The Twenty Year Itch

By BethylTWDFan43

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It's no secret to the world that Emma Watson had a big crush on Tom Felton. Yet the friendship between them w... More

Part 1: A Few Words
Part 2: Sweethearts
Part 3: South Africa Mate
Part 4: A Trip Alone
Part 6: The Storm
Part 7: A Long Time
Part 8: How It Seemed
Part 9: More
Part 10: The Broken
Part 11: What To Do?
Part 12: Paradise
Part 13: A Rock
Part 14: The Unspoken Truth
Part 15: Fight or Flight
Part 16: A Dinner
Part 17: Property
Part 18: Fierce
Part Twenty: Sweet Justice

Part 5: Speculation

757 18 4
By BethylTWDFan43

***November 19th, 2019***

It was the first time in a long time that we had fun like that.

No worries about anyone bothering us.

No paparazzi to spread rumors around.

Emma and I could just be ourselves and was different.

She was different.

Sending mixed signals to me about what she wanted.

One moment we were smiling, taking pictures on the beach, skateboarding together down the board walk, teaching her guitar in the bungalow.

All things we've done several times.

And then a tsunami hit us full blast.

I still don't know what I did on that trip to break Emma as bad as I had- but when we left it was like a rift came between us that couldn't be fixed.

September was a mirage of random texts and Emma being dramatic about her birthday. We didn't talk about Cape Town or what happened.

She went back to London and I went home to California: alone again- watching from a distance.

When photos popped up about Em and this new boyfriend of hers- I knew the Emma Cycle was complete. She was headed back to avoiding me and dating a new younger guy- who would most likely break her heart. 

We hadn't talked about him yet- but after Chris called me this morning- I had no choice but to hop on the internet to see what my. Either was buzzing about.

"A flood of photos has swept the internet away the last few months- leaving Harry Potter fans all over the world asking the question- Is Hermione Granger dating Draco Malfoy?

Watson, 29, has been captured getting nice a cozy next to old co-star and crush Felton, 32.

The Potter stars have yet to confirm a relationship, but in an interview earlier today- friend and Potter co-star Rupert Grint, 31- had this to say on the matter.

[Interviewer] [about cast members] I feel like we're hearing more and more about cast members- Particularly, about Emma Watson and Tom- how allegedly they're dating. Have you heard this?

[Grint] ...

[Interviewer] Or self partnering- they're both self partnering... Could you ever see those two together?

[Grint] Yeah...Yeah I could.

[Interviewer]You could?!

[Grint] Oh, yeah- there was always that sort of spark there....but I... I don't want to start anything. I doubt it- but yeah, I could see it...

[I] well was anyone dating on set?

[G] No...No, but there were...there were some sparks- for sure. It was all like playground, kind of stuff.

[I] But there were sparks. Did you ever have any sparks on set?

[G] sparks for me...

The interview continued to talk about Grint's new Apple Series Servant.

So the world wants to know have the sparks ignited the Feltson Flame?

Slamming the laptop closed, I bite the knuckle of my thumb and know that this isn't going to be good.

How could people be so stupid as to gossip like that. Rupert should know better than to open his mouth- when he knows Emma is dating that new guy.

It's only a matter of time before Emma sees that.

No doubt she will...



My front door flies open and Emma comes barging in and down my front foyer to where I'm sitting in the kitchen.

"Did you see this bullshit!!" She yells and waves her phone around.

"I thought you were in London?" I ask quickly- trying to avoid the eminent fight we're going to have.

"What the HELL was he thinking!!!??? He wasn't!! Now the whole world is all over this and..."

"It's fine, Em. We'll just wait it out. It'll die down- like all the other rumors they start. Like the one about you and Jade at the premiere. It was misinterpreted and..."

"Tom! I have a boyfriend! He found this this morning and it started the biggest fight I've ever had!"

"What do you want me to do Emma?"

"Take the photos down!" She demands and my heart sinks.

"Emma, let's not over think...."

"TAKE THEM DOWN TOM!" Her voice carries through the house and Willow takes off to my bedroom to hide.

