trouble (Dabi x chubby read...

By lil_bean22

23.3K 639 113

y/n is a quirkless 21year old trying to push past her past. y/n hasn't been in town long but dabi has bee... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4🍈
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9 part 1
chapter 9 part 2
chapter 10
chapter 11🍈
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 20
chapter 21🍈

chapter 19

395 14 2
By lil_bean22

really, really graphic fighting.

Y/n pov

This was my chance they are both weak. They are both caught up in their emotions. The fire raged inside me. I screamed from all the pain and frustration breaking down the shield. I almost fell as it broke and I smiled.
" whoa it really worked !" I exclaimed and looked at them both. Sean tried darting for the door but I kicked it closed before he even had the chance to get to it.
" are you scared now?" I asked standing infront if the door.
" im so sorry y/n!"  Lilly cried putting her hand together and falling to the floor.
" im so sorry I failed you and your mother. Please forgive me!" She pleased from the floor. I just smirked and shook my head.
" listen to her y/n, be the better person." Sean added. I rolled my eyes and started laughing.
" hell no! Your both so pathetic. You are going to know what it felt like all those years you ruined my life. And lilly. You should be ashamed of yourself!"
I had lost it all by now. I dont care about anything but revenge.
I kicked lilly in the gut with my foot on fire. She yelped out in pain. And crawled to the corner.
" im so sorry! You win!" She cried looking up at me with big tears eyes. This only added to the pleasure of killing her.
" y/n, think about this. Do you really want another death on your mind?" Sean asked backing up to the wall.

I jumped away from the door as it was busted open with blue flames. I grabbed Sean by the collar of his shirt and threw him in the corner with lilly.

   I turned my attention to dabi who was standing at the door. A sense of calm came over me and the flames stopped. I sighed softly as the burning feeling cooled down.
" d..dabi?" I croaked backing away from him. What am I doing ? I still have a mission to complete.
Hawks stepped into the room from behind dabi and waved.
  " we came here to rescue you." Hawks said with a big smile. I smirked and twirled around pointing to the corner.
" as you both can see im kind of busy, so if you would both get the fuck out of my way!" My anger was back. The little spot of hope I  had for dabi was gone. My whole being was filled with rage and the desire of revenge that I was so close to getting.
My whole body engulfed in bright red sparking flames as I stood dieritcly infront of dabi glaring at him. He seemed so sad to see me. I knew it, he diddnt care. It was probably all Hawks idea.
Dabi diddnt back down or even show a sight of fear.
" come on y/n, this is enough. We came here to get you out." Hawks urged trying his best to smile.
I rolled my eyes and sighed looking over to Sean who was healing lilly.
I groaned and held my hand up getting ready to shoot fire at them both. But dabi forcible grabbed my hand yanking me away from them.
" what the he'll are you doing?" I glared at him trying to pull away from him. There is no way he could fully grab me. I dont know how I wasn't burning his hand.
"  this is enough, killing them won't make you happy." He said calm still holding onto my hand tightly.
"" I wanted him sending more flame to the hand he was holding. He grunted softly from the heat. But deep down he knew I wouldn't hurt him. Hawks had no chance. One little flame and he wouldn't be able to fly.
" please let us go!" Lilly cried from the corner. I stomped on dabi foot making him let me go.  I smiled and grabbed a fistful of lillys hair dragging her to the middle of the room.
" let me do this, dont get in my way!" I threatened both dabi and Hawks.
Dabi seemed taken back from my actions.
" y/n please!' Lilly cried as her hair went up in flames first. I kicked her down so she was flat on the ground. I stomped on her stomach making her scream out in pain and squirm trying to get away.
" suffer and die bitch." I snickered sending a large stream of flame at her body. The flame was almost like lava burning her. She only screamed for a couple minutes until he nerves melted. She tried to crawl to Sean but I stepped on her hand with a satisfying crack of her bones.
" y/n! Thats enough! Let's go home!" Dabi yelled from behind me. I got off lilly and turned around to dabi.
" dont fucking tell me what to do!" I hissed stopping all the fire from coming out of me. Somewhere in me diddnt want to hurt either of them.
Dabi sighed and took both my hands in his. I couldn't let myself be calmed by his warm touch. I looked down at our hands. Some spots on both my hands were Alamos burnt down to the bone. I guess I have the adrenaline to thank for not feeling it.
" you don't want to be like them y/n."
I rolled my eyes ripping my hands out of his. By now Hawks was standing on the corner trying to stay out of my way. " ill go as soon as these fuckers are dead." I hissed and looked over to see Sean had alamot fully healed lilly. I groaned and stomped my foot. I gestured over to them.
" see what happen, huh? Just leave me be for ten minutes." I demanded glaring at dabi. He had a look in his eyes as if he understood what I was doing.
" kill Sean first." He smirked and took a couple steps back.
Hawks wings fluttered " dabi, what the fuck! We need to go now." Hawks grabbed at dabis sleeve. Dabi shrugged him off and glared at Hawks.

