Still Into You

By fredweasleyismyman

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A Fred Weasley x Reader story. You are in your fifth year at Hogwarts and everything is going great. That is... More

Author's note
1. The Exchange*
2. Dumbledore's Speech*
3. First Day of Classes*
4. Sleepover*
5. Dress Code*
6. Pop Quiz in Potions
7. The Announcement
8. Nightmares
Authors Note
9. Truth or Dare
10. Harry Did You Put Your Name in the Goblet of Fire???
11. Quidditch Tryouts
12. The First Task
13. Quidditch Match
14. Finals
15. The Yule Ball
16. Christmas
17. We Made Up
18. The Prank
19. Amortentia
20. My New Favorite Picture
21. The Second Task
Authors Note
22. Slytherin v. Hufflepuff
23. The Third Task
24. End of the Year
25. The Burrow
26. Broken Ribs
27. All better
28. Dumbledore's Army
29. I must Not Prank my Superiors
31. The Kiss
32. Finally
33. Rumors
34. First Date
35. First Date pt. 2
36. Be Mine?

30. Oliver and Angelina

3.9K 75 90
By fredweasleyismyman


Hey lovelies! Sorry for not updating, the holiday's have been pretty crazy. I was able to spend some time with my family, so thank you all for the patience and support!

*Fred's POV*

I was sitting at the table, tiredly eating some toast. It was rather dry if you ask me. Angelina was droning on about quidditch. She could give Oliver a run for his money. Y/n stumbled in looked just as tired as me. She sat down at the Hufflepuff table and leaned her head on her friend's shoulder. My eyes were glued to her, but I tore them away and forced myself to listen to Angelina. I looked around the table helplessly. George was talking to Lee, and they were having a very animated discussion about something. My eyes scanned the table until they fell on Oliver. Instead of chatting with people like he usually would, he was staring across the room. I followed his line of sight. He was looking at y/n in a nervous manor.

"You have got to be kidding me."

I mumbled. I knew there was something going on with them. 

"I know right! It was totally crazy!"

What I said must have gone along well with whatever Angelina was rambling on about. I watched as Oliver stood up and walked over to the Hufflepuff table. No one paid much attention, as this was a normal occurrence. 

"I'm leaving."

Angelina huffed. 


I responded as she left. Oliver walked up to y/n and tapped her on the shoulder. I clenched my fists.

"You okay there Freddie?"

George asked me. He followed my line of sight until he saw Oliver and y/n.


George responded. He elbowed Lee and they seemed to have a silent conversation.

"Let's go ahead and get going to our first class..."

Lee and George dragged me out of the Great Hall before I could see what happened. 

*Reader's POV*

You were in the middle of an intense debate with some of my friends. 

"You have got to be joking!"

Eli shouted through fits of laughter. 

"You honestly can't think soccer is better than quidditch!"

Liv argued.

"They don't even fly!"

Jamie remarked. 

"They run back and forth and have to keep everyone away and play with their feet. What's not to love?"

You answered. Everyone continued to argue until someone tapped your shoulder. You turned around, still laughing at your group of friends. You smiled at Oliver who was peering down at you.

"Hey Oliver."

"Hey y/n. Can I talk to you alone for a moment?"


You stood up, grabbing your bag, and you followed Oliver out of the Great Hall.

"There's something I've been meaning to ask you."

He looked nervous.

"There's no need to be nervous Oliver."

You smiled and Oliver did the same.

"Well, I was wondering if.. if you would like to go out with me sometime. Like, on a date."

You definitely weren't expecting this. You wanted Fred, but he was with someone new. You chewed your lip as you thought it over.


You said after a moments hesitation. It was just a date, right?


Oliver was beaming as he walked away. You turned the other way and went about your classes.

You were sitting in defense against the dark arts taking notes as per usual. You had tried to engage with Fred, who was sitting next to you, but he just kept taking his notes. Class was dismissed, and you left the classroom with Lee, George, and Fred.

"Hey Fred, can I talk to you?"

"Not now, y/n."

You grabbed Fred's arm and his eyes widened.

"It'll only take a second. You have the time."

You said in a low voice.

*Fred's POV*

Y/n grabbed my arm. She was definitely stronger than she looked. 

"It'll only take a second. You have the time."

She said to me, her voice low. Once again, she made my knees weak. She looked... well, really attractive when she was serious. I eyed her up and down, finally meeting her eyes.


I said breathlessly. George and Lee walked back to the common room to get ready for the Dumbledore's Army meeting.

"Are you okay?"

She asked, staring me down.  

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"You've been acting foul. I keep trying to talk to you and you ignore me. I'd like to know why."

I was taken aback at how straight forward she was being. I broke the eye contact and looked at the ceiling. 

"Did I do something?"

There was genuine concern in her voice.