We've had fights before...but not like this.

"I shouldn't have too." I say and her face elongates.

"Tom- I'm happy. So happy with Leo....I honestly think he's the one and..."

"Of for fuck sakes Emma! That's what you always say!" I can't help but let my anger out. It's not fair of her. She's the only who pulls me in and then pushes me away when something else comes along.

"Excuse me?!"

"You've been here before! 'He's the one...Actually Matthew's the one...George is definitely the one... CHORD IS THE BLOODY ONE!!!' How many ones do you think you get, Emma?!" My voice echoes through my home and she looks taken aback.

"TAKE THE GODDAMN PHOTOS DOWN NOW TOM OR..." She gets in my face and tries to threaten me- and normally- I would have gave in and obeyed...Because I always obey Emma's wishes.

"Or what?!" I sneer and close the space between us. She searches my eyes and clenches her jaw.

"Or I'll never talk to you again." My insides twist and turn and it's like my worst nightmare is coming to life.

"How is that any different than any other time you have a boyfriend?" Biting off that comment felt good and yet I'm in so much pain.

"We're done...Tom..."

"Good, it's about time." I lowly growl and when her face pales and her eyes fill with tears- that's when I know I made the biggest mistake of my life. Stamping to the door, she's about to leave when she turns around and whips my house key at my face. It hits me right in the eye and she doesn't think twice to ask if I'm alright. She just slams the door and leaves.

***December 18th, 2019***

"What's with the mustache, Felts? You look like you're gonna buy a van." Matthew jokes as he hands me a beer. I didn't want to come to this stupid Christmas Party reunion bullshit.

After everything that happened between Emma and I- I wish I would have just stayed home.

"Part in a movie I'm doing..." I sip the beer and Evanna comes over to me with Bonnie.

"You've been quiet tonight, Tom. I'm surprised you didn't bring your guitar like usual." Bonnie politely says as she gives me a hug.

"Yeah...well...I don't feel much like playing at the moment."

"Ah no, is this about Emma?" Evanna asks and I roll my eyes.

She scratched my cornea with that key. It still hurts a bit, but who would know, but me.

I never tell people about Emma's outbursts.

She has a reputation to uphold and if I told my friends that when we do have a fight- she's always the physical one.  I think it's all that pent up anger and what not- but either way, the world can't know.

"No. Emma and I are fine." We haven't. We haven't seen or talked to each other since the 19th of November and frankly- that's the longest we've ever gone- even when she has boyfriends.

"Good, cause here she comes with Leo." Bonnie says and I turn to look and sure enough, there she is looking gorgeous in her place slack and elegant top that exposes her midsection.

"Hi guys!!!" She happily runs over and hugs everyone, but me of course. As she's about to ignore me altogether, she leans in and hugs me- but it's beyond awkward for us both. "Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas. Leo, nice to see you again." Bonnie extends her hand and he kisses the back of it- leaving her to blush madly because of it.

"Nice to see you guys again...I don't think you and I have had the pleasure to meet though." His dark brown eyes loom into mine and his long brunette locks are neatly tied back in a bun.

"Tom..." I briefly, but politely say and he makes a face at Emma.

"Right...thought you looked familiar. The mustache threw me a bit." He says casually and grabs Emma around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

Go ahead, Mate.

Stake your claim to her.

You won't last for long.

"I'm gonna go check in the Phelps. I'll talk to you guys later." I say and pull away from the group. Going through the living room to the kitchen, I find Rupert, the Twins and Their respective companions all gathered around chatting about who's going to win the next game against Manchester United.

"Oi! There he is!" Oliver comes over and hugs me tightly before pulling back and ruffling my hair. "Losing your locks there, Mate. Looking older than you are- mustache doesn't help."

"You'll have that when you're forced to bleach your hair for twenty years. Surprised I still have any." Drawing from my beer, I feel I've hit that proverbial wall in life. The one where nothing seems to matter any more and nothing makes you happy.

I never thought I'd hit it...but I have.

"Listen, about the interview..." Rupert starts and I shake it off.

