Draco's little Granger

By MrsReid-Mikealson

41.6K 663 199

You are Katerina Granger 🔞SMUT WARNING!!!!!🔞 You are a Slytherin and this will be your 5th year at Hogw... More

Before we start
The start of a new year
Last night
Honey Honey
New Kids
The Project
Perfect bathroom
Almost caught
Movie night


2.9K 42 31
By MrsReid-Mikealson

After potions you and your friends walk back to the dorms for a free period until you hear the announcement.


"Sex-ed?" I asked

"Ya today we will be asking questions about if you're sexually active. And with a truth serum."

As you walk to the class Draco pulls you into the broom closet.

"What the fuck are we gonna do Kassy?"

"You think I know. We will be on Veritaserum so we have to tell the truth."

"Ok so then what?"

"Try not to make it obvious that it's the other person."

"Ok then."


"What wrong Kassy?"

"I keep telling Pansy that I'm a virgin."

"Umm this is bad....really bad"

"We have to get to class. Lets go Draco"

Draco and I ran to the next class and we saw Mrs.Umbridge giving assigned seats to the class.

"Draco Malfoy and Katerina Granger," Mrs.Umbridge said.

Draco and I chose the very back so we could talk about what's going to happen next.

"Ok so now we have assigned seats. Who you are sitting by will not be your partner for this next part." Mrs.Umbridge said.

"Oh shit we are dead Kassy" Draco whispered into my ear.

"You think." I whispered back.

"So here are the partners. Draco and Pansy. Tom and Ellena. Blaise and Katerina..."

I look at Draco one more time before getting out of my seat. I walk over to Blaise's desk.

"Hey Blaise." I said nervously.

"Hey Kate. You ready?" Blaise said.

"Oh um ya I guess." I said nervously.

"So you wanna go first?"

"Sure." I said nervously.

I took a sip of the Veritaserum.

"First question. Are you sexually active?" Blaise asked.

"Umm ya I am." I said nervously.

"WOW ok umm. What is your cup size?"

"Umm 38 C."

"Do you use protection?"


"Wait sometimes. So you have had sex more then once?"


"How many times?"


"Ok and now this will be awkward...um...do you like to ride or be fucked?" Blaise asked nervously.

"I like to ride so I'm in control but he doesn't like that he likes to be in control"

"Ok now the last question describes the person?"

"Well umm he is tall and has gray eyes....well he's a dipshit"





"Hey Draco"

"Hey Pansy"

"So you first?"

"I guess"

I took a sip of Veritaserum.

"First question. Are you sexually active?"

"Ya kinda"

"Oh um thank god I have an Kat is innocent"

"Ya....she is..."

"Ok next question. How long?"

"Almost 11 inches about 10 ½ ."

"Holy fuck really?"

"Ya just ask k-"

I covered my mouth with my hand before I could say her name


"Next then. Do you use protection?"


"Wait sometimes. So you have had sex more then once?"


"Ok now Boobs or ass?"

"Well on this person I would have to say both bc they are perfect but in general ass."

"Last question. Describe the person."

"Oh...well she is short about 5'3 and VERY sassy. She has hazel eyes and long light brown hair."

"Ok now that it!"

"Ok students now return back to your assigned seats." Mrs. Umbridge said to the class.


I get up and walk back to my spot by Draco.

"I might have said something on accident to Blaise" I whispered to Draco.

I could see Blaise talking to Pansy.

"Well Kassy what did you say?" Draco whispered back.

"When it said describe the person...I might have said that they were a dipshit..." I whispered to Draco.

"Well I almost said your name so we are even." Draco whispered back.

"Ok then Draco." I whispered to Draco.

After class we all walked to lunch and sat down to eat. I sat down next to Draco and he put his hand on my thigh.

"So Kate?" Blaise said.

"Yes Blaise"

"So I found out that you lied." Blaise said.

"About what Kat?" Pansy asked.

"She is not a virgin." Blaise said.

