Idol Time Pripara ~Alternate...

By AmyEeveeEvolutions

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The Kami Idol group, SoLaMi Smile has transferred to Avocado Academy to start a Pripara in Paparajuku. They m... More

I became a Dreamy-Cute Idol?! ~Episode 1 (recreation)~
Digging Here, Idol/Dream Dream?! Infiltrating BoyPara! Episode 2 and 6 combined
Yumekawa! Making Drama! ~Episode 3~
Punicorn's Manager Lesson-kuma! ~Episode 5~
WITH, Hugs, and Red Flash!!! ~My own!~ ~Inspired by Episode 4 and 7~
Aim for the Rice! ~Episode 8~
Grand Opening of the Fashion Studio! ~Episode 9~
I Became a Helper Idol! ~Episode 10~
Laala and Jululu Reunited!!!/Ehh?! Lost Jululu Again?! ~My own!~
Realized Feelings!!!💘💝💖❤💓💗~My own!~
Let's go! Parajuku! ~Episode 13~
WITH in Parajuku! ~My own!~
Author's Note (VERY IMPORTANT!!! MUST READ!!!)

Throw it! Idol Time Grand Prix!/Hit it! Idol Time Grand Prix ~Episode 11 + 12~

794 18 12
By AmyEeveeEvolutions

"Arigatō, Nino-san, and everyone from the Cheerleading Club, for coming to help our 2-member softball club." thanked 1 of the members of the softball club. "Our gratitude." "Wait - you've only had 2 members this whole time?!" asked Yui, shocked. "With this here Nino on the field, we can't lose-ssu!" 

"And don't forget about us! We'll help you win, too!" said Chii. "If we're going to do it, we're sure as heck not losing," said Chiako. "We'll enliven this event glamorously," said Aiko. "W-What, are we not allowed to win?" shuttered Rui. "That's it!" said Gaiko. "The ball.... it is soft, and yet his heart so hard. Dosukoi," said Shiko. 

~In Pripara~

"Something wrong, Laala?" asked Sophie. "I sent an email to Dorothy and Leona about the Grand Prix, but........" "Apparently, they're going on a journey," said Mirei. "Journey?" "They're out to find Shion' they haven't heard from her since she left without a trace."

 West Dorothy and West Lenoa are currently here in Paparajuku, selling okonomiyaki while searching for Shion at the same time." That darn, Shion, "journeying" off to who-knows-where!" said Dorothy, frustrated as she pulls their okonomiyaki wagon-stand. "When I get my hands on her, I'm dragging her home by a hangnail!"

 "Demo, are you sure she even came to Paparajuku?" asked Leona, helping her by pushing the wagon. "I've heard rumors that she popped up around here." They decided to stop near the softball field and game.

~In the softball game~

"Nani?! The opposing team can't make it?!" shouted Yui. "Hai: a heard of Japanese black cattle escaped while being transported and now their bus is stuck......... they just told us." said one of the members. "Nani.........." "So the game's been called off. I'm sorry you had to come all this way." The other member apologized. "But this means that I can bring Nino to Pripara right now!!! Nino!!!!!"

 A ring of a bell was suddenly heard. "No matter where you Ji-go-ku....... the walls and doors both have ears. Jigoku Mimiko stands before you!" Mimiko and the Disciplinary Committee appeared. 

"We, the Disciplinary Committee Team, shall face you in their place!" "No thanks! Let's dream there nice and quick!" Yui dragged Nino to Pripara, rejecting the "offer". "Running away from a battle, are you?" 

Nino stopped as she heard those words. "This here Nino's not running away from anything-ssu!" "Seriously?!" "If you managed to win this match, the fact you've been attending Pripara may slip in one ear and out the other." "Really?! You mean it?!" exclaimed Yui. "However, if you were to lose, then all your sins will be punished through solitary and confinement!" 

 "I'll accept those terms, too-ssu!" "Hey, wait a minute! If we lose then....." Yui tried to reason her, but Nino just gave out a determined smile. "Nino here's not losing to anyone-ssu! I'm gonna clean up here quick and get on over the show-ssu. That's a promise-ssu!"

"Play ball!!!!!" Nino is the pitcher while the Cheering Club started to do their regular cheering. As soon as Nino pitch, the ball zoomed past the batter before she/he could hit it. "Strike! You're out!" "Yatta! That was a great fastball! Just like I envisioned!" exclaimed Yui. "Keep it up, Nino!"

Nino pitched 2 more times. Both pitches zoomed past the batters. "Three outs! And change!" "Cooking almost complete."

