Contrast (Old timeline)

بواسطة littlez78aka

18.3K 383 35

Their powers were so different yet their backgrounds were so similar. He was fire, filled with anger and hate... المزيد

Part One
Part Two
ʙᴏɴᴜꜱ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ: 🄷🄴🄻🄿🄸🄽🄶
Part Three


746 18 0
بواسطة littlez78aka

It was night and the older adults besides Kurt were away talking about things and Evian had just finished thanking Kurt for saving her until Rogue came to thank him for helping Evian while she couldn't. Walking away Evian looked around to see where John was.

When she finally found him sitting alone she was quiet as she walked up to him since she knew he could hear her footsteps from the clamping over dry leaves and grass. "You okay?" Was the first thing she asked as she moved to sit next to him on the log staring away from everyone and the tents that were behind them.

John let out a dry chuckle shaking his head as he turned to glance at Evian "You almost died today and you're asking if I'm okay?" He asked softly as he flicked with his lighter like he always did. Turning away John sighed showing that he wasn't trying to sound mean but he was worried. Seeing her not in the jet after Bobby and Rogue screamed her name nearly gave him a heart attack.

"Sorry" He then said as he stared down at his lit-up lighter in his hand "Just a lot happened today" He explained even though she had gone through the same thing as him besides the fact that she almost actually did die. Evian smiled softly nudging her shoulder with his to get him to look over to her and when he did she poked his cheek with her pointer finger.

Evian stuck her tongue out at him as she continued to poke his cheek "Here" She moved her hand to cup his face with both her hands before leaning in. John stiffens slightly not knowing what was going to happen but at the same time eager to know what she was going to do.

Closing her eyes she placed a soft kiss on his cheek before pulling away as she watched him turned completely red again. "I'm okay" She whispered softly in a soft tone as she brought his eyes to look at him. "and you're okay. We're both okay. As long as we have each other right?" She then said knowing that he was worrying too much about her almost dying.

Not knowing what to say John simply turned away blushing red but actually more relaxed than he was before. She was right. She was okay and he was okay. Both of them were okay and well. Even if someone were to happen again the other would be there to help them in any way.

Shaking his head John moved to pull Evian into a headlock before starting to purposely mess with her. His movement made Evian squeal not ready for his attack on her. Grabbing his arms she started to complain saying for him to stop but he just continued laughing like an idiot.

The two continued to mess around enjoying their little moment together after everything that happened today. They were teenagers after all and even with the bad events the only thing for them that makes them forget was having fun and breaking the tension.

And that was exactly what John and Evian were doing. Having fun and enjoying themselves instead of thinking about the negatives that happened. They were just in the moment and happy that they were with each other instead of anywhere else.


The two were with the other teenagers now. Having already done messing around since Rogue had called them and yelled at them that it was time to get back and no messing around anymore.

They sat together side by side as Bobby and Rogue behind them putting out the fire that they used for food. They were having trouble while Evian and John stared at the tents wondering where the other adults were.

John lightly nudged Evian's shoulder nodding his head towards who was supposed to be Jean but the two had just seen Jean get into her tent and hadn't gotten out since then. So that Jean that was walking towards Logan's tent wasn't jean.

"What do you think she needs to be someone else for?" John asked in a hushed tone as the two watches 'Jean' enter Logan's tent without even zipping it close behind her. Evian smirked shrugging "Get laid?" Her words made John laugh loudly only for Rogue to throw something at them.

"Would you two stop messing around and help us out?!" Rogue shouted at them exhausted and just wanting to go sleep already. Bobby stood beside her smiling sheepishly as the two turned to face the couple annoyed from Rogue's nagging.

With a small wave of her hand, Evian put out the fire with the water from the water ground before she looked at Rogue. "Happy?" She asked with her arms over her chest while John heat up everyone's wet clothes from sitting on the ground or logs. "Very" Rogue snapped back before she turned around and walked in the direction of her tent eager to sleep.

"Bobby's sleeping with me so you're with John in tent sharing!" Rogue suddenly said before she got into her tent that was supposed to be shared with Evian. Bobby was quick to follow his girlfriend excited to be with his girlfriend but also the fact that they were helping out John and Evian.

When the two were once again left alone standing there like idiots as they watched the couple leave before slowly turning to face each other. They were quiet for a few moments before shrugging at one another since they were in fact just as tired as everyone else.

"Wanna go?" John asked already making his way over to their tent and Evian didn't waste time as she followed after him without a thought. Seeing as though she was following him John took it as they were going to sleep now.

Once they were settled in the tent under their own respective blankets John turned to face Evian with a bored stare with her doing the same to him. Even though they were tired like always their night owls were keeping them awake.

There they laid together facing one another while not even a foot away from each other in the small tent they were in. Without even asking to continue the game John asked the first question that came into his mind.

"What is your favorite memory right now that happened in school?" His voice was quiet and in a hushed tone that if she wasn't so close to him she wouldn't have heard him. The reason why John was asking about this was that simply he wanted to learn about her experience at the school since the rumors in the school about her were always about her being bad when she was barely even seen anywhere out of class in the school.

Evian stared at him as she went over the many memories of her being at the school and her favorite ones actually held John in them in some type of way. "I've already been at the school for a few months by then" She started off

Evian hiding from everyone like she always did since coming here. All because every time someone saw her they simply ignored her or steered away from her being scared of her. She was on top of a shelf in the kitchen quietly eating a snack as she played a game on her phone. By then she hadn't found her small space in the library and actually been chilling in small hiding spaces around the school everywhere.