"KATERINA GRANGER!" Pansy yelled.

"I'm sorry pansy I was actually going to tell you tonight."

"When?! Who?! Why?!" Pansy said to me.

"About a day ago. I can't say who and idk why" I said back.

"What do you mean you don't know why you had sex with somebody?" Ellena asked.

"Really Elle? And I don't really know." I said back.

"Well ok then Kathrin" Tom said.

"Hey I'm going to the library to study for the test later today." I said to the group.

"Oh shit I forgot about the test. Can I study with you?" Draco asked.

"Sure dipshit." I said to Draco then got up and left.

We got to the library to study for the Health test. About 10 minutes later.

"I'm bored," Draco said.

"Then take a break and come back dipshit." I said back.

Draco picked me up and placed me on the bookshelf. Lucky we were the only people in the library.

"Not here Draco"

He kissed me and I kissed him back.His hands went to my ass and my legs wrapped around his waist.


He pulled away from the kiss.

"Shh love"

He kissed me again and I kissed back. We heard the library door open and we immediately stopped and fixed ourselves up. We got back to work and I saw Hermione come up to us.

"Hey sis!" Hermione said.

"Hey Mione" I said back.

"Draco." She said in a tone like she was getting ready to punch him.

"Hermione." He said in the same tone.

"Sis are you studying for the health test?" Hermione asked.

"Ya Draco and I are studying together." I answered back.

"Oh I thought he was a dipshit." Hermione said.

"He is he is a dipshit but he is still very smart."

"How?" She asked.

"Well I know that he has good taste in girls"

"How would you know you never even had sex." Hermione said.

I look at him and kiss him and he kisses me back.

"Ya but your still a virgin." She said.

"Well not really..." I said.

"No...Katerina Lucia Granger you didnt." She said.

"Yes I did twice actually."

"Wow just wow." Hermione said then she turned around and left.

"So Katerina Lucia Granger is your full name." Draco said.

"Yes it is Draco Lucius Malfoy"

"Its beautiful just like you"

"Aww thx."

I look at the time and I see that we have 1 minute till Health class.


I grabbed my books and his wrist and ran out of the library to Health class. We made it just in time. I mouth the words "Bye Draco" and he mouthed the words "Bye luv" back to me. I walk to my seat by Pansy and Ellena.

"On time I see" Pansy said.

"Yep. Pansy Elle I'm sorry for not telling you about me having sex but I can I tell you guys about it tonight?" I asked.

"Yes you can" Elle said.

"Just next time tell us." Pansy said.

"Oh there is no next time ok trust me we HATE each other." I said.

"Ok class we will not have the test today but instead we will have and health. This wasn't my Idea but now that you are all in your 5th year you will probably be having sex." Professor Lupin said.

Pansy, Draco, Ellena, Tom and Blaise all looked at me when he said that.

"Ok now Dumbledore has a project for you. You are going to pick a person the opposite of sex to talk about what you would do and how you want to have sex. Now find your partner." Professor Lupin said to the class.

I got up and Cedric came up to me.

"Hey Katerina do you want to be my partner?" Cedric asked me.

"Sorry Ced I already have a partner." I said to him then walked over to sit by Draco.

"Hey luv" Draco said.

"Hi Draco" I said back.

"So how you want to have sex?" Draco asked.

"Anything with you" You say in a sexy tone.

"Oh really" Draco said in the same tone.

"Oh yes...And you" You say in a sexy tone.

"Well as long its with you and I see your sexy body." Draco said in the same tone.

"Ok class now you and your partner will sometime this week have sex with each other and you will have to fill out this paper about the experience and hand it in." Professor Lupin says while he is walking around class handing out the paper.

After class you have a free period so you go back to your dorm and see Pansy and Ellena.

"Hey KayKay" Ellena said.

"Hey girls"

"Are you exited?" Pansy asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Now you and Draco have to have sex." Ellena said.

"Oh..umm.." I said nervously.

"Whats wrong KayKay?"


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