~Back to Pripara~

Meganii made his entrance. "A bit macho....... Tough....... Guy!" The crowd went quiet and confused about what he's doing. "Quite a tough crowd in this town, I see........." "Please put on some clothes!" said 2 Meganees as they put on his butler clothes.  

Butler Meganii is back on stage. "Ladies of Paparajuku, it's wonderful to meet you. Good day to you all!" "Meganii-san is back!" said Laala. 

"The Idol Time Grand Prix is now beginning in Paparajuku Pripara! I, the Parajuku Pripara Meganii, will serve as your moderator for the Grand Prix today! And, lovely ladies, I have a precious, dreamy present for you." introduced Meganii as he winked to the audience. All the girls cheered in an adoring way.

"That did the trick...." said Meganii, relieved it worked. "Everyone's really excited to see Meganii-san," said Mirei, smiling. "It's great that so many people made it!" said Sophie, also smiling. "Un! We worked so hard to get this far! Let's perform for everyone till Yui and NIno get here!" exclaimed Laala. "Hai!"

"Now then, to commemorate this inaugural Grand Prix, we have a spectacular opening performance for you all. Please welcome SoLaMi Smile!" 

"Kon'nichiwa, minna!!!" shouted SoLaMi Smile. "SOLAMI SMILE!!!!!!!!!!!! KYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~"

"Today's the 1st Idol Time Grand Prix, held right here in Paparajuku! Let's all have a blast!" shouted Laala without her microphone. "The 3 of us are going to sing again for all of you-pri!" "Make sure you listen closely, my little birds."

The crowd cheered wildly, again. "WE LOVE YOU, SOLAMI SMILE!!!!!!!!!" "Arigatō, minna! We'll start the Idol Time Grand Prix soon!!!!" shouted SoLaMi Smile, waving at the audience while going backstage. 

~Back to the softball game, agian~

Chiako and Akio both missed the ball, but the softball team captain was able to hit it. Nino was able to hit a home run. "You dreaming did it!" "Puni puni!" 

"While we're out looking for Shion, we may as well make a little load of cash!" snickered Dorothy. "Traveling expenses aren't free, after all!" said Leona. "How's my 2 okonomiyaki coming along?" "Coming right up! Just one more second!"

Nino became pitcher, again, and 2 batters missed to hit her pitch. "You dreaming did it, again!" Just one more batter and the innings is done-ssu! "On the field and in the batter's box...... No matter how far you Ji-go-ku, my ears will follow." 

No matter, it doesn't make a difference at all-ssu! I'm gonna clean this up and get over to Pripara-ssu! 

Mimiko closed her eyes and used her ears instead. "She's closing her eyes?" asked Yui. She swung her bat and hit the ball. "Home run!" "She hit my pitch...... for a home run-ssu? I've never had...... one of my pitches hit before......." muttered Nino, looking less confident. 

~At WITH's concert~

"Sugoi concert, WITH! You're free to do whatever you what." clapped Meganii as he entered WITH's room, coming back from Pripara. "Anything?!" shouted WITH with sparkles in their eyes. "Hai." "Then, can we enter Pripara?!" asked Asahi, excitedly. 

"Why do you want to enter Pripara?" "I want visit Mirei-senpai!!!" "We also want to make sure that their Idol Time Grand Prix is running well," added Koyoi. "We also have Sheep Squad costumes that Mirei-san gave us in case we want to enter," said Shougo, holding them up. 

"Hmm......... Okee, I'll allow you to enter Pripara," said Meganii. "Arigatō, Meganii-san." WITH thanked him politely while bowing. "This is going to be so rad!!!"

~Back to the softball game, again~

"Here you go, minna! Rice wrapped in seaweed from Ariake: high-quality stuff!" said Yui, giving out a snack. "Take one, Nino!!!" "How'd she hit one of my pitches-suu?" asked Nino, still discouraged. "It'll be fine. It was just bad luck before. Don't dream it for a second thought!" "Of course it was! All Nino here knows is winning!"

The next pitcher was Mimiko. Nino was too determined to think that the home run from Mimiko was a fluke and was planning to do a home run as payback. 

But, as soon as Mimko pitched, the ball began to wobble while being thrown. "The ball's crazy wobbly-ssu!" "It's too slow! - there's no air resistance at all!" 

It was too slow for Nino to concentrate on hitting the ball. "Strike 1!" Nino's face looked clenched. "Nino, don't dream about it! You'll get the next one! Fight for your dreams!" shouted Yui, trying to cheer her up. "I know that! This one's going out of the park-ssu!" The last 2 pitches were the same slow and wobbly ball and Nino missed them, again.

The softball team's confidence decreased while Mimiko just smirked. Her strategy of winning the game and taking down the Grand Prix and Pripara is slowly succeeding. "We were supposed to be on track to clean up quick-ssu......." 

