Hope Mikaelson - At Hogwarts

By ChloeDecker113

25.2K 870 82

In this story, Hope cast a spell and it backfires. She is sent to another earth. She finds herself trapped in... More

It backfired
The Weaslys
Diagon Alley
Kings Cross
Im Hope. Hope Mikaelson.
Shut Up Malfoy
Im a Jerk Too
Three Headed Dog
I Hate The Holidays
The Mirror
Dragons and Stones
In Reality
Talk about 2 Faces
The Hospital
Year 2
Arguments, Feathers, and Hogwarts Letters
Gilderoy Lockhart
Wheres Harry and Ron
Lockhart's Class and Control Issues
Polyjuice Potion
Rouge Bludger
Secrets Safe with Me
Using The Polyjuice Potion
The Diary
A Glimpse Into The Past
Taken Into The Chamber
A Newly Free House Elf
Hermione and Hargrids Return
Year 3
Attack On The Train Ride
Buckbeak the Magnificent


544 22 5
By ChloeDecker113

Hopes POV

"Nothing. I repeat nothing, gives a student a right to wander around the school after hours. As your punishment, all five of you will receive detention" she said to us sternly. Malfoy looked confused at the last part. "Excuse me professor. I must've heard you wrong. I believe you said 'all five of us'" he said gesturing to us and himself. I smirked as I knew what she was gonna say. "No Mr Malfoy, you heard me correct. You see, you too were out of bed after hours. So I say again, all five of you will receive detention tomorrow night". We all smiled at the fact that Malfoy little stunt backfire on him.
The next nigh came faster than expected. We were following Filch who was rambling about how he missed the old punishment practices where students would hang by their thumbs in the dungeons. We walked up to Hagrid who was putting arrows in a arrow holder he had on his very large belt. "You'll he serving detention with Hagrid tonight, in the forbidden forest. Sorry lad" he directed the last part towards Hagrid who just sighed sadly. "Oh your not still on about that dragon are ya" Filch said to Hagrid coldly. He looked at us. "Norberts gone. Dumbledore Andy him off to Romania to live in a Colony" he explained as he grabbed his crossbow. There was sadness in his voice and he sniffles a bit. "Well that good isn't it" Hermione said. "He'll be with his own kind". "Yeah but what if he don't like Romania? What if the other dragons are mean to him" Hagrid said. I saw a tear slip down his cheek. "Pull yourself together lad" Filches hoarse voice said. "After all, you are going into the Forbidden Forest".
"The forbidden Forest" Malfoy questioned. "I thought that was just a joke. We can't go in there. Student aren't allowed. And there are.." he thought about what monsters were in there as a wolf howled deep within. "Werewolves" he said with a scared look on his face. Ugh hello. Offensive. Although I guess werewolves are known for killing people and their venomous bite with only one cure in my world so I guess there's logic in his statement and I'm going to guess that the werewolves here aren't friendly either. "Oh there's more than werewolves I those woods mate" Filch said in his usual creepy voice that sent chills down a Hufflepuffs spine. "All right lets go" Hagrid said and led us deeper into the woods on the path. It was getting darker and darker with each step. The others were tripping over the roots of the trees that were growing closer and closer together the further we walked. I was graceful with my wolf senses and good eyesight. It was easier for me to see in the dark. We stopped at a rock that divided the path into two trails. Hagrid kneeled down and slipped two fingers into a puddle of silver stuff. I smelt it as blood but not that of a human. "Unicorn blood" he said as he showed his now silvery fingers. "Somethings been slaughtering the unicorns around these woulda and it's our job to find it. Now Hermione, Ron, you come with me and Hope, Harry, and Malfoy go together" Hagrid explained to us. "Fine but I get Fang" Malfoy said pointing out Hagrid's droopy faced dog walking with us. "Fine. Just so you know, he a bloody coward" Hagrid said. Malfoy looked scared for a second before regaining his cool. We walked off on our separate ways. Me and Harry were quiet while Draco rambled on about how he shouldn't be doing this and that it's pointless. "Just wait till my father hears about this. This is servant stuff". I sighed. People who are scared tend to talk non stop about how this is pointless, dumb, below their ranking, ETC. "if I don't know better Draco, I'd say you were scared" I said. "Scared Mikaelson, hardly" he snarled. Oh if he knew I was a werewolf I would've bitten him right then and there. We walked forward to see fang growling at something. We all looked ahead to see a unicorn on the ground with silver puddles around it. There was a cloaked figure drinking the blood .Once it noticed us, Malfoy ran away with Fangs, screaming. Harry was clutching his scar in pain. The hooded figure seemed to be hovering on the ground. Then it started gliding towards us. All I felt was the presence of darkness. Harry grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight. He started backing up but tripped over a root, pulling me down to the ground with him. We backed away until there was nowhere left to go when suddenly, a creature jumped over us, scaring the hovering figure away. The creature was a Centaur. A half horse, half human creature. Harry and the Centaur had a conversation that I blocked out to think about what that could be but was suddenly snapped out my thoughts by foots steps coming and the voice of Hagrid bellowing towards Harry and me "are you two okay". Then he saw the Centaur. "Hello there Fritz" he said. "Hagrid" he replied. "Stay with your friends Harry" and with that he galloped off. I heard his hoofs cluttering deeper and deeper into the woods until I couldn't hear them anymore. I tried to think of what the hooded figure was but I couldn't think with the wolf inside me longing to run free. I hadn't changed all year. I was scared that if I changed, I would hurt someone and expose myself. I silently cursed at the longing. My eyes glowed for a second before I snapped them shut only to open them again and find that they were back to normal. I just had to get out of the woods.

