I - Storm's A Brewin'

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    "Now I may be blind," yelled Toots from his rocking chair, "but don't worry about this storm, Joan of Arc. I built this house like Noah built his ark. Ready for a flood! Yep. This house," he paused and tapped one finger on the arm of his chair, "is flood proof."
    Within a second of his statement, a lightning bolt struck the house and it burst into flames.

    A few minutes had passed, and Joan and Toots were standing in front of the remains of their home.
    "It's gone Toots," said Joan, solemnly looking at the ground, "All gone."
    "What a terrible flood," said Toots, rowing his rowboat on the grass, the boat not budging, "Holla when you see land, Joanie! Holla when you see land."
    Joan had no idea what to do. Where were they going to stay? God, this was horrible.
    "There was no flood, Toots. Our house burned down."
    "Now Joanie, I may be blind, but I think I can tell a flood from a fire."
    Joan rolled her eyes. This should be fun.

Sorry for the short chapter idk what else I should write here so 🧍‍♀️

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