Take my Hand (A KYLO REN X RE...

By Littlelight2077

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Y/N is from a small almost unknown planet. Your family taken from you when you were young you had nothing lef... More

Authors note
Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen
Authors Note
Chapter Sixteen.

Chapter three.

605 25 30
By Littlelight2077

Poes fingers laced through yours as you rested your head on his chest. A faint humming of slow music faded in the background as he swung you back and forth. Together you slow danced through the empty ship bay. His mind was at peace and so was yours. There was nothing that could change how you two felt in this moment.

Then the blinding white lights pulled you from your dream. You arms and legs strapped down as your ears rang and head pounded. Heavy breathing came from behind you as he said "so that's what you dream about?"

His cape whipped behind him as he swiftly and aggressively paced to the front of you looking down on you from his mask. Eyes piercing through you skull. You could feel the pull as he entered your brain scanning your thoughts. You wouldn't be intimidated. You wouldn't give him the satisfaction.

You began to push back and try to block him from your thoughts.

"Interesting. Even when your weak you're strong" he hissed from behind his mask. He began circling you running his finger slowly across your collar bone right to left. When he reached a stance behind you he grabbed the top of your head and ripped it back. Breathing into your ear he growled "you will break. And you will lead me to them".

You pressed your eyes shut trying yet again to send a message through to Leia but it was all static and the sounds deafening.

"Foolish girl. I know who you're trying to reach. I've spent many years practicing resisting her. This space-" he waved his hands around "- is a steal trap. You won't get through". His mechanical voice vibrating your ear drums as you pushed even harder. It seemed almost for a moment that a sliver of light reached through his black wall, but if it did the wall was quickly patched up and then reinforced.

"Give up now. You're going to hurt yourself if you keep trying" he demanded circling you like a vulture circles it's prey. You pressed on continuing the tug of war.

"GIVE UP" he yelled his body now shaking from anger and slamming his fists into the wall causing large dents and electrical sparks to fly. The sound of the metal bending caused you to jump in your shackles.

She will hear me you thought loudly on purpose knowing he'd hear you.

"GIVE UP" he screamed sliding up to be face to face with you "NOW". You opened your eyes to look into his as his breath panted heavily behind the mask. You couldn't give up without one more push.

Slamming your eyes shut you screamed out in pain as you pushed his block back and sent out a single word.


He quickly smacked you across your cheek and then raised the hilt of his saber and knocked you on the side of your head leaving you unconscious.



Pacing the control rooms floor rapidly Poe bit his nails furiously. The sound of the doors opening stopped him in his tracks as he turned to face Leia as she entered followed by fellow resistance pilots.

"What's going on?!" He pleaded for answers. All he had heard was that there was an attack on Cielo.

"Our men stopped the flames and have sent help to the citizens. She wasn't there Poe..." her voice trailed off. Her eyes began to squint as her hand raised to her forehead and she began to collapse. Poe rushed to her side catching her and gently guiding her to a chair. "I think.." she started but another wince of intense pain crossed her face.

"What's happening?!" Poes worry rising.

Leias eyes shot open.

"She's on the finalizer" she whispered.

"She's where?! Are you sure?! How do you know?!" Poe sat next to her in shock.

"I've never experienced something like this before. It was like her and another force were battling but she broke through with one word. One very clear word. The force must be strong in her..." Leia said rubbing her temples.

"What do we do now?" Poe questioned quietly waving to one of the nearby pilots to get aid for Leia.

"We'll have to figure out a rescue before they sink their dark claws into her. If she falls to the dark side.."

"Don't think about that. Well get her I'll make sure of it" Poe stood from his chair. "Let's ready our men" he waved out his fellow pilots ready to make a plan.


You woke to find yourself in a bed inside of what you could only assume was a cell. Your head was pounding unbearably making it nearly impossible to sit up. At first you had forgotten where you where and what happened, but as your vision faded in so did your memory.

An older woman sat beside you reaching over a glass of water. "Drink". Hesitantly you grabbed the glass keeping your eyes on the stranger and taking a sip of the cold water. You felt wetness drip down from your nose to your upper lip and you wiped it with your hand seeing red and tasting iron.

"He really did a number on you didn't he" she said as she grabbed a damp towel and started dabbing your face clean of the bloody nose.

"What-what happened?" You asked.

"I couldn't rightly tell you. I wasn't there. From the looks of it he may have smacked your face pretty hard" she pointed to your cheek and even just the light pressure of  her finger caused you to wince and pull back in pain. She handed you a small hand mirror so you could inspect for yourself. You saw a large handprint shaped bruise covering your cheek and the dried up blood from a bloody nose.