"Nino!" called Yui as she carried a plate of a big rice ball. "Here! I made you a special dream-packed rice ball! Dream at it!" "Yui, gomen-ssu. I promised I'd go to Pripara quickly..... But, I didn't expect this-ssu." 

"Daijōbu (It's all right)! It happens to me all the time! I always envision something, but it never turns out that way." "Heh?" 

"But I still want to keep believing in the dreams I've sketched out. Like my dream of being a popular Pripara idol! What about you, Nino? What's your dream for the future?" "My dream? For the future? I haven't even thought about it-ssu....." 

"Captian! We have a problem! One of our members ran off, chasing a butterfly!" "Heh?! But, we don't have any members we can sub in....." "Than, I'll enter for you!" "Eh?" Yui is already dressed in her dreamy-made softball uniform. "Dreamy-cute!" "Ehh?!"

Instead of their points increasing, they decreased. Yui failed to bat and watched the ball. "Gomen'nasai........." said Yui, sounding disappointed. 

~Back with SoLaMi Smile~

"I envisioned myself hitting a home run right off the bat, but I guess my dreamy-cute power isn't enough......" said Yui as they end their call after she explained what's going on in the softball game.

"What are we going to do??????!!!!!! Girls are wondering why we haven't started the Grand Prix yet!!!!!!!" asked Laala, panicking and running around backstage. "And their game is 10 points down!" "And we're about to lose our audience, too," added Sophie, peeking behind the curtain. 

"Don't worry!!! We've come to save the day!!!" boomed a voice as something just dashed to Mirei's side. "WITH? What are you doing here?" said SoLaMi Smile, not sounding surprised. "After our concert, we had extra time," said Shougo. 

"So we decided to come to Pripara to see if the Grand Prix is doing well, too," added Koyoi. "Well, as you can see, it's not doing well. We're about to lose our audience," said Mirei. "We can help with that!" said Asahi. "How?" asked Laala. 

"By entertaining them!" said WITH in unison. "Good idea! We can make up some sort of games for the audience to watch and play!" said Sophie, clapping her hands, gleefully. She walked to the stage with Mirei and Laala. 

"We would like to thank SoLaMi Smile for performing in the opening of the Idol Time Grand Prix." said all 3 of them. "Who wants to play a little game?" asked Sophie. Girls who were leaving stopped and curiously came back to their seats. "We'll be playing with 3 specials guests!" exclaimed Laala. 

"These 3 people are very popular and you'll definitely recognize them," said Mirei. "Kon'nichiwa, minna!!!" shouted WITH, coming out and waving. "WITH!!!!!!!!!!" gushed the adoring audience, instantly having heart-shaped eyes. 

"We'll be playing 3 games! A scavenger hunt," said Laala. "hide-and-seek," said Sophie. " and a little quiz! The prize will be having WITH serving you at lunch!" said Mirei, proud of the prize because she could have a little break from Asahi. 

"Whoever finds the objects of the scavenger hunt first gets to move on to the hide-and-seek game, others who didn't make it can watch the next game and quiz!"

The audience started to talk to themselves, friends, and rivals like "I'm so going to win this!", "No, I am!", "You can't win the prize!" "Good luck!", "I want Shougo/Asahi/Koyoi-sama to serve me!", and more.

"WITH and we are also going to participate in this, too! So good luck to all of you and have fun!" shouted Sophie and Laala as they each gave out a warm smile to encourage them. Their smiles mysteriously calmed the shouting and competitive girls and made them stare at them with adoring eyes, it's as if they saw a cute and innocent bunny and jellyfish. 

"Just............ how?????" sweat-dropped Mirei and Shougo in unison, both looking confused and shocked. "You owe me a fried egg for this prize, Mirei-senpai!" pouted Asahi, acting like a child. "I will, promise." Asahi quickly embraced with the crowd distracted by Laala and Sophie. "You better!"

~Back to Dorothy and Leona~

Their sales are a success! A lot of people ordered a lot of their okonomiyaki. They were both talking about Shion so much that they didn't even know that the actual Shion just passed by their wagon.

~Back to the softball game, again~

The softball team is still struggling with their ten-points-down trail. Then a voice was heard. "Allow me to enter." "Huh? Shion-senpai-ssu?!" shouted Nino, shocked to see Shion. Shion walked to the catcher's position. She took out her shinai and pointed upwards. "She's declaring a homerun?!" Nino and Mimiko both shouted.

"Well, then, hit this if you can!" said Mimiko as she pitched. The wind blew her basket mask, revealing Shion's face as she hit a home run. "Begone!" 

