How You Get The Guy (BoyxBoy)

By HeyJayvee

25.1K 727 250

Got a secret can you keep it? Sean Richard Haynes, a Baseball player, is having a hard time accepting his aff... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Nice to meet you, where you been?
Chapter 3: Too much for being Invisible
Chapter 4: I can make the bad guys good for a weekend.
Chapter 5: Two can keep a secret.
Chapter 6: Come back... be here
Chapter 7: New Friends
Chapter 8: Oh I Remember!
Chapter 9: The Plan
Chapter 10: Cliché Confessions
Chapter 11: THREAT-cherous
Chapter 12: Unexpected Endings and Beginnings
Chapter 13: Start of Something New

Chapter 2: Ain't it funny, rumors fly?

2.3K 72 26
By HeyJayvee

I dedicate this to my wattpad bestie, FurryLibrarian, for being an amazing person. Btw, she made the book cover, awesome right? :)

Keep reading this story, VOTE & COMMENT!

So I present to you Chapter 2. This chapter contains 3 POV's (YAY!)



CHAPTER 2: Ain’t it funny, rumors fly?


I’m sitting in class right now. Not paying any attention to the teacher. I’m so spaced out in my own thoughts. Boobs, boobies, ass, asses, hips, hippies… wait that’s not right.  Hippies? I chuckled at my own thought. The teacher must’ve noticed me coz’ she keeps on giving me the ‘be-quiet-or-detention-for-you-mister’ look. I shook my head trying to focus. But then I felt my phone vibrated from my pocket and I looked carefully to the teacher to make sure that I’m not gonna get caught.

From: Kaleb

Dud, you’re thinking about boobs and assess again aren’t you?

I smirked and look over to Kaleb at the back. I murmured “I wanna get laid” to him and he chuckled. I think I heard a “Pfftt” sound beside me so I looked to my right. He’s oddly familiar… Oh yeah! Spencer!

“Hey” I winked at him while smiling. He smiled back, then rolled his eyes. Wow. What did I do?

All of a sudden, the bell ring and I grabbed my backpack. Kaleb is beside me following my lead to exit the classroom.


Well that escalated so quickly. The lunch bell ring and we all exited the classroom. I texted my bestfriend Jasmin to reserve our usual seat and I’ll buy our lunch. We always do that, it’s Monday today so it’s my turn to buy our lunch, then its Jasmin’s turn tomorrow.

I grabbed 2 apples, 1 tuna sandwich and 1 chicken sandwich, 2 strawberry flavored yogurt and 2 bottles of water. I saw Jasmin waving her hand at me so I walked towards our usual seat.

“Yum! Thank you!” She beamed and I smiled while sitting down.

“So, how are you and Jake?” She suddenly asked me. I pursed my lips and looked directly at her.

“Well, I think he got over the fact that I broke up with him.” Lies. Jake called me 10 times this morning and I kept on rejecting his calls. I don’t want to talk to him coz’ I know that hearing his voice will completely change my mind. I love Jake, even now. But what he did to me was unforgivable. I’m still not getting over the fact that he cheated on me, WITH HIS STEP-BROTHER. How twisted is that?

“Really? Good for the both of you then” She said between chews. I chuckled at her. Good thing she didn’t noticed *sighs*

I was about to eat my Tuna sandwich when someone tapped my shoulder. I looked back to see who it was. Oh… Alexandria. That’s unusual, what does she want?

“Hey, what’s up” I said and then she slapped me. SHE FREAKIN’ SLAPPED ME?! WHAT. THE. ACTUAL. FVCK?! What did I freakin’ do to her?!

“What’s up?! YOU WHAT’S UP! Stay away from my Man you fvcking fag” She snapped then walked away. I stared at her confused while holding my cheeks. Gad she slapped me so hard. I noticed that half of the students in the cafeteria are looking at me now, they were all holding their phone in an ‘OMG-WHAT-IS-THE-MEANING-OF-THIS’ look on their faces. I glance at Jasmin and she has that look too. She looked at me and then she handed me her phone. I looked at the most STUPID PICTURE EVER.  Or should I say, the one who took this is such an idiot for making a false statement about this.

