Part 3- His Friendship With Ron

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In the beginning, it was just by chance that Ron and Harry became friends. Being with Ron gave Harry a sense of belongingness in form of his family which Harry has never experienced in his life before. Harry in turn, gave Ron a friendship full of adventures and made Ron realise about the courage, loyalty and strength he has.

In the Goblet Of Fire, Ron was angry because he believed Harry had gone behind his back to put his name in the Goblet. He felt Harry should have told him and taken him along so he could have put his name in too. Ron was upset that it was always Harry in the spotlight, never him.

In books 1-3, an innocent bond formed out of ending up in the same compartment, insecurities about conforming to the wizarding standards and continuing due to having the same sense of adventure, common interests, a lack of an extremely studious nature and being concerned about each other.

In books 4 and 5, a period where the hormones strike. Harry carries a lot of angst within this period at being the person who has to risk his life time and again and who is the center of attention despite not asking for it. Ron, who is treated like an average wizard by everyone (even women he likes and his own family) grows to resent Harry for his widespread fame and always supporting Harry. This creates a rift between the both of them. It is overcome when Ron realises that Harry does not like his own fame and that he does in fact, have to deal with death often and Harry accepts his fate as the Chosen One. It also helps that Ron is made a prefect and a keeper in the Gryffindor team, which infuses him with enough Self-Confidence.

In book 6, a period of great happiness for this pair. Their strong bond is showcased in this book, especially when Ron non-verbally gives his blessing to Harry and Ginny; a hint at how much he respects Harry since he is extremely protective over Ginny.

And in book 7, the biggest obstacles that Harry and Ron have faced can be seen from the beginning when Ron has a problem with Harry leaving Ginny (and playing with her emotions by kissing her again - Or so Ron thinks). Ron is essentially torn between his family and Harry, having to choose a friend who doesn't seem to have any idea about how to defeat Voldemort, doesn't seem to care about Ron's family, living with whom leads to a sub-standard way of life over his family whom he loves, who are in danger and living with whom gives a sense of safety. He decides on abandoning Harry, immediately regretting it after he leaves and does all he can to come back. This, coupled with his doubts of Harry and Hermione being in love (No, just no) seems to drive a deep wedge between Harry and Ron. It is a testimony to their deep bond, that Ron comes back and Harry forgives him. From there on their relationship is almost sibling -like, caring and supportive. Of course by the end of Deathly Hallows, they continue to be best friends, a relationship which never fades.

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