When Jupiter comes in to take over for the rest of the night, I'm relieved. Lacey doesn't look like she's doing so great anymore and I'd be lying if I didn't say I was starting to get worried about her.

What could make her get to the point of nearly being black out drunk?

"Bye Peter! Thanks for the drink," She says waving at him and I keep my arm firmly wrapped around her back before she can fall face first.

"Lace if you could help me out just a bit with your coordination, I'll be able to get you home faster."

She twists so quickly I almost lose my grip, but I hold onto her for dear life. "I'm having fun! I don't want the night to be over. Let's go back to your place! Maybe Linc will be up for some games."

I eye her uncertainly, "You're kinda really drunk. I think you might just want to drink a glass of water and go to bed." I continue leading her out the doors to where my car is parked on the curb.

"No Dean, I don't want to go to bed. I want to live my life. Going to bed at nine p.m. is not living my life to the fullest." She pouts, jutting her bottom lip out. Lacey's chocolate eyes are staring straight at me and I find myself nodding along.

"Do you have any ideas?"

This is a terrible idea. I should just take her home. I doubt she'll remember all this tomorrow morning.

She gasps loudly and wiggles out of my grip, "I know exactly what I want to do."

"Which is?" I prod, waiting for her to continue, but I'm worried because of how widely Lacey is smiling.

"I want to ride a mechanical bull."


"I want to ride a mechanical bull," She repeats slower, trying to enunciate her words more, but it's kind of a slurry mess.

"You can't even walk in a straight line right now and you want to ride a bull? Do you even know how to?" I stutter and Lacey gives me a devilish look.

"It can't be any different than riding a man so let's go!"

Holy. Fuck.

Lacey did not just say that. I am speechless. I seriously don't know if I can make words come out of my mouth right now. I've had my fair share of sex, but hearing those words come from Lacey was kind of a turn on. Not that I'd ever admit it.

And then she trips walking down the sidewalk without me so I don't have to think, I just have to react. My god this girl is going to be the death of me. It looks like she's shaking when I kneel down next to her, but then I realize Lacey's laughing. Like completely full on laughing so hard her face is bright red.

"Are you okay?" I ask brushing her hair out of her face and she nods still giggling.

"Dean, I don't think we can go bull riding tonight."

I lift her up with no help from her because I doubt she could stand if she really wanted to. "Yeah, I think that's probably a good idea."

She is drunk. Lacey is shit faced off of four drinks. "Can we still go another time?"

"Sure Lace, we can go another time."

I end up taking her back to my apartment because I do think Ruth needed some time to herself. I'm not entirely sure what's going on, but there's definitely something going on. I just don't know what it is.

One thing I notice for sure while I carry her into the apartment is that her hands are freezing. She has them draped around my neck with her head resting on my chest. Her energy seems to have dwindled remarkably on the drive here.

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