10 / Seán / The End

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He approaches her across the yard, pulling her up from the grass. She wobbles a second, but steadies. Her eyes are locked to ours in disbelief. She sees our neck.

He's still grinning like crazy. He's enjoying this. Her running. He likes the chase. Please, Y/n, you have to escape his sick little game. Get help.

The dogs bark around us. They are starting to catch on to the the weird air. They're trying to protect Y/n. If only they knew what he was. Chica gets close, sniffs him for a moment before backing away. Henry stays by Chica, away from us.

"What should I remove first? Your hands? Your feet? Or- I know, what about those pretty little eyes of yours?" He taunted, as if asking her opinion. She shook her head swiftly, eyes still wide.

Her hands were attached to his one on the front of her shirt, trying to pry it off. He shook her for a second to knock her fingers loose. It worked. She had tears running down her face. He smirked at them.

"No, not your eyes. I like to see you cry. I want you to cry more before I'm done with you." Her hands moved off of his and onto his chest, trying to push him away.

He grinned again at this. "You're so weak," he mocked, brushing her hands off of himself. Quickly, her hand instead went to the handle of the knife, around his own hand. His grin disappeared. She struggled to get it from his grasp, meanwhile he had no trouble keeping it from her.

He pushed her back against a tree trunk, holding the knife above her head. He pinned her body to the tree with his own, using his weight to hold her there. His other hand came up, snatching both of her wrists in one hand, holding them against the tree above her.

His eyes drunk in her body, head to toe. "Actually, I think I know exactly what I'm going to do with you," he muttered finally, his sickening grin returning. Her eyes lit up with a whole new kind of fear.

I pushed. He wasn't going to do that to her, I wouldn't let him. No matter what. I pushed as hard as I could and then some. He dropped her hands and the knife, stepping from the tree and holding our head.

He looked up and confusion filled her eyes as she watched. The pain was excruciating. But after a tough moment, I finally had my body back, though I wasn't sure for how long.

I took a few deep breaths. My neck and arms hurt, but it was only ghost pains. They were healed over and back to normal. I looked up at her for the first time in person. She snatched the knife off the ground, holding it in between us.

Her eyes ran over my body, going from my neck to my arms to my eyes. She points at my eyes in confusion. She pointed the knife at me. She wanted an explanation. I couldn't exactly give her a good one. But I knew what she had to do.

"Kill me." She seemed surprised to hear me say it. She shook her head, pointing the knife between my neck and my eyes. She wouldn't kill me until I explained. I sighed, sitting on my legs.

"There's a demon inside me. His name is Anti. He's gotten strong enough to start taking control and he became a serial killer. Once you survived, I did everything I could to stop him, keep him away from you. But he only got even stronger, and took control of me while I was awake. He got here and went after you and I was powerless. If he gets control again, I don't know if I can contain him. Please. You have to kill me. I can't let him kill anymore people." Tears start to rush down my face.

She seemed slightly surprised but still refused to fully believe me. She still couldn't sign with a knife in her hands, so she gestured around me with the knife before poking it at me again. "You won't know it's not a trap. You don't have to trust me. Just kill me."

She shook her head, tears at her eyes. "You have to. You can't let him kill anyone else. Please. You had to have survived for a reason. Do this for everyone else that didn't get to survive." Though hesitantly, she shook her head again.

"Please," I begged. My voice cracked and I felt my barrier slip down just a second. I no longer had control. He jumped to his feet, rushing her so fast she nearly didn't see him at all until he were in front of her. He struggled for the knife but she refused to let it go. Good, Y/n. Now use it.

He grabbed the handle, trying to force it the other way around. No! Don't let him.

She seemed to hear me, because she looked into our eyes with determination, turning the knife. With one push, I felt the worst pain I'd ever experienced. Next thing I knew, I was on my knees. I was me again. I was in control. Her eyes changed to surprise and then worry as she dropped down onto the ground next to me. When had I fallen over?

Oh shit. I picked up a hand and felt the handle of the knife. It protruded from my heart. She did it. Anti can't hurt anyone anymore. "Thank you."

She shook her head, tears running down her face. She had blood on her. I could feel it surrounding me, coating the ground beneath us. The world faded for a second, going dark. Then it vanished completely.


I will be back. No matter how long it takes.

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