When the Devil Awakens

By Bora_Carson

221 21 0

What will happen if a pure soul has turned into a DEVIL. Same happens with Kim Aera.Aera has a pure soul but... More

She turned into a DEVIL (part 1)
She turned into a Devil (part 2)
She finally turned into a DEVIL
Devil's new life
Ritual Meeting of Demon with Wedevians.
Her fear among the people.
How is Min alive
Why don't we end up here (part 1)
Why don't we end up here (part 2)

He came back just for me...

27 2 0
By Bora_Carson

Devil was so happy for having a new life. Devil reminds all those wishes that she wanted to be fulfilled when her father was alive.

She reminds that she wanted to go for South Sea with him. She decides to travel to South Sea. She wants to go there alone but Seung Min insists that let him come with her. She agreeds with him. They both went there by car.

She sleeps in the car and next morning she wakes up alone in a bed inside a lodge. She asks her driver that "why am I here" Driver said "last night you slept heavily and we reached before time"." Mr.Seung brought you up here"she asked"where is he?". He said "I saw him at the beach". Devil goes to beach and she meets the real Seung Min (the one who died in her arms) she was shocked. She asks him where is her husband. He said" I am your Husband , Seung Min" . "What happened? "She was both confused and overjoyed. She was confused because her husband (CEO) Seung Min looked totally different from this Min. She was happy and overjoyed because she had her Min back. She suddenly hugged him tight and asked " Do you remember me" He said " yep I do , you are my wife "she asked him that " Do you remember Kim Aera? "He said " NO I DON'T KNOW ANY KIM AERA"

She asked him a lot about aera but he didn't remember anything about her. She was sad but still confused that he died next to me and he is alive. Without any memories about Aera. She sets up a ritual meeting with the Servant.

Devil asked " My Min is alive! but why doesn't he remembers me. How is he alive? He died in my arms". Servant said "He was dead. "He got another chance to live just like you but he is sended by the angels for a reason" She asked him "what's the reason?"
Servant didn't knew anything but he had a theory that when he stealed her soul from angels of heaven he caused a natural explosion which can kill an angel. Maybe to bring you back he is alive and you eventually love him. She said "Maybe he came back just for me"

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