    " I know how stronger the hate can make someone feel. Let her do this, she's not killing innocent people. Wait or leave." Dabi pointed to the door.
Hawks seemed so co fused and scared.
" im waiting outside." He left the room and I wanted to jump for him.
" what if he gets the heros?" I looked up to dabi.
He shook his head and leaned agaisnt the wall. " get it over with already, I know how badly you want to." He said calmly and looked over to the two.
" why won't my quirk work!?" Lilly screamed trying her hardest to make a shield. I rolled my eyes and kicked in in the nose.
" get out of my way!" She yelped crawling away from Sean.
" do you know how happy its going to make me to see you burn?" I chuckled grabbing Sean by the collar and dragging him from the corner.
" im not even going to stop you. Your not worth fighting for. I never even cared." He smirked and leaned his head back. He's going to be like that even before be dies. I kicked him in the face making him groan in pain. But it healed instantly.
Shit his fucking quirk.
" not going to be so easy." He snickered standing up crossing his arms.
" let me do it." Dabi raised his hand smirking evily. 
" no, I have to be the one. Even if It takes days for him to die." I smiled and lined my hand right to his chest.
" bye, bye!" I laughed and shot as much fire as I could directly aimed at his heart.
He was screaming so loud it almost hurt my ears. But I enjoyed every second of it. He would slowly heal then start to brun again. I used both my hands and started blasting him with all that I had. After healing a couple more times he let out a faint cry as his skin started melting. He was almost like a human candle.
" I have always hated you." Sean whispered before filing limp to the floor. But it wasnt enough. I screamed and shit the fire right in his face.
Once he wasnt moving I turned to lilly and laughed.
" round two." I chuckled  and kicked her jaw then her nose and took one last hit to her stomach. She was already cring  in pain.
I crouched down infront of her and whispered " bye,bye" I out my hand on her chest and face using all the power I had left. He struggled and thrashed around as I melted her. I melted a whole in her chest and she died as soon as my hand had touched her heart. I fell backwards panting looking at the destruction I had caused. Everything started to blur and the adrenaline started to fade.
I screamed holding my hands in the air. The tears streamed down my face as I was hit with intense pain. My whole body felt like it was on fire. I looked at my arms and legs. Some parts of me were so badly burnt you could almost see the bone. I had melted myself. Dabi rushed over to my side and grabbed my shaky hand. He was careful to grab at my wrist were it wasnt burnt.
" keigo! Time to go to a hospital!" Dabi yelled at the door. I couldn't think straight. I could only feel the burning pain.
Hawks came in and looked in the room. He face was filled with horror. He tried to  compose himself looking at the all the blood and  all three of there bodies still on fire.
  " we can't. The police would get involved. We have to do this at your place. " Hawks started walking over to us. I was still crying  and screaming in pain. I dont know how they talked over me.
" baby, shush, its going to be ok." Dabi stroked my hair before picking me up bridal style  only making my scream louder and curl up in his arms. My burns are now rubbing against him and me making it worse.
" dabi please make it stop!" I cried holding my hands infront of me. I couldn't see straight. And the only thing I knew was every movement hurt,  Every touch hurt.
" y/n, in order to get out of here your going to have to try to be quiet. I know it hurts baby." He kissed my forheard and gasped softly.
" you feel so hot."
" keigo take her, you can get her back to the house faster then I can." Dabi said and Hawks made a iffy face at dabi.
" I don't think I can." He looked so guilty.
"No, dabi dont leave me!" I cried out looking up at him. He cursed under his breathe looking down at me.
I had stopped screaming as I had become almost numb. I was whimpering and yelping at every movement.
" go to the house get everything ready." Dabi ordered kicking the door down and heading to the car. I looked at the car wondering how he got it there.
" w..where did you get a car?" I asked making dabi chuckled.
" that what your worried about right now? It dosnt matter we need to get you home Pronto." He said swing down at me. He opened the back door and layed me down on the seat making me scream  in pain. My burns rubbed agaisnt the seat. I cried  sprawling out in the back seat.

" its going to be ok baby. Your safe now." Dabi said kissing my forhead and slamming the door shut. He got in front and sped out if the driveway. I could tell he was going way over the speed limit. Proably around 90mph.
" dabi?" I whispered feeling myself fade away. The pain was just to much. I dont want the pain this time.
" yes?" He asked not taking his eyes off the road.
" I cant." Is all i said before I blacked out.

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