"No, no you didn't do anything wrong."

I dodged y/n's question by hugging her and changing the subject. Either she didn't notice, or she didn't mind much. My arm was slung around her shoulder as we walked to the Hog Head for the meeting. We talked and laughed all the way there. We arrived a few minutes before the meeting started Angelina had a look that could kill on her face as she watched my arm around y/n. Y/n must have seen the look, so she slid out from under my arm.

"I'm going to go talk to Ginny."

"You like her, don't you."

Angelina growled at me.

"What? No! She's just a close friend, I promise."


Angelina walked away, and I didn't bother stopping her. I heard Ginny squeal, which attracted my attention.

"He asked you out!!!"

"The whole world probably heard you!"

Ginny, y/n, and Hermione were laughing. Someone asked her out?

*Reader's POV*


You were waiting nervously for Oliver to turn up. You were going on your second date with him. The first one went well, and Oliver asked you out again a few days later. He wasn't Fred, but he made you laugh and feel good. You were waiting outside the quidditch store at Hogsmeade, when he finally turned up. 

"Hey y/n/n!"

Oliver walked up to you with some flowers in his hand. He gave you a small kiss on your cheek, making you blush. 

"I got these for you."

He handed you the flowers.

"Thank you."

The two of you walked into the quidditch store, talking about everything new that had happened since you last talked. After buying a few things from the store, you went to grab some butterbeer. 

"After you."

Oliver held the door open for you, and you walked under his arm. You looked around for an empty seat until you found a booth.

"I'll get us a drink and you can save us a seat."

Oliver suggested. You agreed and went to go sit down. Oliver brought the drinks over, and the two of you dove into a conversation.


You were looking around for Oliver, who you were supposed to practice quidditch with before tryouts. You frowned, looking down the corridors. You and Oliver had been dating for about two weeks and things were going well. You bumped into someone as you searched the halls.

"Oh sorry."

Fred mumbled.

"Hey Freddie."

"Oh, hey y/n."

You noticed that Fred looked preoccupied.

"Were you looking for something?"

"Yeah, actually. I was looking around for Angelina. Have you seen her?"

"No, I haven't. I'm actually looking for Oliver."

"How about we look together?"

Fred offered, and you accepted.

"It feels like we haven't gotten to spend a lot of time together lately. I miss you."

You said in a soft voice. 

"I've missed you too. Angelina is a bit... time consuming."

"And I take it she doesn't like me."

You replied.

"Well, you're not wrong."

"I'm never wrong Fred Weasley."

The two of you shared a smile and continued to search for Oliver and Angelina.

"Um, y/n..." 

You walked over to where Fred was. He was standing in front of a small corridor beside a statue.

"You have got to be kidding me."

It took you a minute to understand what you were seeing. Angelina was on top of Oliver, who's hands were traveling all over her body under her shirt.


Fred cleared his throat which caught the couples attention. 

"Care to explain?"

You said as you crossed your arms. Both Oliver and Angelina had cold looks on their faces as they looked at you and Fred.

"Angelina here told me that you and Fred have been shagging."

"Excuse me?"

You scoffed.

"Angelina we've been over this-"

"But it's obvious, isn't it? You two are always together."

Angelina seethed. 

"Nothing is going on between us! Oliver you really believe her more than me?"

"What she said made a lot of sense."

"You cheated on me with someone else who was in a relationship just because she told you some lie?"

You roared.

"Wait, you mean you haven't been doing anything with Fred."

"Yes dumbass. I can't understand why you would believe her!"

You stormed off, Fred walking after you.

"Y/n, wait-"

Oliver shouted after you.

"We're through Wood."

You kept walking until you found a hallway you had never seen before. You sat down against the wall, taking deep breaths. You were angry and confused, but you knew you wanted nothing serious with Oliver, but you enjoyed the relationship. He turned on you so fast and all because some random person told him he should. You stared up at the ceiling, lost in through.


Fred said softly as he sat down next to you. You forced a smile.


"I'm sorry Oliver did that."

"I'm sorry Angelina did that."

The two of you sat in silence for a while. You turned to look at him and he met your eyes. 

*Fred's POV*

We were sitting together in comfortable silence. I was just trying to process what happened. I was thinking about breaking things off with Angelina anyways, but it still hurt. I looked over at y/n and she was already looking at me. Before I realized what I was doing, I leaned in and placed my lips on hers. I felt her melt into the kiss, but I pulled away soon after.

"I-I'm sorry."

I got up and left, ignoring her calls.

*Reader's POV*

Fred leaned in, and you did the same. He kissed you. You had been waiting for this moment for years and it finally happened. You barely had time tp process it before he pulled away. 

"I-I'm sorry."

He got up and left. You called after him, but he didn't look back. Your mind was racing. Did he really just kiss you? What happens now?

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