Kim Potential

By regertz

677 0 0

A desperate Dr. Drakken has sensibly reviewed his Files of Past Plots to find the most effective weapon yet u... More

"Kim Potential..." Part I
"Kim Potential..." Part II...
"Kim Potential..." Part III...
"Kim Potential..." Part IV...
"Kim Potential..." Part V...
"Kim Potential..." Part VI...
"Kim Potential..." Part VII...
"Kim Potential..." Part VIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part IX...
"Kim Potential..." Part X...
"Kim Potential..." Part XI...
"Kim Potential..." Part XII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XIV...
"Kim Potential..." Part XV...
"Kim Potential..." Part XVI...
"Kim Potential..." Part XVII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XVIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XIX...
"Kim Potential..." Part XX...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXI...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXIV...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXV...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXVI...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXVII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXVIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXIX...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXX...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXXI...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXXII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXXIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXXIV...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXXV...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXXVI...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXXVII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXXVIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXXIX...
"Kim Potential..." Part XL...
"Kim Potential..." Part XLI...
"Kim Potential..." Part XLII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XLIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XLIV...
"Kim Potential..." Part XLV...
"Kim Potential..." Part XLVI...
"Kim Potential..." Part XLVII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XLVIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XLIX...
"Kim Potential..." Part L...
"Kim Potential..." Part LI...
"Kim Potential..." Part LII...
"Kim Potential..." Part LIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part LIV...
"Kim Potential..." Part LV...
"Kim Potential..." Part LVI...
"Kim Potential..." Part LVII...
"Kim Potential..." Part LVIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part LIX...
"Kim Potential..." Part LX...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXI...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXII...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXIV...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXV...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXVI...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXVII...
"Kim Potential..." Part LVIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXIX...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXX...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXXI...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXXII...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXXIV...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXXV...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXXVI...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXXVII...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXXVIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXXIX...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXXX...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXXXI...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXXXII...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXXXIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXXXIV...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXXXV...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXXXVI...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXXXVII...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXXXVIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXXXIX...
"Kim Potential..." Part XC...
"Kim Potential..." Part XCI...
"Kim Potential..." Part XCII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XCIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XCIV...
"Kim Potential..." Part XCV...
"Kim Potential..." Part XCVII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XCVIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XCIX...
"Kim Potential..." Part C...

"Kim Potential..." Part XCVI...

3 0 0
By regertz

Kim Potential...

Summary: A desperate Dr. Drakken has sensibly reviewed his Files of Past Plots to find the most effective weapon yet used on KP and improve it with unexpected results. Ron and company find they have a new partner.

Disclaimer: No infringement intended.

Part XCVI...

Lost Island, Bortel's private lab...

Bortel shaking head to Drakken's anxious stare...

"Cyrus, the figures are correct. Lindendon is using a slightly souped up North Korean vehicle, just extra boosters. And initially he has to match velocity with his nukes to bring them along to the target. Our vehicle can outpace him to the interception point."

"Ja...But for der manned vehicle, there ist only enough power to reach the intercept. Drew?"

"A second vehicle can be sent out with return fuel, the first outfitted with extra air supply to hold out till it can reach...Me."

"Drew..." Bortel frowned. "We both know the chances of survival after you destroy Lindendon's nukes are minimal, the radiation will be extreme, let alone der blast. And Lindendon will survive, to try again. You vill be der dead hero, of pointless sacrifice." Another shake of head.

"Not if we succeed in cutting him off from his alternate universes..." Drakken insisted. "And we know now Carrel's method of achieving interdimensional access was simple resonance frequency of all the molecules in Lindendon's body."

"A remarkable achievement for those days..." Bortel sighed. "I must admit, I am impressed."

"And yet so basically simple no one thought of it as the answer...Before we did..." Drakken, grin. "Lindendon's strength and power is a sham...All we need to do is disrupt the harmony of the resonance across his molecules and he won't be able to access interdimensional energy and recreate himself. The moving picture will jam in one place and he'll be vulnerable."

"For der short period..." Bortel noted. "Der simplicity of Carrel's vision is its strength. After a few moments the molecules vill realign and he vill be the shifter again until we find the new frequency, if ve are not dead by then."

"We only need one short period and to catch him in the blast." Drakken noted, calmly. "My nukes are in orbit and have enough booster power to break out of orbit, they just need me to guide them and give an extra assist."

"Via magnetic lasso? Hmmn..." Bortel sighed.

"Unless you've come up with a 'Star Trek' tractor beam?" Drakken eyed him, with arch look.

"I haf played mit der idea...Not quite there yet." Bortel smiled.

"Me neither...And sadly there's no time to check with the world's more willing to sell out supervillains." Drakken sighed.

"Magnetic lasso it is then. But Drew, ve can still accomplish this mit the droids. One can pilot der craft."

"They couldn't handle the decisions they might have to make...And they're more vulnerable to radiation than we are, you know that Cyrus." Drakken sighed.

"Den I must go. You haf a wife und daughter. I'm an old man who has had der long life and spent der too much time playing. Und I am the super supergenius. I will go." Bortel insisted.