"Wow! That's a home run!" shouted Yui. With that home run, they earned a point. "All right! So here's where the future I envisioned starts! We're gonna flip this dream around!"

"Picture the ball as a go stone and your strike zone as positions on a go-board and hit it!" said Shion. "Top right corner, 3-4 point!" Gai, Rui, and the other member of the softball team hit the ball successfully with Shion's prediction.

"She's.......... predicting the ball's exact path! What is she made of? " said the captain, surprised by Shion's skills. "It's undreamable! Thanks to the bamboo sword person's help, we've dreamed to down to a 4-point gap!" "Shion-senpai, you're incredible-ssu!"

"Resilience facing a gale. I've opened the path for you," said Shion, walking away. "Experience breaking a nail........ What exactly....." "Its "resilience facing a gale". When confronted with a powerful wind, you learn if as-yet unbent grass is strong. It means: only when faced with failure or adversity you can learn someone's true strength." Aiko explained.

"Learning someone's true strength-ssu?"

"Dorothy! I think we're doing a bit too much business.........." said Leona. "All right, we're raking it in! Tension Max!" Again, they're too busy to notice Shion walking past by.

I bet Shion-senpai was telling me to give it all my strength at times like this-ssu! Well here goes! I'm gonna charge down the path she opened for us, and this time for sure! Nino pitched. Mimiko closed her eyes, hearing the ball's movements. But all she hears is sounds from Yui, Cooky, and Punicorn. She missed the ball, yelling in frustration.

"Strike! You're out!" "Yatta! My bluh-bluh-bluh plan worked!" With 2 hitted pitches and one hit for the bear on Yui's softball outfit, all bases are loaded. If I can hit a home run here, we'll turn this thing around-ssu! Everyone cheered for Nino.

As soon as Mimiko did her loopy ball pitch, Nino started to doubt herself. What if I can't hit it again-ssu? Her thoughts distracted her that it made her miss. "Strike!" Darn it! They got the bases loaded for me and everything-ssu! It's all my fault-ssu........

"You're just a for in a well, knowing nothing of the great ocean. You're closed off in your own little world, knowing victory only," said Mimiko.

~Back to Pripara~

Many girls made it to the hide-and-seek game. Punicorn is the seeker. Whoever is found by her in 3 minutes gets disqualified, but they are also allowed to move to other hiding spots. Koyoi and Sophie are currently hiding in one of the rooms inside the Pripara TV Building. 

"So............ Why do you want to hide together?" Sophie asked. "I just want to make sure you're safe and you don't run out of stamina," Koyoi replied. "I'm sure I'll be fine, Koyoi!" "Just in case, you never know."

Mirei is currently hiding deep in the forest. "Why do I feel like I'm being watched............?" She muttered, getting a chill. She was right about her theory, Asahi is currently sitting on a tall tree branch, near his senpai. No one is going to find Mirei-senpai on my watch!!!!!!!! thought Asahi with a cheeky grin.

Laala and Shougo are currently hiding on top of a tree near the TV Building. "Who would have thought you and I think the same hiding spot!!" Laala whispered. "Yeah, we've been having a lot of coincidences lately," Shougo whispered back. 

"I'm a bit surprised you know how to climb trees!" "Yeah........ I rarely climb them, but only if it's really important or something!" They both ducked before Punicorn flew over them. After the coast was clear, they popped their heads out, again. "I hope they're winning the softball game!" Laala muttered. "Who are you talking about?" Shougo asked. "Oh, nothing!"

~Softball game~

There's no room left for failure-ssu! "Nino! Keep a cool head in there! We're here to back you up, okay?!" shouted Yui. "So just go for it!" shouted the softball team. "If you're not in top form, we can back you up!" said Chii. "We can cover for you!" said Chiako. "I..... I guess we can cover for you," said Rui. "Yeah/Indeed!" said Akio and Gaiko.

"Minna......... Yoshi!" As Nino looked at Mimiko, she remembered her words from earlier. Was I just a frog this whole time in a well, not knowing the world outside? Was I just grass this whole time, ready to snap in the 1st strong breeze?

Nino went back to reality as Mimiko hits her pitch. She missed catching it. Akio and Rui ran to catch it. "I'll catch it! We'll win! And then I'll take Nino to the Idol Time Grand Prix and we'll enter!" shouted Yui, jumping. She caught the ball with the tip of her softball mitt. "I caught it!" She cheered, but as soon as she landed on the ground, her ankle twisted.

Yui felt the pain and tried not to show, but Nino spotted it right away. What should I do? It really hurts!


Only 3 girls, SoLaMi Smile, and WITH made it to the quiz. WITH won't be participating in this since they're the "prize". "I'm going to sit this one out," said Mirei. "Wait, why? You usually like doing these quizzes!" said Laala, she and Sophie having a confused face. 

