Richtofen X Reader Early Christmas

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"Ed! Come here!" You yelled from the kitchen and you heard him run in. "What? What is it?" He asked hurriedly "nothing, come here" "scheisse, you scared me" he sighed and rubbed his face with his hands. He walked over to you and stood by your side "what is it?" He asked and put his chin on your shoulder "help me make cookies" you pleaded. "I've-never made any before. I'm sure you'll do great by yourself" he smiled sheepishly and a little blush came across his face. "I'll show you, or I'll teach you"

You gathered the ingredients as he seemed to try and remember the exact brand and measurement. "Ok, now you knead the dough" "wait. 'I' have to knead the dough?" You giggled and nodded "yes, I'll do half" you spilt the dough and began to knead it as Richtofen rolled up his sleeves to his sweater. He watched intently and did exactly what you did.

He asked questions and you answered them honestly, like "did you have Christmas?" Or "what if I can't get in the Christmas spirit" which you replied with "if you can't, then Krampus will come and get you" you knew, that he believed in both Santa and Krampus so he was careful. He laughed nervously and was quiet for a few second " were joking right?...with the Krampus thing?" You hummed "hmm, maybe, maybe not" you shrugged your shoulders and seen him stiffen with fear and just shrink a little. You laughed to yourself and tried not to let it out.

"Ok, since we're done, what do you want to add to your cookies? Chocolate chip? M&M's? Macadamia nuts?" "I want to add, your love. Like a lot" he laughed and you did  as well. "Even if it did happen, I wouldn't give you to much. You'd go crazy" he rolled his eyes and put M&M's inside as he rolled them into a ball and flattened them out onto the cookie sheet. He actually did very good on his first try. "Great, now just pop them into the oven and we're done" you smiled and he kissed your cheek before running back into the living room.


"Alright, while that's baking. we can set up the tree" you smiled at him and he looked at you with a shocked face "we? As in you and me" "yeah, I'm not gonna do it all myself" you laughed and rolled your eyes.

After the tree was set up, the ornaments was next. "What if I break one?" "Then you break it, nothings going to happen" you said as you placed an ornament on the tree. "Mhmm, so do you have to place them all over?" He asked again as he seen you move from top to bottom then top again on your side of the tree. "If you want to, look. No ones going to say anything Ed, it's your tree, your celebration, not theirs, if they want they can go celebrate and decorate their own house and tree" you assured him.

"I think. I am done" he stood back and admired his work. You finished and stepped back too, his ornaments were almost all bunched up, but it looked good. It was who he was and it defined him. Besides, it was his first, he'll get the hang of it eventually, "why does yours look better?" He asked himself and he rested his cheek on his palm. You turned him around and made him look at you. "Ed, listen to me. I know you've never had something to celebrated like this ok? And I know it's hard to remember what a Christmas tree looks like when you were younger, but this is yours. Do what you want, no ones telling you yes or no. Have fun with it" you told him and he looked down.

He scooped you into a hug and held you. "I don't mean to put anyone down on Christmas I just want to learn. And I'm sorry..I love you" he said as he kissed your temple and set you down. "I love you too" just then the oven rang and you both walked into the kitchen. He took a deep breathe and let out a sigh. "Have you never had cookies?" You asked in shock "yes, I've have cookies before, but I've never smelled homemade ones. They smell great" "yeah well they taste great too"


"So, how'd you wanna decorate them?" You got out the Christmas colors after you let the cookies cool down. "I'm not sure, but I'll figure it out" you handed the green frosting to him and he took it and got to work. The silence hung in the air as you both concentrated, once you both were done you looked at each other's cookies and ate one.

"I'm tired now" Richtofen yawned and stretched. "Yeah? Well go up to bed, I'll be there in a second" you poked his rib and he jumped back and held it. He shook his head and laughed as he walked up the stairs. You turned off all the lights and slowly made your way into your room where Richtofen was already laying. You changed and crawled in next to him. You faced away, he grabbed you and pulled you close. You leaned into his warm touch and held his hand. "Goodnight Liebe" "goodnight Ed" you whispered back to him as he kissed your cheek and wrapped his legs around yours. Sort of an attempt to get closer to you, just in case you weren't kidding about Krampus.
Alright, so this may or may not have a part 2... but that's later. And we're almost at 1K likes! How exciting is that?
And for the the milestone, I want to do something new, what I have in mind is
•Change the cover of the book
•change the name
•face reveal
•keep going to 200
•maybe tagging people who want to be in the next chapter.

I'll answer the questions you guys ask, and whatnot. That's at 1k though! So not just yet, I'll let you know, so just vote or say something and we'll see when we get there.

Happy holidays:)

Call of Duty Zombies Preferences-ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon