ?" Alex asks looking from me to Maya.

" Nothing! " I say my eyes still on Rita.

" Her uncle called and he wants her in exchange for Maya. He asked to meet up with her and Vee accepted, " Rita blurts out. " Am sorry Vee but I had to tell him. "

" What?! You want to meet up with him?  You know he's surely going to hurt you!" Alex says. " Why didn't you tell the police about this? "

"He warned us not to involve the police. If we do, he'll hurt Maya and I wont let that happen! I don't care what happens to me as long as Maya is fine. "

" Okay... but what guaranty do you have that he'll let her go once he has you Vee? " he asks and I dont say anything.

I know he's right about that, but what choice do I have?

" You might not care what happens to you, but I do. I won't let that guy hurt you again! "

" But.. What about my sister?"

" Maya will be fine Vee,she's a strong girl and am sure she wouldn't agree with what you were planning to do, " Alex say taking my hand. " let's go talk to the police.

We tell Max everything and the plan is that he'll send one of his experts to place a tracker on my uncles car as soon as he gets there, and they will also follow from a safe distance, when my uncle takes me to where he has Maya.

" That plan is way to risky!  What if something goes wrong? " Alex says. " I think you guys should just surround the place and corner the guy the second he walks in and torture him, until he tells us where Maya is. "

" We can't torture him Alex!  That's not how it works," Max says.

"My uncle will never willingly tell us where Maya is, and.. Mike will still have her! There's no other way out Alex. "

" Okay.. I guess we just have to be extra careful, " he says with a sigh, a worried expression on his face.

In about two hours, Peter is spotted walking in the work shop and the tracker is successfully placed on his car.

I sigh deeply before walking  in the work shop. I know the police are nearby over but I still can't help but be a little scared. I freeze for a second in fear when I see him my heart racing.

My mind goes back to everything he made me and my sister go through and the hatred and anger surpasses my fear. I walk over to him slowly my eyes never leaving his, as he watches me from my head to toe with a grin, and stop a few inches away from him.

Am trying my best to be strong and not to show any fear but my heart is still beating fast.

" Finally Vee!  We meet again, " he says walking closer to me but i move backwards. " Dont be scared I won't hurt you, well.. Not yet, " he says with a smile and that gives me goosebumps bumps all over.

" Where is my sister?  I say my voice filled with anger." I thought you were going to take me to her ."

" I am but not so fast, I need to make sure you are alone..... Jade,"he calls and I turn to see a certain woman walking in. "She's going to check if you have any tracking devices."

" She's clean," Jade says after she's done with me.

" Good!  Am glad you took me seriously. You can leave now Jade, " he says and she walks out.

" Can we go already! I need to see Maya," I say impatiently.

" Okay, " he say leading the way and I follow.

We are in his  car in seconds, and am glad that everything is going as planned. I just hope that nothing goes wrong!

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