"I do like them. It's just.............." She tilted her to Asahi, hoping that they get the message. "Ohhhh!!! Rightttttt!!! The prize is WITH serving the winners!" said Laala. "And it was your idea for the prize because you wanted a break from your "loving admirer"," said Sophie, giggling a little.

"Hai............ I'm surprised you guess it, Sophie." "Oi, minna! The last event is going to start! But we need a host!" said Shougo, going in backstage. "I'll be the host," said Mirei. "Plus, I don't want to be a participant." A tired expression formed on her face as she sighs, thinking what would happen. Shougo just tilted his head in confusion. "Umm..... Okay?"

Ring ring! Ring ring! Ring ring! Laala took out her Idol Watch and opened it. "Moshimoshi?" "Laala! Come to the game-ssu!!! We have a problem-ssu!!!" "Eh?! I'll go right away!" She quickly ran. "Gomen! I think Yui and Nino need my help!" 

"Okay, Laala! Make sure they win the game!" said Mirei. A problem? Should I check it out? Shougo thought, worrying a little.

~Softball game~

"Yui! Is your ankle really okay-ssu?" "It's fine, it's fine. I've got my dreamy power after all!" "What's that suppose to mean-ssu?" "Even if I'm in trouble, I just believe in my dreams and it gives me incredible amounts of power! That's dreamy power!" 

"Yeah, I ain't believing that-ssu." "Eh? Dreamy shock!" Yui turned to stone for a minute, then went back to normal. "You know, you should really work on finding your own dream, Nino."

Nino hit Yui on the head. "We don't have time to talk about your "dreamy dream" stuff-ssu! You need first aid-ssu! The rest of us will be fine!" "As I said, I have dreamy power. So I'll be fine." "No marks-ssu! I ain't buying it!"

Nino doesn't believe a word of what I'm dreaming. "Yui! Nino! I'm here! The Grand Prix is going to start soon!" "What?! Already?!" shouted Yui. Wait, maybe I can show Nino the power of my performance........

"Laala, take this!" said Yui as she gave Laala her softball mitt. "Ehh?! You're still at the bottom of the 5th match?! And you're 12 runs to 3?" "Gomen! It's up to you now!" "Be careful, all right?! You'd better get that ankle looked at soon-ssu!" "Wait, Yui's injured?!" Laala shouted, wanting to stop her, but Yui was already gone.

Akio and Rui still failed to hit Mimiko's loopy pitch. Even Nino, because of her thoughts. You know, you should really work on finding your own dream, Nino. A dream....... Did I ever have a dream-ssu? "Strike!" No, I kind of feel like I had a really big dream when I was a kid-ssu..... "Strike 2!" Demo, I can't remember at all!!! "Strike! You're out!"

"What? She got struck out?" said Laala with a tone of worry. "The Head Disciplinarian really gets under your skin and Nijiiro-san can't carry the team, so her confidence is really down." The captain explained. "The show and game are total no-gos-ssu. That's why I sent Yui to get some first aid."

Yui is currently near the school, having a hard time with her injury. "Owie, ow! Gotta run gently......." "Yumekawa-san?!" "Huh?" It was Barbaria. "What happened to your ankle?" She asked. "I sorta tripped over before and.........." 

"That's a ba-big deal! A lady shouldn't let her leg be sullied by a ba-bruise! You have to get some first aid on the double ba-bubble!" "Oh.... umm.... yeah. That's why I'm going to do it now!" said Yui.

Yui continues to walk in the school's backyard. Nino. I've never seen her without a confident smile on her face. This is nothing compared to what she's going through! Besides, I have Kami Idol SoLaMi Smile on my side! And I can't disappoint them! 

Her usual dreamy eyes and a confident look formed on her face as a funny daydream starts. I'm not injured at all! You see, when I was but a child, I was turned into a cyborg by the evil organization, Gorgonzola, and my ankles were turned into steel!

She started to run. But after a few feet, someone grabbed her hand. "You baka! Don't you know you can make your injury worse if you run?" said a voice. Nerve marks appeared on Yui's head, recognizing the voice. "Onii-chan?! What do you want now?!" 

"Nothing! Here, get on my back." "Why should I? I have my dreamy power!" "Just get on! You don't want to waste your "dreamy power" do you? Also, it'll be much faster this way." Yui finally got on Shougo's back and he went through the hole as fast as he can.

"Puni....." "Manager-san? Is Yui-san not here yet?" Punicorn just shook her head. "If she doesn't take the stage before the quiz ends, entries will be closed," Meganii explained. "Puni!" said Punicorn in dismay.

