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"There will always be a reason why you meet people. Either you need them to change your life or you're the one that will change theirs."


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"So what's living underwater like?"

I lean against the bottom of the rock, both of the girls laying on their stomachs on the rock above me, peeking over every now and then to make eye contact. Shelly crawled up on the rock to meet them, and I can hear Rinae cooing at his 'cuteness' every now and then.

Aemin's the one talking to me, her hands draping over the top of the rock to brush the water. She stares up at the sky, staring absentmindedly at it while I float in the shade of the rock.

"Well, it seems normal to me," I say, playing with my fingers in front of me. "I'm more curious as to what living on the surface is like."

"I'm not good at describing that sort of stuff," she replied, "I mean look around, there's clouds, uhm, no water everywhere, and...trees."

"But that stuff sounds cool to me since I've never seen any of it before," I explain, "I dont know what you mean by a 'cloud' or a 'tree,' but the fact that we're completely surrounded by air is new."

Aemin arches her neck backwards, looking at me with a dumbfounded sort of gaze. She sighs, probably realizing that I'm actually telling the truth, then sits up so that I can see her.

"You see the fluffy, white things in the sky?" she asks, "Those are clouds. And trees...uhh- oh! You see those big stick sort of things reaching up to the sky way over there? Those are trees."

"Wow!" I exclaim, looking at them. "Those are probably much bigger up close. We have coral reefs, which are like a bunch of mini trees put together. Except they're all different shapes and sizes. Also colors. And clouds...it looks kind of like when a big whale swims above you, but way different at the same time."

"You've swam under a whale before?" she asks.

"Yeah?" I say, confused as to why her tone is a little bit amazed. "And sharks, a bunch of different type of eels, oh, I got stung by one once, not a pleasant experience-"

"Wow, living in the ocean sounds so cool," she gushes, "The only aquatic animal I've come close to are the fish that swim in the shallows."

"Well, I don't think I can really survive in shallow water, so that's another thing that I don't know about."


"I think the coolest thing is how the beam looks up here," I say, tilting my head upwards to squint at it.

Not only is it a different shape, but it's also much brighter. I can barely look at it without my eyes hurting, even if I squint.

"The beam?" Aemin asks, cluelessly.

Tide | Park JisungOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora