By Froggie2004

274K 7.3K 1.7K

You are a demon. A demon that, unlike other demons, cares for human life. This all started when you made a co... More

Do you wish to make a contract?
What have you done to me?
Little Phantomhive
Against the contract
It's been a while
Well then...
Finally found you
Finally found you pt2
Just a quickie
First day of work
Episode one
Episode 2
Talk of the past
That Sutcliff
The human and the demon
The human and the demon part 2
The human and the demon part 3

The tale concludes

2.5K 91 18
By Froggie2004

A/N - happy new year! I hope you are all well

You listened closely to Sebastian's tale.

"... And then what happened?" You asked quietly.
It was a moment before the demon answered as he stared off at nowhere in particular. Although, you didn't really need an answer. For some reason, you felt you already knew.

"She died." Sebastian uttered after a beat, "accused of witchcraft, imprisoned, burned at the stake, I'm sure you can imagine."

Oh. That was the only sound that could escape your lips. You looked at Sebastian's face, studying it for any hint of... well anything. His face remained as passive as ever, so it was hard to grasp how he truly felt about D/N. While it was factual that demons could not feel love - you being somewhat of an exception - Sebastian must have felt something, whether that be interest, affection or otherwise. But his face didn't give much away, except maybe the dim wistfulness in his eyes when he spoke of her.

But there was a singular burning question in your mind. Sebastian hadn't needed to say it but you knew. You felt a sinking feeling dwell in your stomach as you muttered;

"Then how did I end up like this...?"

You were hesitant to ask. The sinking feeling in your stomach only grew more prominent as Sebastian's face morphed into one more of pity or even regret, a slight but very noticeable change. But his expression shifted back to his neutral one just as quickly.

After several moments, Sebastian still hadn't answered, so you asked again, "if it is as you say, that I was some... dead, god worshipping healer... then how? Why am I like this?"

Sebastian adjusted his position slightly before answering after another moment of silence, "I did not wish for D/N to die."

You raised her eyebrows, imploring Sebastian to continue, and he did.

"Do you think after having been touched by a demon and using its powers for so long, although unknowingly, she could make it to heaven. No. Her tainted soul would be cast down to the eternal fires of hell, and I had no desire for her to suffer such a fate."

Then he sighed and smiled to himself, "or maybe I am just using that as an excuse. Perhaps it was for a more selfish reason. But I digress. I had taken her soul so it could be morphed into a being such as myself as a sort of rebirth. That was the only way to save her soul. Although," he paused to look down at your confused, almost disturbed expression, "I feel I may have subjected her to a similar eternal torment after all."

You listened , but had no idea what to make of any of it. Human souls who become demons usually have a desire to do so, and are the most wicked and vile of human kind. Those kinds of humans were rare and far between. To find a human so despicable they could actually become a demon was near impossible, so you had often wondered what atrocities you had committed as a human to meet the requirements. As it turned out, you had done nothing. Hell, you were even a devout worshipper of god!

You began slowly, massaging your temples, "I... I'm not sure what to make of any of this. I mean, it isn't like I can say everything I have known is a lie because... well I didn't know anything. However, this is really not what I was expecting to be my origin story or whatnot."

You leaned against the wall and sighed, not entirely sure of what to do next. Sebastian beside you stood orderly, looking at you through a side eye. Any semblance of affection he had for you when you were still human seemed practically non existent now. This prompted you to ask, your head still buzzing with all this new information.

"You speak of D/N as though she is a different person. Is she not just me?"

"No." Sebastian's said quickly, "you are not the same."

You were taken aback slightly by Sebastian's quick and harsh response, then smiled sadly, "no, I suppose we're not the same anymore."

You steadily began to pace, your fingers laced behind your back. You turned to look at Sebastian, "is this why you have been so cold to me?

Sebastian did not answer. You continued, "I share D/N's face and soul, but I am not her anymore. It should go without saying that I also lack the feelings she once had for you. A cruel irony, isn't it? And what are the chances that I would find my way back to you again. Perhaps fate has it out for you."

Sebastian still said nothing with an unreadable expression. You sighed and gazed out of the large windows of the mansion, "well, as I said before, I plan to leave this place shortly so I won't take up too much more of your time, but if I may?"

The demon beckoned you to continue. It was a straightforward question, "do you regret it?"

For a brief moment, it appeared as though Sebastian was surprised by the question. He hesitated before letting out a soft breath, "I do not know."

You sighed, "alright."

You weren't sure of what to say next, and after several moments of silence, you decided to end the conversation.

"Well, I guess I'll be off." You proclaim as you start making your way towards the manor doors, "look after Ciel - though I know you will. Oh and give my best to Mey-Rin, Finny and Bard."

You suddenly felt a wave of awkwardness wash over you, "and uh... even if you weren't the nicest when we met -I know I wasn't either - I'd like to think that we are on better terms now... so... take care of yourself to... I guess..."

Sebastian looked slightly surprised, but then gave a small smile, "I will."

You smiled back, "then I'll see you around."

Before completely slipping out the large front doors you added, "it's been brief, but I've enjoyed working here again."

And then you disappeared out into the night.


London streets were quiet at night. There were a few drunks sprawled out on the ground, a few couples on late-night strolls, but still quite enough for you to ponder everything you'd just been told. You thought of Vincent, your outburst at Ciel and a few previous instances in your life.

"I guess I really don't suit all this demon and soul-eating business." You muttered to yourself. However, if what Sebastian had told you was true then it made sense; you weren't meant to be a demon.

You felt your mind swirling with all kinds of thoughts, as you gazed at your surroundings. While you thought you were walking without purpose, it appeared as though, at least subconsciously, you went to seek out the closet you had to a friend in this world.

You looked up at the crooked building with the large sign reading Undertaker and felt an odd mix of comfort and dread inside you.

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