"You can do it!" Laala cheered. Dorothy and Leona had just finished business. " Heck yeah! All sold out!" said Dorothy, stretching. "Was that Laala's voice just now?" Leona wondered, stacking plates.

Rui, again, got 3 strikes. Everyone in the team sigh. "Well, this is just embarrassing to watch!" "Dorothy? Leona?" said Laala, shocked. "We'll join and help ya out!" "I'll do my best!" said Leona.

"1 more out and it's game over. I can see our team's victory clear as day," said Mimiko. "Meaning........... The  Grand Prix will end in failure when it can't get even 2 competitors, meaning...... Papaprajuku's Pripara, the root of all evil....... Well, we'll all have to bid farewell to it, won't we?" She started to laugh, not knowing Dorothy and Leona hitting pitches. 

"Whatcha laughing at? You couldn't hit the board side of a barn!" said Dorothy, laughing. "When did you get there?!" "Hey, hey! What's the matter, pitcher? Are you too scared?" said Leona. "I may have my guard down....... but that's not going to happen, again!" An evil aura surround Mimiko. "I will bring to an end to Pripara!!!"

It was finally Laala's turn. "Wow......... Her eyes have Hell's fury inside them......" "Laala! Hit like "Ka-shi-ko-ma"! Okay?" said Leona. "H-Hai!" Laala tried to hit Mimiko's loopy pitch but batted too early. "Did he tell you to hit on "ko", ya dummy?! Jeez!" said Dorothy, angry. "Gomen! But this time....... Ka..... shi..... ko....... ma!!!" She successfully hit the loopy pitch. 

The ball went past Mimiko very fast. "Nice one, Laala!" said Leona as he ran while Laala slides to the 1st base. "Ji......go.......ku......." Mimiko growled. 

It's the last inning. 2 outs, bases loaded-ssu. This is gonna decide who will win the match-ssu. A flashback of Mimiko's words flashed in Nino's mind. She's right. I've been riding on small goals and petty wins this whole time. A dream......... 

"C'mon, get it together over there!" Then, Laala's Idol Watched ringed. "Yui?" "No communication during the match!" "Gomen, gomen! I want a time out!" As Laala opened her Watch, Shougo's face appeared instead of Yui. 

"Shougo? Why do you have Yui's Watch?" Laala asked. "Nevermind that! Yui's about to start her performance. Hurry up and get a portable TV for Nijiiro-chan to see!" Shougo instructed her as quickly as he can.

Laala quickly closed her Watch and pushed a portable TV. "What going on-ssu?" "Shougo just told me that Yui's performance is about to start. "

~Back at the school~

In the cafeteria, many female students waited for Yui's performance to start when Barbaria decided to check the cafeteria. "What's going on here?"

"Kon'nichiwa! I'm Yumekawa Yui!" said Yui on TV. "Yumekawa-san?!" Yui flinched at the pain of her ankle, but tried to stay strong. Then, she gave out a speech.

"Standing right here on this stage has been my dream for so long! At first, the audience was SoLaMi SMile and a bunch of Meganee-sans, but even so, even when I have setbacks and things didn't go the way I'd hoped, I still believe in my dreams and it brought me here today! I want to send my feelings out to my beloved and bedreamed friends! Please hear them! This is my dream concert!!!"

"Ba-ree-woo!!! She's ba-burdened by injury!!! There will be no dream concert!!!" Barbaria shouted in anger. "I have a duty to protect my students: I will bar-bar this foolishness, mark my words!!!"

~During the performance~

The headmistress entered Prism Stone, not giving Meganee from the front desk a chance to register her. She opened the concert doors. "Halt this right now! I will bar-bar this performance!!!"

"Don't interfere, Headmistress Babario-san!" said Mirei as she, Sophie, and Cooky blocked her way. "Interfering a show is against the rules!!!" "Excuse me! It is not a matter of rules! I will not allow her to perform with an injured ankle!" 

"She's injured?" Sophie asked. "But Yui declared is herself. This is her dream!" "We have to watch till the end!" said Mirei.

~With Laala and Nino~

As Nino watched, she started to remember Yui's efforts in the game. Yui's not slowing down, even with her injury-ssu!

~After the Making Drama~

Barbaria just stood behind the crowd, speechless. "Why is she trying so hard with that ba-burden?"


By the end of Yui's performance, Nino finally hit a homeroom with Mimiko's loopy pitch. "That's game! Avocado Academy's Softball Club wins the match by 13 to 12!!!"

"C'mon, Ninio. Yui's waiting for us at the stage!" said Laala as the softball club, Dorothy, and Leona cheered for their victory. "You got it-ssu!" "You think I'm letting you go?" said Mimiko, ready to block them. Instead, Dorothy and Leona grabbed Mimiko's arms, preventing her. 

