The Glade | Newt x Reader

By uhhbooks

4.5K 184 302

➪ When you get sent up into the maze you're confused and disoriented. After meeting the gladers and realizing... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Nine

137 5 10
By uhhbooks

-Y/N's POV-        
The days started to have more meaning. I could feel myself finding more purpose in everything I did. I felt happier. I had something to look forward to each day, meeting up with Newt. Ever since he first found me at the willow tree, we've been meeting there the last couple of nights. He would tell me about the gladers, and we'd talk about everything. It was nice having someone to talk to. Although it was hard not speaking to him throughout the day. Newt said that we should keep the meetings a secret, which I didn't really understand why. He said that tonight he would tell me why it should be kept a secret and what rule number four was. It seemed as though the day knew something important was happening tonight, and decided to drag out the hours just to spite me.

Gardening was just as exhasuting as this morning. It was even more annoying since I couldn't talk to Newt. Just watch him when he wasn't looking and exchange a smile when he saw me. Lunch soon rolled around. Sandwhiches with leftover eggs from this morning. Frypan hated wasting food, so you could always trust that there would be a portion of your last meal in your current. I sat in the outskirts of the deadheads and ate. I realized I needed another shower. I had only taken a shower once before in the glade. It had been when all of the gladers were in one of their dumb gatherings where I wasn't allowed to attend. I snuck off to the showers and quickly rinsed off before the gathering was done. There was no way I wouldv'e taken a shower if there wasn't a gathering. Anyone could push the swinging wood door of the shower room and walk right in. I wondered why they didn't just put a lock on the shuck door but realized I'd have to ask the builders, Gally, to find out, so I let it go. I'll just have to wait until another gathering whenever that would be.

More gardening work passed until it was finally dinner. I could feel the excitement building up in my stomach like snow packing higher and higher. Until finally the sun was setting. The moment was here. My new favourite part of the day was now, after dinner at the willow tree. Where I finally had someone to talk to. Tonight, I would finally find out what rule number four was. I would pretend to go into my room in the homestead. Then after the glade fell silent, I would make sure no one was out to see me, and I would sneak out of my room and down the stairs. I learned the bad way yesterday when I stepped on a creaky stair. But luckily no one woke. This time I avoided it and succesfully made it outside without a noise. The air was warm and humid. The night brought none of its usual cooling sensation. I crept out into the deadheads and followed the familiar path to the willow tree. Newt was already there. He was sitting in the grass fingering a long willow leaf. He straightened when I approached.

"Hey," I called out.

"You came," He smiled.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I," I replied.

We just watched each other in silence for a minute. I still found myself nervous around him. He was the only person in the glade that showed me any attention. But the silence was interrupted when Newt stood up.

"Ever climbed a tree before?" He said, looking up the willow tree.

"Yeah.. I bet I can beat you to the top," I said, as I launched myself up and grabbed the nearest branch pulling myself up.

"Hey! Wait, that's not fair!"

I kept pulling myself higher and higher laughing through the effort. I could hear Newt climbing behind me. I stepped onto a creaky willow branch hoping it would take my weight. I had reached the point in the tree where I could no longer climb any higher. I poked my head out of the willow leaves and gasped at the view of the glade. I could see all the treetops of the deadheads, all the way to the towering homestead. Newt climbed up beside me and looked at the view with me.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" He said from behind me.

I began to agree when I heard a cracking noise from below my feet. The thin willow branch I was perched on began to crumble below my feet. Newt realized what was happening too and reahed out to grab my hand but it was too late, I was already falling. I tumbled through the tree bringing back a lovely deja vu of falling earlier in my time here at the glade. I landed on the ground in front of the stream by the willow and tumbled right into the water.

"Y/N/! Are you alright?" I heard the accent from up above and broke the surface of the water coughing. I saw Newt jump down from the tree and run over to the streambed.

"Bloody hell, are you okay? You really have a thing for falling don't you," He said.

I nodded pretending to be hurt. Newt outstretched his hand to help me up and I took it. But as soon as I had a firm grip on his hand, I yanked him forward so he stumbled into the stream beside me. He resurfaced from the water and gasped, shaking the water from his dripping hair. I was laughing so hard I was beginning to cough. Newt joined in until we were both shaking with laughter and hiccups in the stream.

"I should have seen that one coming," Newt said after we had recovered from our laughing fit.

We were suddenly close. Sitting side by side in the stream. His face was only a couple inches from mine. He reached out and brushed his hand along my cheek. Looking at my lips and then back to my eyes. Then he kissed me, steady and gentle. It lasted only for a moment, but our eyes stayed closed for a second after. The silent rushing of the stream was all that could be heard before a sharp crack sounded from the woods behind us. We both jumped upright and out of the stream. Newt grabbed my hand and pulled me behind the willow tree, putting a finger up to his lips indicating silence. The crunching continued. Someone was walking through the brush on the other side of the stream. Were they watching us? I could feel Newt's heartbeat quicken beside me. We waited for a minute or so before the noise died away. The person had left. I breathed a sigh of relief and was about to say something but Newt shook his head. It was still too risky to speak. We walked back silently, pausing every so often to listen for anyone that could be following. Newt and I parted at the door of the homestead but he stayed outside until he heard the sound of my door shut. I entered my room and peeled off my wet clothing before hanging them out the window to dry. My hands still shook from the adrenaline and my head felt dizzy still. I laid down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I realized Newt never had the chance to tell me about rule four. And I couldn't stop thinking about what happened in the stream. Did that really happen? But a part of me wondered nervously: Who had been in the woods? And how long were they there?


A/N: Sorry it took me longer for chapter nine to get out. I have absolutely no idea how to write a kissing scene. Anyways thanks so much for reading even if this was a shorter chapter. I have many plans for the next couple chapters so stay in tune if you're interested. Have a great new years and i hope you all have a blessed 2021! byee

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