It was Sean, holding me ‘intimately’ as the caption of the picture put it, on my waist while I held him by his arms. I sighed heavily and then closed my eyes. I sit down and put my hands on the table. I opened my eyes and a confused, silent Jasmin appeared on my face.

“Can you explain to me what the hell is going on here?” She grumbled. I just stare on my hands and sighed heavily.

“It was all misunderstanding Jas, don’t believe that biatch who posted the picture. I tripped and that was when Sean caught me. The caption is totally way off.” I explained to her. Hopefully she’ll understand coz’ it’s making me uncomfortable talking about this.

“Then why didn’t you tell me?” She looked a bit hurt. Oh I forgot, Jas has the biggest crush on Sean.

“I swear, that’s all. There’s nothing else going on.” I looked around and some of the girls are still glaring daggers at me. I just looked down. I want to disappear right now like seriously. I promised myself that I need to keep the invisibility cloth on to survive senior year. I don’t want to be noticed AT ALL. Then this happened, fun-fvcking-tastic.

“Okay, I believe you. But promise me, next time you’ll encounter something like that again please tell me. I don’t want to be the last person to know” She looked thoughtfully at me and I smiled at her.

“Oh I can assure you that I will stay away from Sean as soon as possible” I said in assurance.


“I don’t want to be bitch-slapped again so please, stay away” Somehow I managed to be calm and collected when I said those words to Sean.

“I swear, it all happened so quickly. And I don’t even know why Lexi slapped you. We broke up last week” He explained to me while we’re heading towards the exit of the school.

“Sean, please, I don’t want girls… or guys, glaring at me every time I’ll walk down these hallways. Let’s just forget that we met” I don’t know why but I regretted those last words that I said. To be honest, I want to be Sean’s friend, just like when we were 10 years old. It hurts a lot what he said in the grocery store that he didn’t remember me. But its okay, I’m not that important to him so why would he bother on remembering me.


You want to know what’s funny? I DON’T EVEN KNOW. I’m asking myself what’s funny but nothing came in my mind. There’s nothing funny about “Let’s just forget that we met”. I watched Spencer as he walk away from me. Something’s oddly familiar about those last words that he said but I can’t put any thought in it. I feel like I’ve heard those words before, I just can’t remember when.

I just shrugged it off a bit and headed to the field for baseball practice. I walked to the gym locker room to change in my baseball uniform. I’m still spaced out and I’m still thinking on Spencer’s last words, “Let’s just forget that we met”. I don’t even know why I’m being upset about this, I don’t know if we’re friends or not. So why bother?

“Dude is there something wrong?” Kaleb appeared behind me already on his baseball uniform. Holding a baseball glove.

“Nothing, let’s just get to practice” And with that we headed to the field.

After 1 hour and a half hours of practice we headed to the shower room to clean ourselves. Once I was done showering, I changed to my regular outfit, black jeans and black t-shirt. As I was walking towards the school parking lot to my car, my stomach grunted in hunger, so I decided to go to McDonalds and grab something to eat. I parked the car at the store’s parking space for customers. I grabbed my wallet in my backpack and headed to the entrance. I walked to the cashier to order cheeseburger, large fries, and large coke.

I was looking for a vacant chair until someone caught my eye. Spencer is eating alone. I hesitate for a moment to come over there because on what he said earlier but I found myself walking towards him. His back is facing me so 3I grabbed the opportunity to sit on the opposite side quickly. He jumped a little bit on his seat startled on my sudden actions. He rolled his eyes and was about to leave but I grabbed his arm.

“Please? Don’t leave” I practically begged for him to stay. All I want is for us to be friends and I hope that… wait? Why is it so important for me to be friends with him anyway?

He just sighed and sit down. I smiled at him. I unwrapped my cheeseburger and eat. As I watch Spencer pour some gravy on his fries and play with it. I found myself chuckling at him.

“What?” He asked.

“You don’t like ketchup on your fries?” I asked and then I saw a glint of hope in his eyes, probably remembering something.

“No. I don’t like ketchup” He said. I took the opportunity to talk to him about earlier.