"Who is he?" You asked as you continued to inspect the bruise in the mirror tracing his fingerprints.

"That was Commander Ren. Best to stay out of his way and on his good side" she said standing up and leaving you to your cell.

Kylo Ren. I should have known. This is exactly why I didn't want to get involved with this war.

"You shouldn't have helped the resistance if that was true" he said as he entered the room and nodded farewell to the nurse as she slipped away.

"Get out of my head" you growled at him and backing up on your bed to distance yourself. He had now taken the seat beside your bed that the nurse had been sitting at.

"Bite your tongue little dove. You don't get to tell me what to do." He growled back. "I didn't want to hurt you..."

Rolling your eyes you said "don't call me little" as you looked into his eyes behind his mask. You could feel the anger build in him as his hands bunched into fists the leather scrunching.

"Watch your mouth. I won't tell you again. Get some rest. We have a lot to discuss tomorrow" he said and stormed out slamming shut the door behind him.

Rest was the last thing on your mind. Thoughts racing quickly through your head hoping the resistance heard your message and that help would be on the way. You had to find a way out of this place without alerting him since he seemed to have all access to your thoughts. You were used to it being the other way around and you weren't sure in the slightest how you were going to accomplish anything.

Your head still pounding you laid back down and let yourself give in to sleep. There would be plenty of time to plot your escape later. For now, you needed to build you strength back up.

The next morning you woke up to the sounds of D-Os squeaky wheel rolling around the cell.

"D-O! You're here!" You scurried out of the bed over to your droid petting his head while he let out his mechanical purs.

"Thank you" D-Os robotic voice chirped.

"I've missed you" you whispered to him. "Where have you been?"

D-O lead you to the cells table where a cup of coffee and an apple awaited you. "Ahh thank you buddy" you said ready to refuel.

Just as you were about to take your first bite a storm trooper entered the room startling the both of you. D-O tucked behind your chair to hide.

"Your immediate presence is requested. Follow me please" the trooper waved at you to follow him but you hesitated. "Now" he demanded. "You too droid".

You both followed him through the halls keeping close behind him and glancing at each other periodically for reassurance. If you had been reading the signs correctly he was leading you to... no that couldn't be right.

Soon you reached a large door and two massive men, knights of Ren you guessed, stood guard. Saying nothing they opened the door and you were lead inside.

Kylo Rens personal quarters.

There he was standing right in the middle of the room. You knew you should hate him but seeing his towering body standing there made butterflies spin in your stomach.

"You're to stand outside the door until you're needed again" he said waving the storm trooper back out. You stood there silently watching as he made his way close to you. The heat in your body rising. He took your face in his hand and the coldness of the leather almost felt good against the throbbing bruise. He traced the marking of his hand on your cheek. "I really didn't want to hurt you".

"Then why do it" you rolled your eyes.

"There is always punishment when I'm not listened to." He let go of your face slowly. "Come here" he ushered you to the kitchen where he pulled out an ice pack and wrapped it in a towel. "We need to ice that. Sit" he patted the counter.

"I can do it myself" you tried to reach for the ice pack but he pulled it from your reach.

"I said sit" he was growing more annoyed with you. You shook your head no at him and crossed your arms making his fists clench again. He grabbed you by the waist lifting you and placing you on the counter. "Better.."

He placed the ice gently on your bruise causing you to flinch and let out a little Yelp. "Shh... this will help you". His care for you  was confusing you.

Ben is still in there...

"Ben Solo is dead" he growled.

"Why are you taking care of me right now then?" You smirked.

"I need you at full strength little dove" he brushed your messy hair out of your face. "Hold the ice pack". You took over his hands position holding the ice to your face. Your hands briefly held together and it caused a stirring inside of you again.

"Who are you?" He asked. He was still standing close to you his body placed between your legs as they dangled down from the counter. Even sitting at a taller height he seemed to tower over you. You began to long for his mask to come off so you could study his face.

"I'm nobody" you said looking into his eyes through his mask.

"Somebody that's a nobody can't wield the force" he said. "Where are you from?"

"I'm from Cielo. You know.. the planet you set on fire. And that's not the first time someone's come and caused destruction like that.." you growled at him.

"Your planet will be fine. I'm sure the resistance is already cleaning up my mess". He scooted himself backwards and leaned his back against the fridge behind him.

He's as big as the fridge you thought.

"A clean up crew doesn't fix murder" you watched for his reaction but there was none. He didn't appear to show any remorse.