"It's fine, Man. I know how those things go. You have to say something. Nothing you said was wrong."  I state and he sighs heavily.

"Still...I know it didn't help. I heard you and Em have been at odds lately and I..."

"It's fine. Haha, she's happy and...and that's all that really matters. Isn't it?" I sip more of my drink and the awkwardness pools into the room.

"Yeah...but are you happy, Mate?" James asks and I look between my friends and do what I always do.

"Haha! I'm bloody perfect! Honestly. Haha- if something's wrong I'll tell ya. Haha." My laughing eases their worries, but they still know I'm anything but fine.

"Well...good. Good, I'm glad to know you're alright." Rups says and Emma walks in with Leo. I inwardly growl and finish my beer.

"Hey, Wife!" Rupert jokes and hugs Emma tightly. Leo seems fine with this interaction, but out of the corner of his eye, he watches me.

"Husband! I've missed you!" Emma happily laughs. "Georgia! You look so beautiful- how's the baby?"

"Sitting on my bladder all day and night- but you know...five more months." The women happily chatter and I leave the room unnoticed- or so I thought. Going to the kitchen, I open the fridge and reach inside for another beer and when I close it- Leo is right there, leaning against the counter with his arms crossed.

"Blimey! Give a Mate an attack!" I gripe and he smirks before popping my cap off my beverage. "Thanks."

"So I find it interesting you came tonight." He says casually and I lean against the other counter.

"Well, I was invited."

"Yeah, but Bonnie didn't plan on you coming. She told Emma you weren't." Looking at him, I feel that family heat rise in my chest. It's the same heat that I felt when Emma and Stanislav were dancing and more or less groping each other during the extra background scenes.

"Sorry to disappoint, Mate."  Pushing off the counter to leave, he steps in front of me. He's a good few inches taller than me and is probably one of those gym rats. Judging the outline of his biceps in that cable knit jumper- I would say he's more muscle than worth fucking around with.

"Listen up, Tom. You may have been Emma's little crush and her 'best Mate', but you're out now. She wants nothing to do with you and frankly you'll look pathetic trying to work your way back into her good graces. So I suggest you do her and you a favor and just leave her be." Glaring down at me, he does that intimidating move where he puffs out his chest and towers over me to prove he's more dominant. I roll my eyes because of course Emma for fall for another arsehole douchebag like him. Grabbing me by the collar, he thrusts me into the fridge and holds me there- getting in my face and becoming more angry. "Watch it, Felton. I have many friends in high places and if you're not might just find out why I'm not the kind of man to go against."

Heels clicking on the wood floor, he shoves me hard and let's go and returns back to that sweet innocent little glasses nerd he walked in like.

"Hey, there you are. I was wondering where you popped off too." Emma wraps an arm around him and he kisses her passionately on the lips. I just stand there and stare at the kitchen counter, clutching my beer bottle tightly in my right hand.

"Just chatting with Tom about his character on The Flash. Loved it, Mate. Thanks for amusing a fanboy like myself." He fakes an excited charming smile and I just look at him and then Emma.

"Happy too." I force myself to say and Emma beams slightly.

"Well they want to take a group photo, Tom- so..."

"Yeah...alright." I push passed them without another word and find everyone in the living room waiting for us.

"There he is! Mr. Comedian! Come on Tom get in here." Matt says and all I can do is fake a smile and stand next to Evanna. Oliver- who is taking the photo, looks up and shakes his head.

"No- that ain't right. I need Tom, then Emma, Evanna, Bonnie, and then Matt." He says and Emma- who was standing as far away from me as possible- next to Matt- seems to glare at him. "Best cooperation now people."

Sighing heavily, but faking a smile- Emma leaves Matt's side and stand in between me and Evanna. Putting her hand on the small of my back, she smiles at the camera and before the photo is taken, I glide my finger up he exposed side causing her smile to jar sharply upward as her eyes begin to burn with a hate so hot, I can't help but to smirk. When Oliver dismissed us- the smiles leave as well and I make my way outside- finishing the bottle as I go.

Fuck Christmas Parties.

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