“Hey, I’m really sorry about what happened” I apologize. He just smiled slyly at me.

“It’s okay. I don’t blame you. I blame your stalkers” We both chuckled. “Plus, if you didn’t caught me when I tripped, then that would’ve been more embarrassing.” He added, and I nodded in agreement.

“Do you mean what you said to me? About earlier?” I asked referring to his last words earlier in school.

“Sorry about that. I wasn’t thinking clearly. I was just… confused” He explained. I sighed in relief thankfully that he didn’t meant it. I continued eating my food and after we’re done, we headed outside. We were in Awkward silence and it’s really bothering me coz’ I’m not comfortable with this kind of aura. But I don’t want to talk about non-sense either so I just keep my mouth shut the whole time. After a while, we were standing now on the store’s parking space.

“So… bye” He half smiled and I nodded. I can’t say anything right now. Damnit. Why do I feel so awkward with this guy?

“Erm… Sean, can you… like… let go of my arm?” He suddenly asked and that’s when I realized that I was holding his right arm. I let go of him and muttered a ‘sorry’.

“So we’re friends?” I asked him hopefully, hands in my pocket. He has a thoughtful look on his face for a while and what he said next startled me.

“Sean… I’m sorry about what I said earlier. But that doesn’t mean we’re friends. We can be classmates, schoolmate or whatever… but I don’t think we can be friends” He has this apologetic look on his face now and I just stood there blinking at him, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. “See you in school Sean”, he added and he walked towards his car and left.

I don’t know how long I’m standing there coz’ some car started honking at me to get away on the parking space. I just glared at the driver and walked towards my car. I get in and start the engine to get home.

After 15 minutes I finally arrived home. I parked the car in front and headed inside the house. I closed the door and I turned around to see my Mom glaring at me.

“You didn’t tell me you’re gay?!” She snapped. I was shocked on what she just said. Where the hell is this coming from?

“What are you talking about Mom? Did you eat a lot of cheese today?” I said in disgust. Whenever my Mom eats a lot of cheese, she gets so grumpy and cranky.

“Yes I ate the whole box! You didn’t answer my question?!” She walked towards me and I step back.

“I have no idea what you’re talking ab—“ She cut me off, showing her phone screen on my face. Oh, would you look at that?

“Mom, when did you and Lexi became friends on Facebook?” I asked confused.

“Don’t change the subject young man. Who is this guy you’re holding intimately?” She asked, more like snapped.

“Mom, don’t believe what Lexi had told you. It was just misunderstanding. I was at the grocery store with a fri—“ I cut myself off when I was about to say that Spencer is my friend, which is not. He made it crystal clear. “I just saw my classmate and he tripped and I caught him. There’s nothing intimate with that picture. Lexi’s just over-reacting.” I explained it all to her hoping that she’ll drop the topic.

“But are you gay?” Mom looks so disappointed. I think she doesn’t want me to be gay. But I’m not gay so no worries. I chuckled at her.

“No Mom, I’m not gay” I swing my arms at her shoulder and kissed her on the forehead.

“No, I’m not saying that being gay is wrong. I just want you to know that… you should come to me first when you’re going to confess… about things” She waved her hands in confusion and I Iaughed. Mom is so cute. Then suddenly Jenna appeared in the living room.

“Is there a family meeting?” She suddenly asked, confused. What is it with these girls?

“No. I’m just asking if your brother is gay” Mom explained

“But I’m not” I added beaming at Jenna.

“Okay.” Jenna muttered. Then she went to the kitchen to grab snacks and went back to her room upstairs. I suddenly yawned and my Mom told me to rest and so I did. I went upstairs to my room and fell on my bed. I didn’t bother changing coz’ I feel so tired. My eyes gave in and off to dreamland, dreaming about a brown haired kid wearing a matching Spiderman shirt and shorts and a party hat on his head.


SO??? Tell me what you think. And I'm sorry if you're all unsatisfied too. I'm caught up with my exams that's why this chapter didn't turn out as great as chapter 1. BUT, DON'T WORRY, I'll do better in Chapter 3.


I love you guys :)

Kisses    -- J

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