Spa day with Draco

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Today is saturday and is May twentieth. One week passed since the quidditch game. This week was kinda weird since there wasn't any quidditch practices or defense against the dark arts classes. You used your free time to plan all of the performances and today you and your friends are going to practice them. Right now you and Draco are both awake and dressed and are sitting in the couch planning.

- So how are we going to do the fake dark marks?(Draco)

- We will need to draw them with eyeliner.(Y/N)

- And that will stay?(Draco)

- Yeah, we will use waterproof eyeliner.(Y/N)

- Oh god, we are going to wear makeup.(Draco)

- Don't be like that, you already wore it.(Y/N)

- What?(Draco)

- Yeah don't you remmenber when you kissed me and your lips stayed stained with my lipstick.(Y/N)

- But that wasn't on purpose.(Draco)

- Whatever.(Y/N)

- So tell me again what are we dressing up as?(Draco)

- I already told you that we are dressing up as death eaters.(Y/N)

- But why the throne?(Draco)

- It was Blaise's idea.(Y/N)

- Where is he by the way he was suposs to be here with us.(Draco)

- He said he had something  to take care of but in my opinion he is sleeping.(Draco)

- I think you are right. Have you notice that Blaise has been more agressive?(Y/N)

- Actually I have and he seems to be hating on Pansy more.(Draco)

- And she has been spending less time with us.(Y/N)

- Do you think they fighted and now are mad at each other?(Draco)

- Yeah.(Y/N)

- That would explain a lot.(Draco)

- Yeah anyways wanna go to breakfast?(Y/N)

- Absolutly.(Draco)

You and Draco got up from the couch and walked out of the room and towards the great hall. It was kinda late so there wasn't almost anyone there. You and Draco started walking towards the slytherin table when someone called you. You turned around and saw Fred and George waving at you. You smiled and then walked over to them.

- Hey guys and Ginny, whats up?(Y/N)

- Y/N we have a problem.(Ginny)

- What is it Gin?(Y/N)

- Fred and George heard that the hufflepuffs were planning on singing Suopernova.(Ginny)

- What? But that was our idea.(Y/N)

- Those bloody badges.(Draco)

- So what we do now?(Ron)

- No idea Ron, I already had everything planned.(Y/N)

- We sing silence.(Fred and George)

- Well thats a good option.(Y/N)

- Its perfect plus it was the first idea.(Harry)

- Bloody hell Potter I didn't knew you were here.(Y/N)

- Thanks.(Harry)

Harry rolled his eyes and you did the same.

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