"We'll hold her back!" said Dorothy. "So get going!" said Leona. "I owe ya one-ssu!" "Arigatō, Dorothy, and Leona!"

They both ran as fast as they can. By the time Nurse Sophie bandaged Yui's injured ankle, Laala and Nino arrived at Pripara, just in time for Nino to register for the Grand Prix.

"Here you go! All fixed up!" said Sophie. "It's dreamed up good as new! Arigatō, Sophie!" "Nino, Laala! You made it!" "The game's all won-ssu! All thanks to that courageous show ya put on-ssu!" "Is your ankle really okay from all that dancing, Yui? We were all so worried about you!" Laala asked in concern.

"My dream power sent all the pain flying away!" said Yui, jumping up and down. "Hey, don't go nuts-ssu." "Or maybe because Shougo carried Yui all the way to Pripara. To ease the pain a bit," said Sophie. "I could've been fine without baka Onii-chan!"

WITH is currently still backstage. Shougo suddenly sneezed. "Are you catching a cold?" Asahi asked. "No, just a baka Imōto calling me a "baka"," said Shougo, pissed. "You and your Imōto have a unique relationship, especially with Laala-chan," said Koyoi. Shougo just stood there, confused while watching his teammates chuckle.

"But I gotta say cheers-ssu!" said Nino. "I reckon your performance game me power, too-ssu!" "Wow, really?!" "Please do hurry, Nino-san," said Meganee. "I'm off-ssu!" "Chuppe!" Nino and Chuppe ran out, not noticing that Barbaria was outside. "So that's what it was all about! What ba-beautiful courage!" Barbaria sobbed as she wiped her tears with a handkerchief.

"Now then! It's time for the results!" Meganii announced. "Let's find out who the winner of the first-ever Idol Time Grand Prix is!" "Ehh-? Grand Prix?! This was a competition-ssu?!"

Suddenly, the stage began to teleported to a new area. "What's this? What...... What's happening?" Meganii wondered.

3 buildings appeared in Pripara. "The winner of the Idol Time Grand Prix is Yumekawa Yui-san! Congratulations!" Meganii announced, glancing at Yui's 2 new PriTickets. "That must be.......... a new rare coord. Dream rare? And who was that girl earlier? 

I'm going to need to investigate this..........

Everyone from the audience cheered and congratulated Yui for her win.

"Arigatōgozaimashita, minna!!!" thanked Yui as she admires her new PriTickets. That girl..........

"Who was that?" SoLaMi Smile wondered in unison.

"Your Imōto won the Grand Prix, Shougo. You should congratulate her." Koyoi suggested. Shougo just shook his head. "Tsk! Why would I thank that baka?!"

Yui sneezed. "Baka Onii-chan must be calling me a baka." She muttered.

The Rosette Pact suddenly disappeared from Laala's body. A beam of light suddenly appeared on the stage. Out came Jewlie. "Who's this person?" "I don't know." "She looks so pretty." "Is it possible to get that coord?" "I want to get it, too!" 

"Kon'nichiwa, minna!" greeted Jewlie, waving. "I'll be here making sure that the Grand Prixs of Pararujuku run well!!!" Meganii appeared on the stage, too. "This is one of the goddesses of Pripara. She chose her job of guiding idols to become Kami Idols to her twin sister, Janice. She now has the job of delivering PriTickets." explained Meganii. 

"Sugoi! Pripara even has goddesses!" said Asahi, his eyes shining with curiosity and excitement.

"Since Pararujuku's Pripara hasn't been completed yet, Jewlie was asked by Janice to help SoLaMi Smile." "I actually have a surprise for everyone!" exclaimed Jewlie.

 "Can the girls who worked hard to help Meganii, Meganees, and Yumekawa Yui-san to held the Grand Prix come up here, please?" Laala, Mirei, and Sophie walked up to the stage. Sophie quickly ate a Red Flash because she knows what Jewlie is going to do.

"Pull out your bent PriTickets." They pulled out their PriTickets. A baton appeared in Jewlie's hands. She took the PriTickets and placed them on the baton. 

They all glowed and the bent part began to unbend. SoLaMi Smile's bodies began to glow, too, and Pripara Changed into their regular coords. "EHH?!" shouted the crowd. 

"Yatta! We're back!" shouted SoLaMi Smile. "Kashikoma!" "Pop, Step, Get You!" "KAWAII!!!!!!!!!" "Did you miss us, my little birds?" asked Sophie, cooly. 

"WE MISSED YOU!!!!!" "Don't lie." "GOMEN'NASAI!!!!!!!" "We'll be doing another performance to end the Idol Time Grand Prix~pri!" explained Mirei. The crowd cheered wildly.