We were back in the common room and everyone was in bed but us. Harry told us what Fritz told him about Voldemort. "Dont you see. Snape doesn't want the stone for himself he wants it for Voldemort. If Voldemort has the stone he'll, He'll come back" He said. "Whoa" was all Ron could say. I rolled my eyes. "You don't think that if you know who cane back he would try to kill you" he asked Harry. Harry glanced at the floor. "I think if he had the chance he would've tried to kill me tonight". "Guys your forgetting one thing" I said making them look up. "Who's the one Wizard Voldemort always feared". I quizzes them. The two boys shrugged their shoulders and exchanged looks. "Dumbledore" Hermione jumped in. "As long as Dumbledores around your safe. As long as Dumbledores around, you can't be touched" she finished.
The next day the four of us had just questioned Hagrid about who he got his dragons egg from and the fact that he told them how to make Fluffy fall asleep. When he said that we all looked at each other and ran off to Professor McGonagalls classroom. We dashed up to her feet and as soon as we stopped Harry exclaimed "We need to see Professor Dumbledore, immediately". McGonagall looked at him while he said this as if she was wondering what was so important. "I'm sorry but Professor Dumbledore recurved an urgent owl from the ministry and had to leave straight away". "He gone" Harry said both surprised and in a bit of a whining tone. She nodded her head once to confirm his shorter statement of where he was. "But this is important. This is about the Philosophers stone" he said quickly. Her eyes widened at the last part. "I don't know how you three found out about that but i assure you the stone is perfectly well protected. Now all four of you head to you dormitories, quietly" she said strictly. We bowed our heads and walked down the hall. "Now what are we gonna do" Ron said. "Snape could go after the stone and no one would know until it's to late" said Hermione. "Hello" said the voice of none other than Professor Snape behind us. We all slowly turned to face him. "Now tell me what would four young Griffindors such as yourselves be doing inside on a day like this" he said. "Well, I-we-I" Hermione stuttered. "Better be careful" he said interrupting her. "People might think your" he started and turned his head to face Harry who was giving him a look that said 'we're onto you'. "Up to something" he finished after seeing Harrys face. With that Snape turned and walked away. "What do we do" whispered Ron. "We go down the trap door" Harry said not taking his eyes of Snape's figure striding down the hallway. "Tonight" he finished as he glanced at us. Then we all turned our heads again to watch as Snape headed down the hallway until he turned a corner.
We waited till everyone was asleep and snuck down the stairs. We tiptoed halfway across the room but stopped when we heard a croak. We looked at the armchair. "Trevor" Ron said. "You shouldn't be here. Shoo". Then a boy with dark hair and blue pajamas leaned forward so we could see him. "Neither should you" Neville stated. Ok perfect line. "Neville were sorry but we have to go. This is important" Harry said. "No" Neville said with fear but also determination in his voice. "You'll get Gryffindor I to trouble again. I won't let you. I-I-I'll fight you" he said taking a very weak but admirable fighting stance. Hermione stepped forward. "Neville I'm really really sorry about this". She whipped out her wand and said "petrificus totalas" with the swish and flick movement. Nevilles arms were glued to his side and he was standing perfectly straight. Hermione has frozen him that way. He fell backwards into a chair. I smirked at Hermione's actions but felt bad for the boy who just wanted to help his house win the house cup. Ron gulped as Hermione put her wand back. "Your a bit scary sometimes you know" Ron said then glanced back at Neville. "Brilliant, bit scary". With that we ran off and out the portrait hole.

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