The Scorch Trials: A Newt Fan...

By dreambirdgirl

61.4K 1.3K 624

Being Brenda's little sister, Beth was always in the shadows. But when a strange group of teens wander into t... More

1. Well That Isn't Very Fair
3. It's Like Neverland
4. Soaring, Flying
5. Call Me Salamander
6. What A Shit Hole
7. Good Ol' Bertha
8. Bout Blown Our Heads Off
9. Now Isn't The Time For Beauty Sleep
10. Rude Awakening
11. Long Lost
12. Food For Me
13. Deep Moments
14. Heartbeat
15. Little Gestures
16. Mistakes
17. Holes In The Walls
18. I Love
19. Unwanted Guests
20. Bloody Loss
21. Whose Fault
22. Sis
23. Kitchen King
24. Date Night
25. Busted And Bruised
26. Promise Proposals

2. How Shocking

4.3K 97 109
By dreambirdgirl

I wanted to argue with them. Yell at them. Tell them I couldn't be hid away like a child. I was only one year younger than Brenda, so it baffles me that he instantly has maturity power.

There was no point in trying to convince them, so with a sigh of defeat, I nodded my head and turned back to the spotting scope.

Brenda sat her hand on my shoulder in attempt to be comforting, but I shrugged it off. She acted like she was the only one that lost someone all those years ago. I was closer to George than she ever was. I mean, we shared a womb together for heavens sakes.

I looked back through the scope just in time to see lighting strike down upon one of the people.

I let out a gasp and stepped back from the shock. They were probably dead, or extremely injured. My mind was racing.

"That's it," I said out loud. I was done sitting around and watching. I was going to go with Brenda and make sure that the person was okay.

I was the one who patched people up in the warehouse. The only makeshift nurse they had, so if there was a chance I could help, I would.

I rushed out of the room and down the hall. The old warehouse seemed to be larger than normal as I tried to catch up with Brenda. As I got closer to the main entry way, I could smell the rotting flesh of the Cranks.

As I ran around the corner into the guard dog room, smacking into Brenda's back and making us both stumble forward.

"What the hell Beth," she groaned as she rubbed her forehead.

"They got struck," I said quickly. "I came to see if they were okay."

"Only I got hit," one of the boys from the group said.

I quickly searched his body with my eyes. He looked tired and his hair stood on end, but other than that he looked fine.

"Are you okay?" I asked and rushed to his side. "Do you have movement in all of your limbs?" I threw out questions as I grabbed his arm all held it up. There was a burnt spot on his shoulder where I assumed he was hit.

"Yes?" his response more of a question than an answer.

My sudden interest in their wellbeing must've been the complete opposite of what Brenda had done.

"Will you stop," Brenda snapped as she yanked me back by my arm.

I had done my part, he was okay. Pride and triumph washed over me when I realized I went against Brenda and Jorge. I was here, meeting them:

When she pulled me back and I got a good look at the rest of the bunch. I was correct about their ages. They all looked young.

The first person that caught my eye was the only girl in the group. Something was off about the way she looked at me though. The others looked confused, but she just looked irritated.

My eyes continued to wander over the teens. Each varied drastically from one another.

Then my eyes landed on him. He was standing off to the side, staring at me intensely. His dirty blonde hair was shaggy and he had lines between his eyebrows as if he was in serious thought. He was taller than the others and had a lean, but muscular frame.

My breath hitched in my throat and my body went rigid.

They way his chest rose as he breathed and the way his lips were parted slightly as he panted from the run had me mesmerized. I noticed he had a small scar under his left eye. I wondered what happened to him.

His eyes didn't leave mine as we locked in an intense stare. It wasn't until one of the other boys shifted beside him that I snapped out of it.

I cleared my throat. "I'm Beth," I said sticking my hand out to any of them.

I could hear Brenda scoff behind me.

The one I assumed to be the leader reached out and shook it. "Thomas," he shook my hand once before he dropped it.

"Well Thomas," I smiled. "Welcome to the warehouse."


And they have met!

Well Newt obviously caught Beth's eye, what about Beth for Newt?

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