𝙓𝙓𝙓. 𝙨𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩 𝙠𝙚𝙚𝙥𝙚𝙧

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"Malfoy looks so stupid."

Hannah muttered under her breath as we ducked behind a tree by the bridge, watching Hermione's fist collide with Malfoy's face.

"That was my favorite part," I whisper, smiling at Hermione as we watched Malfoy hurry back to the castle.

Hannah smacked my shoulder, smiling as she held three fingers up, then two, then one.

"My father will hear about this!"

I slapped my hand over my mouth, doing my best to keep quiet so we didn't get caught.

"That was a good one Hermione," Harry hit his shoulder with her, Hermione nodded and pointing to us as we made our way to Hagrid's. We made sure to keep a good distance between past us and current us. Eventually, once past us made it into Hagrid's hut, we hide in the wood closest to the pumpkin patch.

"Okay, so the necklace is how you've been getting to classes?" Harry asked, pointing at the necklace that hung around Hermione's neck. Hermione nodded, tucking the necklace back under her jacket.

"And you both knew about?"

Hannah and I nodded, casually looking behind us for Dumbledore. He would be here any minute and it would be safer to more after he's in Hagrid hut than before.


"Wait, didn't Dumbledore say something about two lives?" Hannah turned Hermione, cutting Harry's little rant off completely.

"He did, do you think he meant Buckbeak?"

I looked to the creature in question, his neck chained to the post in the pumpkin patch with sad eyes. My heart ached for the poor Hippogriff. I turned to respond to the conversation when my eye caught sight of Dumbledore, Fudge, and the executioner coming down the stairs that lead to Hagrid's hut.

"Guys," I pointed at the group who seemed to be in a steady conversation, looking over my shoulder at the rest of us still resting in Hagrid's hut.

"I- Uhm," Hermione picked up a pebble, moving up slightly and throwing her arm as hard as she could within the open window in the hut. A small vase, the same one that broke earlier, shattered before past us eyes.

"Not like that, like this," Hannah picked up a different pebble, slightly smaller but still, spinning her arm twice before she chucked in through the window. Harry's head a perfect target as it hit exactly in the back of his head.


Harry, both Harry's matter of fact, rubbed the skin where the pebble had hit. Hannah shrugged, giving a nervous smile while I tried my best not to laugh.

"You better not be laughing at me Greyheart," Harry pointed a finger at me, doing his best to hide his smile. I was close to responding but I watched past us hurry out of Hagrid hut to the pumpkin. I pulled Harry behind a large tree, doing my best to hide us from ourselves.

"There Pettigrew," Harry whispered softly into my ear, pointing around the tree at the rat that Ron held close to his chest. Hermione looked around her tree, frowning once she looked around.

"Is that really what my hair looks like?"

Hannah grabbed Hermione's arm, causing Hermione to crack a branch with her shoe. Past Hermione and past me both whipped around, looking for where the sound came from. I pulled Harry closer to me, making sure we were both hidden. My heaving chest was pressed against Harry, both of us looking to each other as we waited for past us to leave.

"Clear," Hannah whispered out, moving to the pumpkin past us just sat at.

I let go of Harry, letting my breath out as I followed Hannah and Hermione's lead.

"Time to save Buckbeak?"

Hermione nodded, standing up all the way slowly. She motioned for Harry to follow, as Buckbeak trusted Harry already and we didn't have time to make him respect us. Hannah and I kept an eye on Fudge, Dumbledore had seemed to distract him with the mountains.

Harry started bowing for Buckbeak, which just made him trash around on his chain. Fudge almost turned but Dumbledore caught his attention again. Hermione huffed, reaching for the dead animal that Hagrid kept to feed him,

"Buckbeak," her words could barely be heard over the loud-speaking of Dumbledore.

Harry made a run for it, taking the rope off the post and wrapping it around his hand. Hermione drew Buckbeak to us by throwing a treat into the forest behind us. Harry kept his grip on the robe as we all made our way back to the forest, watching as Fudge turned around to find Buckbeak missing.

"Come on, this way," Harry called, walking deeper into the forest with Buckbeak rope held tightly in his hand. I jogged down the little hill, doing my best to keep up with everyone as the sun slowly started to set.

The breeze blew past my cheeks as we kept a fast pace, running around the forest waiting to be attacked or whatever else could happen at this point.

"You know I don't like running," Hannah muttered as we finally stopped, Hermione, giving the rest of the food to Buckbeak. Harry let go of Buckbeak rope, watching Hermione jog up a small hill.

"What now?"

"We save Sirius," Hermione overlooked the rest of the forest to the Whomping Willow. The rest of us stood watching as Hannah and I stood in front of the tree. I felt my heart stop for a second, knowing that any second everyone should see me stop the tree and I would have to explain myself.

The beam of light Hannah was talking about stuck through the sky, stopping the tree in its tracks and it paused.

"Oh Godric, who did that?"

I took a shaky breath, turning to look at every one. I was hoping this could be Hannah and I secret, I didn't want more questions and I definitely didn't want to have to explain something I didn't even understand yet. I looked up at Hannah, her eyes searching my face before she spoke.

"It was me," Hannah's words were shaking, nodding at me as if asking was it okay she did this. I smiled to myself, giving a little nod.

"I remember the spell Hermione used last year with the pixies, it was pretty simple actually."

I nodded, smiling at my feet. I own her, big time.

"I didn't even think of that," Hermione spoke, turning back to the Willow just as Lupin approach the tree. The thought was easily forgotten and everyone watched Lupin slip in the hole and the knowledge that Snape was close behind.

"Now we wait?"

"Yep," I slide my hands down my jeans, making myself comfortable on the dirt. Everyone else did the same, waiting for everyone to leave the shack so we could somehow fix this problem.

I felt a hand grip my own, looking down I saw the string bracelet and red painted fingernails squeezing my hand. I smiled, giving a squeeze back.

Hannah Saint was the secret keeper of all secret keepers.

hi, this for anyone who ships "sinny"

i love you and y'all will be very happy with some events for fourth year i came up with last night while trying to sleep

that is all, love abby :)

that is all, love abby :)

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greyheart; year 3↳h.potter x readerWhere stories live. Discover now