Contrast (Old timeline)

By littlez78aka

18.3K 383 35

Their powers were so different yet their backgrounds were so similar. He was fire, filled with anger and hate... More

Part One
Part Two
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Part Three


864 21 3
By littlez78aka

The four teenagers and older male were finally in Boston not taking too long to head to Bobby's house from his directions on where to go. The car was parked and everyone was getting out of the car still wearing their sleeping clothes making Evian suddenly glad that she slept in jean shorts and a large-shirt the night before.

They were now standing in front of Bobby's home waiting for him to open the door while the others waited awhile. Evian stood behind John a little away from Logan as she waited. She didn't hate humans rather she just hated how people reacted to mutants when they just had powers and other than that they were exactly the same.

Once he finally got the door open Bobby got into the house first with Rogue, then John, Evian, and finally Logan entering after him. "Mom! Dad!" Bobby called out looking around "Ronny! Is anybody home?" He then shouted wondering if his family was even home as the others behind him quietly took in the entrance hallway of the house.

Of course, there was a small noise of John flicking his lighter open and shut as he looked one way of what was the kitchen while Evian looked in the entrance of the living room. "I'll try to find us some clothes" Bobby then said when he got no response from any of his family members.

"Don't burn anything" The ice user then said after giving a glance towards John who hadn't done anything but played with his lighter nervously. It wasn't obvious to the others but Evian could tell what was wrong after years of observing him and his habits.

Stepping up Evian wrapped an arm around John's shoulders bringing him closer to her "we'll try" She lightly joked smiling at Bobby when he turned to face her with a slightly terrified face before turning back around to do what he was said he was going to do. John beside her couldn't help but laugh lightly as he stopped his toying with his lighter and his attention went on to Evian.

Quietly he turned his head towards Evian giving her a silent thanks as he wrapped his arm around her waist walking with her after Bobby. Since he was the one that lived here and was going to give them some proper clothes instead of their sleeping wear they had been wearing for a while now.

Logan, who was still behind them, smiled lightly taking in how Evian was quick to defend John since if she was too upfront to do it John's pride would get in the way. Even if not knowing him long Logan could tell the hothead was prideful.


Instead of taking Bobby's mom's old clothes she straight to Ronny's room grabbing a hoodie and just keeping on what she had. Bobby didn't stop her seeing as though he didn't think his brother would care since it was one of the old ones that didn't even fit him anymore.

Evian walked past the kitchen having pulled the hoodie over her head already hearing Logan try to talk into the item that they found in the car. Ignoring him she kept walking wondering where John had gone.

When she found him he was standing in the living room staring at the large wall of family pictures that just screamed the perfect family. From his answer from earlier this morning reminded Evian that his family didn't expect him for being a mutant.

Quietly she walked up to him from behind before slowly grabbing his hand that held his signature lighter. John slowly turned his head to look at her as she moved her hand to intertwine with his fingers and actually start holding hands with him.

Silently he questioned her on why she was doing this but all he got in return was a small yet sad smile. Slowly he turned his head back to the pictures as he thought now was better than ever to tell her about why he joined the school for the Gifted.

"It was my 15th birthday"

John was finally turning 15. All-day he had been feeling weird every time he went by something hot but it wasn't until his lit-up birthday cake sat in front of him was when he noticed that it was the fire that was messing with him the worse.

His parents around him sang the song as he stared blankly at the cake not knowing what was making him so giddy and explode until finally the song ended and he snapped. He was screaming now and the fire on the cake came to life.

It wasn't until John finally calmed down from a slap from his father that caused the flames to die. "Dad?" John called out to his father slowly turning to face his parents yet all he got in return was a glare and disgusted stare from both his parents. His own parents.

Before he could say anything the words that left his dad's mouth made his world seemingly fall apart.

"You are no longer my son! Leave you freak!"

John snickered darkly "Could you believe it? just threw me out without a care" he narrowed his eyes at the happy family picture that Bobby was in. His grip tightened on Evian's hand the angrier he got but it loosened when all Evian did was kiss his cheek. He didn't know why but with her soft lips pressing against his skin all of his thoughts disappeared and he was calm.

"How did..." His words drifted off as he turned to look at Evian who has yet to pull away. Their noses brushed against each other while they felt their breaths fanning over one another's lips. "Relax" was all she said before she pulled away yet kept their hands linked together.

She turned around pulling him with her as they walked in the direction of the kitchen and away from the wall of pictures. "Let's get something to drink" She cooed softly just as they entered the kitchen just to see Logan with his claws out and pointed towards the cat.

The two were quiet as they watched the cat seemed unfazed and even leaned in licking on the metal that came from between his knuckles yet when the sound of the door being unlocked and opened Logan was quick to retract his crawls.

Hearing the footsteps both teenagers turned around to look who it was and it was Bobby's little brother. The blonde looked between the older male and then on to the male who was the same age as his older brother then finally on to the girl who was wearing one of his old hoodies.

The boy wasn't alone though because Bobby's mother was right behind him and from the voice calling to Ronny Bobby's dad was with them. "Hey, Ronny, next time you..." The older male stopped and moved quickly to push Ronny behind him while the woman moved to grab the cat.

Evian couldn't help but silently snicker at how quick the woman was to get to the cat rather than her own son. "Who the hell are you?" Bobby's dad asked as his eyes darted between the three that he didn't know or seen before.

Just in time, Bobby was running down the stairs while Logan stumbled on his words not knowing what to say exactly. "Bobby?" His father called out confused and surprised to be seeing his son home. John was quiet as he stood beside Evian but when he realized the lingering stares Ronny was giving Evian he was quick to step closer and bring the girl closer to him as well.

Evian didn't stop him, getting a little uncomfortable herself from the stares she was receiving from the younger teenage boy. "Honey, aren't you supposed to be at school?" Bobby's mom then asked as she held her cat closer just as Rogue came walking down the stairs more gracefully than Bobby had done.

"Bobby, who is this guy?" His father then asked wanting to know who was the strangers in his house and why his son was even back from school when he was supposed to be at the school right now. "uh.." Bobby turned to look at Logan then back to his father "This is Professor Logan" He tried to explain before there was a pregnant of silence between everyone.

Sighing Bobby let his shoulders drop "There's something I need to tell you" He muttered slightly scared to confess to his parents but he knew he couldn't hide it anymore especially with what happened last night.


Everyone was in the living room and Evian stood beside John having no hoodie anymore after being uncomfortable at how Ronny stared at him. The only sound that was heard in the room was the clicking of John opening and closing his lighter not nervous but actually bored with a mix of trying to hold in his anger. Why? Because Ronny was still staring at Evian.

Bobby had just told his family what he was and the silence was just becoming unbearable that Evian was tempted to leave just because of how tense the air was yet she stayed where she was not wanting to leave John's side. After two whole days of talking and going into complete depth of things but also years of observing him, she could read him like one of her favorite books she read repeatedly.

"So, uh," Bobby's mom started off thinking it would be to say something anything from the worried look that was slapped on her son's face. "when did you first know you were a..." The word seemed to be stuck in her throat but it was clear she didn't like their kind or rather didn't know how to accept the idea that her son was a mutant.

"A mutant?" John interrupted her saying the word for her as he flipped open his lighter and actually started to flick it to light up instead of clicking it close. Bobby's mom gave him a small glare to which he simply stared back at her with his eyebrows raised to see what she would say to him.

"Would you cut that out?" She muttered snapping a little at John and his movement of lighting up his lighter but he ignored her request doing what he had been doing since he got to the house. Evian couldn't stop the smile that spread out on her face and quickly she turned her head to bury into John's shoulder seeing as though she was trying not to be rude.

"You have to understand," Bobby's father joined in bringing everyone's eyes to him other than Evian who was still struggling to hold in her smile from John's snarkiness towards the older woman. "we thought Bobby was going to a school for the gifted" He explained trying to show why the family was surprised at what Bobby had just told them.

Evian's struggle suddenly wasn't hard anymore as she turned to give the father a small glare. Being a mutant was being gifted. Seeing her sudden change of attitude John moved his free arm to wrap around her shoulders bringing her attention back onto him rather than the topic at hand.

"Bobby is gifted" Rogue objected as she sat beside her boyfriend while Evian curled into John's side. She wasn't mad anymore and was quietly listening to the conversation as she stared at John's lighter he was lightly playing with. She was glad he was doing the same with her by calming her down instead of letting her snap at Bobby's family. After all, it was Bobby's family.

"We know that." Bobby's father was quick to talk again "We just didn't realize--" "We still love you, Bobby" His mother interrupted as she turned back to her oldest son. "It's just...this mutant problem is a little.." Before she continues Logan joined in not liking the terms she was using when there were four other mutants in their presence.

"What mutant problem?" He asked in a stern tone as he leaned against the entrance of the living room with his arms over his chest. Evian sighed mentally cursing out the family since they were still insulting them just not harshly like everyone else in the world was being.

Bobby's mom stared at Logan more annoyed before she softly finished off her sentence "complicated" "What exactly are you a professor of, Mr. Logan?" Bobby's dad asked not liking the way Logan was speaking to his wife but honestly, none of the mutants expect Bobby could careless about it.

"Art," Logan answered even though it wasn't true yet it was the first thing to come to mind for him. "Well, you should see what Bobby can do" Rogue joined in again just as John and Evian both stared at Ronny. He was no longer staring at Evian thankfully but looked annoyed and even angry. It made the two wonder why he was like that. Did he hate mutants?

By then Evian stopped listening completely as she narrowed her eyes at Ronny. She could tell that he was angry but something about him was making her feel like something was going to happen. Something she just didn't know what it was right now.

Ronny's reaction to Bobby showing off his powers ticked her off even more from how uncomfortable and disgusted the younger boy looked. It really made her wish that jOhn would let her smack the boy when just as much as she wanted that John wanted the same yet knew they couldn't. He was Bobby's little brother.

When Ronny stormed off was when Evian snapped out of her thoughts. Turning her head towards John she listened to his comment on Bobby's mom's words. "actually, they discovered that males are the ones who carry the mutant gene and pass it on, so it's his fault" She couldn't help but softly snicker as she turned her head away once again while using her hand to cover her mouth this time.

Suddenly though something started to ring and Logan was leaving the room to answer it in no time. Just as he left Bobby's mom just had to talk "Bobby...have you tried not being a mutant?" Her words made Evian go stiff beside John.

"You think if we had a choice we would stay like this?"

She snapped.

Evian stood up straighter as she glared at the woman who seemingly shrunk from her stare "You think that Rogue would stay not being able to kiss her own damn boyfriend without hurting him? or John would stay like this without a family? Or Bobby? You acting like this is only making him feel more worse about himself!" She shouted bubbling up with anger by the second yet she stopped when Logan entered the house saying that they were leaving now while John grabbed ahold of her hand.

Without any other words exchanged John quickly pulled Evian with him to follow after Logan since he knew better than anyone that when you're mad you should leave the room to calm down or at least take out your anger on something that wasn't living.

Just as they were standing out of the front door they were surrounded. Evian took a deep breath trying to keep calm with the mix of Bobby's parents and now this? She was ready to explode and with John more focused on escaping he didn't move to calm her down since he himself was starting to grow angry.

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