Her most common hiding spot was in the kitchen for it to be easier for her to grab drinks or snacks faster than she would in her other hiding spaces. Out of nowhere sounds of laughing and loud steps brought her attention off her phone and towards where the sound was coming. They were entering the kitchen quickly looking around to find somewhere to hide.

Not saying anything Evian moved her hand down moving to open the larger cabinet under her that other students avoided because it was filled with healthy snacks. Quickly pulling her arm up she watched the person, John, quickly dart to the cabinet and get in. Silently she watched Bobby then enter the kitchen looking around to see where John had gone with his phone.

Sadly from her hiding spot Evian's door was open exposing her not really caring about her reputation Bobby walked over to her. "Evian" Bobby called out to the girl who glanced over to him as she had been acting like she didn't see anything. "You see John? The brunette who always wears brown leather jackets?" The ice user asked wondering if he could get the sense of direction of where his roommate would be.

Not saying a word Evian pointed towards the other way out of the kitchen with a straight face. "Thanks, Evian" Bobby then said before running out the kitchen calling John's name trusting Evian's word. When John was sure he was gone he got out the cabinet and quickly turned to look at Evian's form.

He couldn't help but smile at the new girl who was always quiet yet helped him not only hide but escape Bobby's clutches. "Thanks," He said tossing a familiar flavored lollipop at her and before she could say anything he ran away in the opposite direction. Evian stared at her hand for a moment staring at the candy that she always had herself because she always bought the bags of candy for the school.

She never realized that someone else was eating them too since every time she checked her bag of candy it was always filled, unlike all the other snacks. It was like everyone was avoiding them and seeing as though someone was actually taking them made her happy. Happy that she unwrapped the candy before happily eating it as she went back to her game.

The simple interaction is the only thing that made her boring day brighten up. Once again by a simple toss of candy and yet for a different person's day lightening up. It was switched this time.

John smiled as he himself thought about the time she had helped even though Bobby had found him not long after when the other students exposed him. "Why is that one of your favorite memories?" he then asked wondering why it had him and it was her favorite memory.

"Because someone was actually talking to me" She answered without a doubt as she stared into his eyes "cause you were talking to me even if it was a few words" She explained letting her smile widen not only at the thought of the memory but also of who red John was starting to get at her open confessions.

No matter what the topic it seemed that Evian was always open and blunt and every time it caught John off guard because as much as he acted like he didn't care he certainly cared when it came to Evian. Loving his reaction Evian laughed softly as she moved in closer and eventually laid right in front of him with their covered feet touching.

John didn't pull away actually liking the small coolness that came from her while warmth raided off of him and on to her. "What about you?" Evian then asked wanting to know his favorite memory at the School. The fire user didn't say anything as he went through the many memories he had in the school that welcomed him for being a mutant.

Until finally he answered. "I was getting in trouble from Scott"

It was just a regular Tuesday when John got ready to leave class when suddenly Scott was in his face yelling nothing but nonsense in his face. Saying how that he never listens and just does whatever he wanted to do that he took it too far this time.

Surprise Surprise he was being blamed for something he didn't do. The thing he was being blamed for? Buying alcohol and letting the younger kids drink by peer presure them to do it. "I d-" He was once again cut off by Scott not one giving him the chance to defend himself.

"Don't lie to me, John!" Scott interrupted as he pointed his finger towards him "One Student told me they saw you do it and the kids aren't in the right state of mind to tell us who offered to them just yet!" John was starting to grow angry that Scott was just going off one person's words without even getting the kid's opinion and just accepted it because John always did something in everyone's eyes.

"Actually Mr. Summers" A voice joined in making both heads turn in their direction. It was Evian. She was leaning against the door frame of the classroom holding her books against her chest as she stood there. "John's been with me all morning and lunch helping me study so there's no way that he was the one that did it"

Scott was suddenly quiet before nodding slowly then turning to John still with a glare "I'll wait until the kids are sober and actually can tell us who gave it to them but I'm keeping an eye on you John" Once again before John could say anything Scott left the room just as quickly as he came in.

John stood there calming down little by little as he stared at Evian who simply stared right back at him. Yet again she saved his ass but this time for something he didn't know. Made him think that she was simply doing it because she believed him to always be bad.

Just as he was opening his mouth to snap at her that he didn't do it she talked first. "I know you didn't do it" She locked eyes with him watching as his anger went away all in one second after her words. "You've been in the library actually studying all morning and lunch you were outside" She nodded her head towards the back part of the school no one went to "Practicing with fire" She explained to him what exactly he had been doing during those times.

"How?" He asked not knowing how she knew all of that when he made sure no one would see him doing any of that. Evian just smiled slightly shrugging innocently "You're not the only so observant John" She then said and before he could say anything someone was calling for him.


"Guess I'll see you around" Evian stood up straighter after she glanced out the door to see Bobby running down the hall "Later John" not letting him say anything she left the room walking the opposite way of where Bobby was running and into the large crowd of students.

"You always seemed to be helping me out you know that?" John stated after explaining his favorite memory even though it was sour at first. The reason why it was one of his favorites was that it was the first time someone believed in him without him even needing to defend himself.

Evian just smiled smacking his chest when she saw the cheeky smirk he was giving her. "You know what? Good night Hothead" She then started turning around so her back faced him. Her face burning as she thought back of the look John had just been giving her. John laughed finding it cute that she was being shy this time rather than him.

"Goodnight Ice juice" He sang playfully only for him to get a small simple wave. Smiling softly he leaned to lay on his back while his arm laid under his head for a replaced pillow as he stared up at the ceiling part of the tent. The silence was brought between them but comfortable silence as they thought about the many new things they learned about each other in such a little time. And honestly, they couldn't be any happier.

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