"Cyrus, I'm the younger man. Granted that may only give me a few moments edge. But even a few moments could make the difference. You might not last long enough to do it. Besides, Lindendon still trusts you. If you're broadcasting to him from Earth, you can keep him in the dark in case the North Koreans catch on to me and try to reach him. I doubt he's bringing much in the way of tracking equipment, too heavy for that vehicle and he prefers to fly by the seat of his pants...The only danger to me is the blast and I would have a better chance of surviving it, courtesy my little experiments in radiation protection and strength enhancement via emotion."

"Der blue skin ist not proof against cobalt-thorium bombs, Drakken." Bortel frowned.

"But it's some protection. Admit it, Cyrus...This one time. I'm the better man for the job." Drakken grinned. "I'll even concede it's not in terms of brains..."

"Shego needs you, Drew." Cyrus eyed him. "If she loses you and her daughter..."

"Sheila will know I died for her and Kimberly. And atoned for what I've done to my poor girl(s). If I die. I've no intention of just throwing my life away, Cyrus. I'll do this with or without you, but if you want any chance of still having a foeman worthy of you...In prison chess?"

Pfft...The droid working at bench on the resonance frequency disruptor mechanism... "Pardon, sirs."

"Sorry...All my droids ist programmed for that when you mak with der bombast." Bortel grinned at Drakken, then sighed at Drakken's steady stare. "All right...Ve vill put heads together and see what can be done to provide an old man with amusement in his enforced retirement." Grin.

"Mein Gott...You, der self-sacrificing hero...Vat ist the world coming to?" smile.


North Korea...Just outside the Potemkin city that had been built to please Lindendon on his arrival, a secret rocket launch facility...And far more...

As the Colonel proudly noted to Shego as they were whisked along by high-speed...Chinese imported, Lindendon noted...Mag lev train...

"A storage facility...For your genetic samples?" She eyed him.

"Those of all I have judged worthy, yes. And now, thanks to your husband, Dr. Drakken, my erstwhile partner and betrayer, a cloning facility, in the near future. We are setting up for mass production even as we speak. And by the time I have completed my flight and returned to Earth...We will be in production. By the time Earth is once again inhabitable, millions of my children will be ready to take their place as the new Humanity...The Superior Humanity."

"Superior to whom, if everyone else is dead?" Shego eyed him. "The same divisions will open up in a few years...This Lindendon branch's not quite as Lindendon as another...Shego group Bs are better than groupAs."

"They will be unified, without the divisions and pettiness of the past." He insisted. "And once again, Dr. Drakken's help has been invaluable. I'd thought massive indoctrination would be the only way, perhaps coupled to brain surgery. But your daughter's creation has shown me the way to bind all my children together, as one, under me." He smiled at Shego's frown. "And yes, they will be Lindendon/Shegos, Lindendon/Bortels, Lindendon/Avairus es, perhaps even Lindendon/Drakkens. I'm not a vengeful man when it comes to creating a superior breed for the good of Humanity."

"Nice..." Shego shrugged. "I'm sure they'll make you their God and pray to your spirit every night."

"No need." He chuckled, the hideous face leering at her. "I will be with them forever, immortal. Their Father-Creator...Their Hero."

"I'd crank the Attitudinator way up on 'insane devotion' for that, Colonel." She noted calmly.

"Whatever is required. There'll be plenty of time...And you, among others...To experiment on." He smiled thinly. "I understand from my friend Bortel that you have indeed 'experienced' the effects of the device before."

Dark look... "Don't count on it too much. Kimberly may be a true Drakken but she thinks for herself."

"I wouldn't have my future bride any other way, dear Mother-in-law." Calm smile, he turning to the driver's assistant who'd come back to tell him they were arriving...

"And here we are...You, my dear future mother-in-law, shall be honored to bear witness to my greatest feat yet." Lindendon, eager stance. "When Marion Lindendon once again took to the skies and won the praise of all future Humanity!" He grandiosely waved a huge hand at the train's front right window as the train slowed to a stop, Shego reluctantly looking out...

"Nice...Not exactly a Saturn V or an Orion, but nice..." she shrugged at the large rocket on pad. "Though Drew has this rocket design, it's gotta be twice as big."

("EStepmom says it's a rocket..." Potential noted to Kim, she intent on following the feed from Shego. "Keep your eyes on the control, coma girl!" she frowned. "I can't do this all by myself you know."

"Shut up and keep listening, I've got this." Kim, grimly. Trying to focus on the instruments before her. "What is he up to? Space mirror?"

"Oh, please..." Potential glared. "Still, he is from way back when. Maybe that seems cool to him, loser.")

"I had hoped..." Lindendon noted matter-of-factly... "We could bury our differences in the unity of our families. After all, you and your husband have long claimed to seek the conquest of the world. I am making it simple and letting your daughter join me on the throne."

"Drew liked to talk about it. But he really did want to make a better world for most people, just his way." Shego frowned. "And he never planned mass slaughter."

"One must die, to be reborn. As I did, decades ago. In History, I will be honored." Lindendon shrugged.

"Yeah? How'd that work out for your Fuhrer and his frenemy, Stalin?" she eyed him.

"Men who lacked the full force of their convictions. And thus, failed. I will not. But, we can debate further when I return. For now, mother-in-law, I must bid you farewell and ask my friends to see you have a fine seat for the launch." He waved to the driver and his assistant approaching.

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