"Sugoi! So many Making Dramas!" said Koyoi, wondering if Sophie could handle that much energy. "I knew there was a connection between them!" exclaimed Asahi as he put his fist in the air. A loud thud came from the ground. 

Asahi and Koyoi both turned and looked down. "Ehh?! Shougo?! Daijōbudesuka (Are you okay)?!" "L-Laala is one of the m-members of S-SoLaMi S-Smile. I-I've been cheek-kissed b-by a K-Kami I-Idol....................." shuttered Shougo, dizzy from the reveal. 

"Oi! Shougo! Snap out of it!" said Asahi, grabbing his shoulders and shaking him. "Laala has officially broken Shougo." Koyoi sweat-dropped.

"WE LOVE YOU, SOLAMI SMILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "Arigatō, minna, again!!!! We hope you love our future performances, Grand Prixs, and events!!!!!!!" said SoLaMi Smile as they smiled. 

"M-My students are SoLaMi Smile!!!!!!! I-I-I'm so proud!!!!!!!" sobbed Babario as she wiped her tears with her handkerchief, again.

"It feels so good to be back into our own regular coords~pri!!!" exclaimed Mirei. "It really does," said Sophie, agreeing. "Jewlie!" Laala shouted, throwing her arms around her. "Mama! That's was a wonderful performance!" "Arigatō!"

 "Keep up the great work, SoLaMi Smile!" said Jewlie, smiling before turning back to Jululu. "Aiyaiyaiayiyai....." "Let's go back to the school, neh, Jululu?" Jululu went inside the Rosette Pact.

As they exited the Pripara TV Building, many girls dashed to them, wanting their autographs and trade Friends Tickets. "We have to get back to the dorms before the curfew, right?" Laala asked Mirei. "Hai~pri." "Then, we need to find a way to get," said Sophie still in Cool Mode. 

WITH is next to the crowded SoLaMi Smile, shocked about 2 things. 1 is about finding out who is SoLaMi Smile and the other was fangirls are so focused on them that they haven't noticed BoyPara's #1 group is literally standing next to them!!!

"Are they really that famous?!" shouted Shougo, constantly rubbing his eyes. "I guess they are. After all, they are Kami Idols." Koyoi stated. "We should at least help them. They're really getting squished," said Asahi. "But how............"

Suddenly, a dark red, anger arua appeared. Everyone stopped and looked for the source of it. It was the headmistress. "Minna!!! Get to the dorms before the curfew!!!" Barbaria instructed. The fangirls immediately obeyed, leaving an entry space around SoLaMi Smile.

"Arigatō, Headmistress Barbaria-san!" said Laala as Nino was spotted with Yui on her back. "Headmistress Barbaria-san?!" Both Nino and Yui shouted. "Yui-san!" "D-Dream?!" "Congratulations on winning the Grand Prix." 

"E-Eh?" "I was able to observe your courage from the audience in Pripara." "R-Really?!" "Indeed, and I was ba-blown away! I had misunderstood Pripara this whole time! Pripara is wonderful! Viva Pripara! Baba Pripara!" "So does that mean?" Laala asked. "Most certainly it does! In fact, I'll be pushing you to go to Pripara from now on!"

"Yatta/~pri!!! We did it/~pri!!!" Yui, Nino, and SoLaMi Smile did a group hug. "Let's go to the dorms now~pri!" They were about to leave when Barbaria coughed. "Oh, and can I have a little favor?" She asked. 

"What do you need?" Sophie asked, still in Cool Mode."Could............... Could I have an autograph?" Barbaria blushed embarrassingly. "H-heh?" "The 1st time I heard your performance, it caught my heart!!!"

"We love to!" said Laala. Barbaria fished out a piece of paper and each member signed it. "A-Arigatōgozaimashita." "See you later, Headmistress Barbaria-san!" said Laala. Everyone left Priapra and headed back to the school.

"Sayōnara, WITH!!!" said the girls, waving. "Sayōnara!!!" said WITH.

"Why didn't you tell me it was a Grand Prix-ssu?" Nino asked, a bit pissed while carrying Yui to her dorm. "Eh? We thought we told you? Gomen!" said Yui. "It's all in the past now! Welp, here's your stop. Better take lots of rest, Yui!" "Un! Arigatō, Nino!"

Yui, Laala, Mirei, and Sophie, who is back to Fancy Mode, said their goodbyes and went into their dorms.


Over 5,980 words!!!!!!!

I'm sorry for keeping all of you waiting!!!!! 😓😞😔

But it's here!!!

Anyway, hope you like this chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!💙💜🖤🥳🤩


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