Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

[Trigger warning - car wreck]

Your attention was stolen away as you fought a losing battle with boredom. At the moment you are stuck in a family roadtrip which consisted in your father driving, your mother speaking to your father and your younger siblings fighting over a toy.

The argument between your siblings and your mother's reprimands enter and leave your ears as you ignore them and try to slowly form the alphabet with the first letter of signs you see as a desperate attempt to remain sane. If only you could have remained home to just spend time with your friends instead of being stuck with this torture.

As your hunt for the letter 'Q' began something began to seem off... a car was coming near and you suddenly realized this was not normal. Your father tried to veer away from the car as your siblings and mother noticed what was happening but it was too late... the car met your and your father's side of the car and everything quickly blacked out as pain began to flare in your body.


"Family... only... living" A voice said as you regained consciousness for a moment, the room almost appeared to be spinning as you faded in and out and a doctor placed his hand gently over your heart. "Dying... heartrate... flatline..."


You awoke with a scream as the sound of an alarm ringing scared you out of your slumber and you fell out of your bed, tangled in your blankets and sheets. Shrugging yourself out of the bedding you look around the unfamiliar room and try to level your anxious breathing while rubbing your aching chest.

"Where the hell am I?" You questioned yourself as the door swung open.

A/N: A short chapter to be honest but an intro regardless, I may consider posting chapter two later. I'm not certain yet.

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