Harry's Parents

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I had this dream last night and I remember that I had so similar dream like 2 years ago. In December! And it's December now, so I'm confused... Just enjoy and tell me your opinion.

I was with school with Natalie. We were talking when something happened. My head started to blow and I saw something.
There was man with glasses. He looked like me best friend Harry. And woman with red hair. She was smiling. But I think she saw something, because her smile was now gone. Then I saw other man in  front of them. He was smiling like purr devil and they probably know him, because I heard man with glasses saying:  honey, go and hide. Remember, Harry's safe. I can handle him for a while.
The woman kissed man with glasses and ran into the house. Then man did something that we weren't able to do. He took his wand out of his pocket and other man did it too. They were facing each other. I don't know what happened, but then I heard loud scream and green light. And I heard someone whispering into my ear. "Godric's Hollow. They're in Godric's Hollow. Take Harry." and I woke up.
"What happened? Are you okay?" Natalie screamed.
"Uh... Yes, why?"
"Because like 10 minutes we were talking and you fell and started to scream. So... Our teacher took you here with me. And she left, so tell me, what happened."
"Bring Harry here please, now! And don't tell T/N (teacher's name). Just bring him here."
Natalie was back in 5 minutes. She was with Harry.
"So... What happened?"
I told them full story and they were just staring at me.
"Another wizards..." Harry said simply.
"Yes... And something was wrong with them. Then, you know... The voice..."
"Godric's Hollow... I heard that.. I think..."
"Harry... Stupid question. But do you know, how your parents looked like?"
"Uhm, no.. Why?"
"Because that man looked like you. He had black hair and glasses. And the woman had green eyes too..."
"It must be my parents... We have to go to that Godric's Hollow... Now!"
Then we jumped off the window and ran away.
"But Harry, how do we get here?"
The answer was right in front of me. Train.

A/N I remembered from that dream 2 years ago, that we ran into some old guy and he told us, how to get here.

I saw man and I ran to him and asked: "Please can you tell us, how to get to Godric's Hollow? As quick as possible..."
"Uh...the only train, that is going to Godric's Hollow is this train." and he showed us train which looked like big bubble. "and the train is leaving in 5 minutes, so hurry! And... The train station in Godric's Hollow is behind the church.. But you need to go in front of church."
The man waved at us and... Disappeared...
"That was weird, but we need to listen to him. He seemed familiar to me... So we're gonna go to Godric's Hollow and in front of church... Okay now, go!"
We asked two young ladies, and they handled us tickets on the train.

Then, I woke up...

But if you want to hear what I dreamed about 2 years ago, please vote... It was similar, but I saw more... Please vote for part two!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2020 ⏰

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