" Ok I get that alcohol solves most problems but now is not the time for it. We have to find that damn nerd." Kirishima face palmed like I just said the dumbest thing ever.

    " I think he meant that alcohol was the hint. I don't know why though." Alcohol is the hint? What could it mean?

    " Ok maybe a little bit of a bigger hint. A place where we can get alcohol."

    " I doubt he's at my uncle's house shitty hair." Again with the face palming.

    " Try again."

    " Liquor store?" All Might tried. Kirishima shook his head.

    " That run down bar full of villains?"

    " Oddly specific young Bakugou." Kirishima nodded to me so he didn't say anything.

    " Right now? Why the hell would Deku be there?" He stayed silent. I'm guessing he can't say. " Well let's go find out." I got up to go but All Might stopped me.

    " You said it yourself. It's full of villains." Kirishima began to furiously write something on a blank piece of paper.

They are gone so Todoroki could visit. If you go don't let them know I told you.

    Me and All Might looked at each other. I mouthed the words, I'm going, to him and I ran out of the house to make my way to the bar. No one followed though so All Might must be staying behind so it's not too obvious that we know. I'm coming Deku.

At the bar

    I opened the door startling the leader and warp gate. I forgot their names. I didn't see Todoroki or Takahashi and I definitely didn't see Deku.

    " What the hell are you doing here? Only one student had permission to come." The leader said.

    " You have good alcohol and I want some." I have to lie. If they have Deku I can't let them know that's why I'm here.

    " Whatever. I guess you may as well have some today since the rest of the League is gone." That was  oddly easy.  I sat down and the warp gate gave me a glass of whatever. As I was about to take a sip Takahashi shouted.


    " HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET IT WHEN YOU WONT TELL ME?" What the hell are they fighting about?

    " What's Icyhot doing here?" I asked the leader. Oh yeah isn't he the kid's father figure or some shit?

    " Supposed to be a study session for school but it turned into a fight."

    " WHY IS BAKUGOU SO SPECIAL HUH?" I choked on the drink I had just taken. The leader used a severed hand to pay me on the back so I'd stop choking. That was an experience I hope to never have again.

    " BECAUSE HE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO IS ON THE LIST." What list and why the hell are they fighting over me?

    " Should we stop them master? He's getting a little too close."

    " No it's about time. I'm getting tired of this stupid game he's playing." Game? Do they know something I don't?

     " Listen. Tell me about Midoriya or I'll take you to the police myself."

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