Married to the Drummer, for B...

By Mrs_Fuentes

61.9K 1K 240


Married to the Drummer, for Better or for Worse. (Mike Fuentes fanfic)
Chapter one
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Authors note
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen Part One
Chapter eighteen Part Two
Authors Note :
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Authors Note.
Authors Note

Chapter two

2.8K 46 8
By Mrs_Fuentes

Mike's P.O.V**

*Bzzt* *Bzzzt* My phone vibrated on the side table. I groaned and let go of Nikki to check it. It was just Tony.

Mikeee. Nikki texted us last night saying something about build a bear? Lol dude, Nikolett is all over that. We'll all be over in a few hours.- T

I laughed, Nikki was so into that bear thing. I turned my head to look at my beautiful wife, who was holding that damn penguin for dear life. I laughed again and plopped ontop of her. She groaned. 

I kissed her neck trying to wake her up gently. She giggled and opened her eyes. 

"Good Morning beautiful." I said kissing her softly. "Ugh why did you wake me up so early!" she said pushing me off and rolling to the wall. I laughed. "Don't make me pick you up and throw you into the pool!" I whispered. She jolted up. "I'm up!" She said. 

We both laughed and she laid back down cuddling close to my side and laying her head on my chest. 

We were both drifting off to sleep again until I heard the door crack open. I looked up and nothing was there. All of a sudden Xaiver and Sebring jumped onto the bed. 

"Mommy, daddy wake up!!" Xaiver said pulling on NIkki's hair. She got up and pulled him onto her lap. Sebring came and got positioned at the foot of the bed. She was an old dog now. Slowing down. Nikki was going to be so upset if she dies. 

"Soooo. Are we getting my bestest friend today!?" Xaiver asked. Me and Nikki laughed. "Yes baby." Nikki said. "Oh yeah, everyone's coming. Tony just texted me." I said showing her my phone. She laughed. 

"Can we go nowww!?" Xaiver asked, very impatiently. I laughed and picked him up. "First of all, do you want to get your new pal loooking like you just woke up? No! You want to look nice. We all have to get dressed son." I said kissing his head. He smiled and went to get dressed. 

"I'm going to take a shower." Nikki said getting up. "Can I joinnn?" I winked getting up with her and wrapping me arms around her waist kissing her neck .She groaned smiling. 

"Not this time. Maybe Tony and Nikolett will babysit tonight and we can have some alone time." She said kissing me. I watched her walk into the shower. Ugghh, 

I walked into my sons room to see him looking through his clothes. "Hey daddy what should I wear?" He asked. I walked over and picked out a pair of jeans and a cool looking t shirt. I went over and grabbed an original pair of vans too. "Here buddy." I said. He smiled. "Thanks daddy." 


We all hopped into my van and drove off to Build-A-Bear. Xaiver was pratically jumping in his seat. 

When we got inside every one went to pick out a bear to make. I followed Xavier to a little bear. "Him!" He said reaching for it. I grabbed the unstuffed bear and gave it to him. "Wait for everyone else kidlet." I laughed. 

I felt arms wrap around my torso. I turned around to see Nikki holding a giraffe. She smiled. "Look babe. Now I can have a penguin, and a giraffe. Just like our tattoos." She said glowing. 

We all went to stuff our little things. Nikolett was enjoying this the most, other than Xaiver. It was so cute to see her clinging onto Tony and that bear. 


Xaiver held that bear for life, just like his momma does. I smiled at their similarities. Nikki noticd me staring and squeezed my hands. 

"Hey Nikolett, do you think you and Tony can babysit tonight? Me and Mike want to go out." SHe asked slyly. "Oh of course! I love babysitting my little buddy!" She exclaimed.

"Hear that pumpkin? Sleepover at Uncle Tony's!" Nikki said. Xaiver bounced on the couch. He ran over and jumped onto Tony. "Yeah buddy! We can watch star wars again!" Tony said. Xaiver played with Tone's braid. 

"Uncle Tonyyy. I've already seen that movie a bazillion times!" Xavier replied. "Fine, we can watch rugrats or something." Tony pouted. "Rugrats?" Xaiver asked. Tony smiled and got up setting Xaiver on the flooor and pretended to be all big and bad. "Yeah like Reptar! Rawrr!" He said tickeling Xaiver. He giggled away.

"Alrighty, let's head out Tony." Nikolett said. Her and Nikki went upstairs real quick to get a bag for Xaiver. 

Tony held his hands over Xaiver's ears. "Gonna try for baby number two tonight?" Tony asked laughing. "Maybe a little more than that too." I laughed with him and he let go of Xaiver. 

"Alright come give mommy kisses." Nikki said crouching down. Xaiver ran and jumped into her arms. He kissed her. "I love you baby." She said. "Love you too mommy." He giggled. "My turn!" I said crouching down too.

Xaiver dashed to me and I caught him in my arms standing up and holding him over my head. He laughed as I pulled him down to hug me. "I love you too daddy!" He said. I put him down. "Love you too kid." I kissed his head and he ran to Tony's waiting arms. 

"See you in the morning!" They said walking out. Nikki locked the door behind them. She turned around slowly. 

"I'm gonna go change I'll be right back." She said smiling and running up the stairs. I smiled and sat down lighting a joint and taking a hit. 

After a few minutes I heard her and looked up. My godd. 

She was wearing a tiny silk dress. Her tattoos looked flawless in that dress. I'm pretty sure I dropped my jaw because she busted out laughing. She came over and took a hit of my joint, wrapping her legs around my waist. 

I took the joint from her and put it out in the little ash tray. I picked her up and carried her to the bed. "Let's try for baby number two!" I said pulling her dress off and she laughed.


Hey guys! I know you're probably reading this and saying what the hell does this have to do with the story?! Trust me, the whole build a bear thing will mean something later. c:

hope you guys like it! Lemme know what you think! 


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