chapter 5: an unexpected ally

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"Your welcome."

Ahsoka's pov
Ventress was up to something. She wasn't just asking these questions for nothing and I wanted to know why.

"Ventress. Why are you so curious all of the sudden?"

"We have a common enemy, the Empire. You are the only force wielder I have come across in ages. Together we could train these children to become what their father couldn't. The true chosen one- or well ones!"

"Or have a better idea. You come with us to- wherever the rebellion is at and join. I- I have to keep them safe and hidden until their old enough, but you could do so much good with the rebellion."

"I'm not doing it because I like being good. I'm doing it because I hate the Empire."

"Fine, think of how much damage you could do to the Empire if you join the Rebellion." She looked like she was considering it. Why wouldn't she? I'm very convincing.

"Now I assume you can take care of those on your own since you won't be joinin-"

"No." Why on Lothal would she say that.

"What!?! No what!?!"

"No. I despise the Empire and I will go to any length to bring it down. I will join your little rebellion but on my terms only!"

"Mhm, and what are your 'terms'."

"No one gives me commands. I go where I want, when I want too."

"Well, I can't make any promises. But I know a guy who you could talk to that might consider your requests." Ventress looked puzzled.

"So you aren't in charge of this little rebellion then?"

"I am not. An old master from the clone wars is though." She gave me a face when I said master and clone wars.

"And who is this master you speak of." Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy she'll kill me if I tell her.

"Oh don't worry. You'll find out soon enough." This was fun. I should tease her more often. She rolled her eyes and sighed. I can't wait to see her expression when she finds out it's Obi-Wan Kenobi. HA!!! Anyway back to what's really important, my little junior. Leia and Ezra were going inside the ship so I followed them.

"Wait for me! I'll be right back!" Ventress yelled as she ran towards the opposite direction. I wanted to yell what on Lothal was she doing, but before I could get a word out, again, she was over the hill of tan grass. I sighed and entered up the ramp. I occasionally passed by some light saber marks, curtsy of Asajj Ventress.

"Leia? Ezra? You in here?" I turned to see both of them in the cockpit. It was adorable, Ezra was pretending to shoot a gun while Leia was 'flying the ship'. Note the air quotes haha haha.

"Um, sky girl. Your in my seat."

"Oh sorry here I'll move to the ba-"

"No, stay. Pilot the ship sky girl."

"I- I don't think I can Auntie Soka. I'm just not ready yet I need more training. Right now it's impossible-"

"Leia, it's only impossible cause you deemed it so. You can do this. I'll be right here for you. But don't worry, you could crash this ship and brake it in two but you know what?"

"What?" She asked me.

"Even if that happened, which it won't, you'll still be better at flying then your Father." She let out some chuckles and exhaled deeply.

"I'll give it a try."

"No! Do or do not, there is no try." Seriously Ahsoka, you've confused the poor girl enough with out using Master Yoda's backwards dialect. She positioned herself in the seat and just in time Ventress came back in pant get out of breath with a suitcase.

"Leia start her up, I'll be right there." Sky girl did as she was told and turned on all the main systems. I stalked over to Ventress who was sitting on my torn leather seat. The silver sky is tough, not only did she survive 2 kids for 9 years but she took a ton of slashes from light sabers and is still functional.

"What are those?" I asked Ventress motioning towards her case.

"If you must know." She opened the case to reveal several pieces of metal. I raised a questioning eyebrow at her.

"I can't take this whole one light saber thing anymore. I'm planning on exploring the kyber caves to find my second crystal. Not to mention I noticed your little padawan didn't have a saber."

"So your just going to give her the parts to make a light saber?" She nodded.

"Who are you and what have you done with the real Ventress!?!" I went too far, she scoffed.

"I like that kid okay? Is that what you wanted to hear? I like her. She reminds me of myself in some ways. And besides, she might be the only jedi that's mind hasn't been warped yet." Should I be offended? Nah.

"Auntie Soka! Are you coming?"

"I'll be right there sweetie!" I called back.

"Do you think you have enough pieces in there for 3?" She smirked at me. But it was true, I couldn't use Anakin's light saber any longer. Every time I picked it up or even looked at it the saber made me cry when I thought of its previous user. I miss Anakin. But he's gone now. He's gone. A tear threatened to spill over but I choked it back in.

"You can stay here. If you want to sleep for now you can use Luk- Couch. You can sleep on the couch." She nodded and I left back up to the cockpit. I entered to find we were not on the ground anymore. We were in the air heading up.


"What. You took to long." I rolled my eyes with Ezra and we all giggled in unison as we took off and out of the atmosphere. Once we all settled down I saw ventress messing with her scrap metal, then I looked out the windows with one hand on Leia and Ezra's seat. Ezra flicked some switches and pulled the lever. All of the sudden the stars were just blurs and we were in hyperspace. After a few moments Ezra spoke up.

"I'll go fix the transmission set so you can contact your rebel friends."

"Excellent. Thank you." Hang in there Luke,

Mom's coming.

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