"You know..." he began. "You and I could make an unstoppable team. I can train you."

"I'd never join your team. Murder and destruction are not on my to-do list".

"Thank you" D-O said from the corner of the room. He was always so quiet.

"What was that droid?" Kylo said to him.

"Sometimes when he is scared he says things that don't make sense." You answered.

"Do you do the same? Because joining me would make sense. Yet you say no. I think we are more alike than you realize little dove". He was watching you so intensely it made you feel weak.

"We have nothing in common. You're a monster." You scoffed.

"Maybe I am." He walked towards D-O and you watched him tensely worried he might hurt your friend. "I do what I have to do." He knelt down and studied D-O when he suddenly ripped a wire out.

"HEY!" You yelled jumping down from the counter and running over to stop him. He reached his hand out your direction stopping you in your tracks with the force.

Kylo made some adjustments you couldn't see and then plugged the wire back in. "He had some loose parts".

"Thank you" D-O said happily scooting forward and back a few times. His happy dance.

"Oh... thanks" you whispered as he let go of the force hold on you.

Your head was still pounding from the blow to your head and the excitement made you start to feel uneasy. You knew you were going to faint so you headed toward the sofa hoping you'd make it before you collapsed. Kylo had made it over to you instantly and you fell right into his arms. You felt comfort in that moment and nestled your head against his chest. He slowly sat down on the sofa pulling you with him.

Ben I know you're in there...

"Stop" he said as his body stiffened. "As I said before, I need you at full strength for training."

You both sat there quietly for what felt like hours but in reality it was only a few minutes.

"How long have you been using the force?" He asked breaking the silence.

"My whole life I guess... I didn't know what it was until I met Leia.." you trailed off.

"I can train you. The strength you hold is unlike anything. You need a teacher" he said standing up.

"So I've been told."

"Take my hand" he reached out to you. "Let me show you".

"I will never choose the dark side" you shouted at him and in an instant he had you dangling in the air by your throat. He threw you against the wall and marched toward you pushing his body into yours and grabbing your throat with his hands.

"Watch it" he growled into your ear. Goosebumps grew over your body again and an aching feeling arose below your waist. "I can feel how much you like it when I'm near you."

"One minute you're smashing my head in. The next you're aiding my wounds and asking me about my life. Then you're right back to chocking me. Your mood swings are giving me whiplash" you croaked. "I can sense the struggle in you" you whispered out as his grip loosened and he lowered you back down. "Let me see your face".

For a moment it looked as though he contemplated it but then he turned away and said "you'll see it when you deserve to". You felt him struggling right in front of you. The light in him wanted to rise but the rage was overpowering.

You walked to the front of him and placed your hand over his heart as you looked up at him. You both felt an aching for each other now and it was growing unstoppable. He grabbed your face with one hand and your waist with the other pulling you tightly against him.

"Join me little dove".

You shook your head no. He pulled you in harder and reached to his mask. The sound of the air escaping his helmet caused a hitch in your heart. You were going to see his face close up. He pulled the helmet off and tossed it to the floor pulling you back into his hands and against his body.

"You will join me little dove. You will be mine. And only mine." Your insides were stirring like crazy now craving more of him. Your body trembled beneath his grasp on your waist and your breathing grew heavier. Without realizing you had been tilting your head up closer to him and he had been moving closer to you. Your lips just barley separated. "Mine" he whispered and then smashed his lips onto yours and fully squeezing you into him.

You let out a soft moan as he pushed his leg between your thighs adding pressure down there. His kiss grew more intense and filled with red hot desire. He pulled back biting at your bottom lip on the way.

Your moans escaped you. This was so unlike you. You knew what he was. What was inside of him. You didn't care. You wanted him.

"Join Me" he pleaded you.

"Join me instead" you said.

You felt him instantly turn back to rage as he dropped you to the floor and with the flick of his fingers he opened the main door.

"Take her to her chamber" he said over his shoulder to the trooper and he stormed into another room of his quarters slamming the door shut behind him.

You hesitated and the trooper shoulder checked you with his blaster so you'd start walking. D-O followed closely behind.

Oh god... D-O... what did he see. Your cheeks flushed at the thought.

"You don't ever piss off the Commander. Do you understand?" The trooper said. His voice sounded too familiar.

"What?!" You said. The trooper pushed you into a nearby utility closet and removed his helmet.

"Poe?!" You exclaimed. D-O chirped in excitement along side you.

"SHHH! Do. Not. Piss. Him. Off. I couldn't handle it if something else happened to you" he gently pet the bruise on your face. 

"It's time to get you off of this ship."

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