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At first, I wasn't sure what to wear to a steam room.

Swimsuit? A towel? Nothing?

I had to look it up, but eventually, I got changed into a tiny bikini. I didn't want to wear the same one from this morning, so I picked out a new two-piece. After I was changed and ready to go, I grabbed my phone and sped downstairs.

The hotel was huge and the instructions were confusing. It took maybe 20 minutes for me to find the steam room and give the employee my name. She was nice but also kinda snarky. She just checked the list and let me in, giving me that 'I know exactly what you're going to do in there' look. You know, with the little smirk and the raised eyebrow. It's quite offputting.

I thanked her and walked down the hall. Ok, when I tell you this place was classy! Everything was so fancy. Marble everywhere, gold fixtures, and it smelled like lavender. It fit in perfectly with the rest of the hotel.

I found my way to the locker room and set my stuff inside. I checked a mirror really quickly, just to make sure I looked alright, then I walked into one of the steam rooms. No one else was there except two other people in a different room. I could hear them giggling, but later, the rooms started to fill up with the rest of the people in the top ten.

About 10 minutes after I had arrived, Emily walked into the room.

Oh fuck.

She was wearing a black bikini. She looked like an actual goddess walking in through the steam.

"Hey," she said, sitting down next to me, "This is really nice." Her hands reached around her back to adjust the knot tied in a bow as kind of a hint.

"Couldn't agree more."

I pulled her into a kiss. A hot, steamy, sexy kiss. As it got heavier, she put her hands on my waist and pulled me onto her lap. Slowly, they crept up and fumbled with the elastic of my top, but I wouldn't let her untie it. I wanted to screw with her. Make her wait. Her breathing was heavy and paced. I felt it glaze my skin as she pulled away.

"Why are you being so damn difficult..." 

Emily's tone was angry or impatient. I think she was turned on. It was like she was ready to punish me or something. Her head tilted to the side and her teeth slightly ground together.

"Maybe I just like to make you itch. Make you thirsty." I smiled.

She huffed under her breath and stared at me, biting her lip. I laughed a little, looking into her eyes like I do every chance I get.

I could stare into those eyes for hours, days, years. Fuck. I need to stop! Not catching feelings! Remember?!

She could tell that I was captivated by them.

"Why don't I give you something better to look at?" She murmured. 

Standing up, she placed me back down onto the bench. I watched as she got on top of me, slowly teasing me, and flipped her hair to one side. Her hands floated upwards to untie her bikini top. I tossed it across the room so it was out of her reach. One by one, she tugged the strings loose on her bottoms. They fell to the floor and her hands were brought back to my body.

"Like what you see?" 

Her voice echoed through my head as her arms wrapped around me.

"Mmhmm," I replied, stunned by her beauty, although I didn't let it show. I had seen it all before, but somehow it felt different.

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