New Adult Category - Round 1

204 11 13

  15 books in one of the most diverse categories that exist.

  Which one do you think that has the best chances of winning the first place?!

📚 A Violent Hope, by believablebooks

📚 Entries, by Teen_grl_

📚 Erase and Rewind, by Allison_Hei

📚 Friends... Not anymore, by kinalhariya

📚 How to Go to France, Tame a Grumpy Llama and Fall in Love, by timolily

📚 His Evangeline, by AnonymousssN

📚 On the Edge of Tomorrow, by 0liviaRose436

📚 Silver Lake, by AdamCavelle

📚 Slay All Snakes, by Silenesea6

📚 Socially Distant Teen, by hchladybug1218

📚 The Freshman Tease, by Leolunah

📚 The Mafia's Boss with the President's Daughter, by JustMe_100

📚 The Whispers, by MicroscopicLlama

📚 THORNDEROUS, by incen_dia

📚 WHEN IT HITS US, by linnetplacid

And by now we are sure you already know the question we now ask. WHO WILL WIN?!

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