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The only source of light was the small lantern which flickered in the cold breeze that intruded through the metal bars. The moon was hidden behind the clouds, the weather was much worse on this side of the Kingdom.

You closed you eyes, hugging your knees in search of any warmth. Even though you were tired, your content shivering wouldn't let you fall asleep.

A rustling sound which you could only just make out, was coming from the door. Your heart quickly increased, you figured that it was now or never. Quickly getting up and standing to the side of the door, you blew out the candle and took the glass lantern, holding it high above your head, ready to smash it down.

The rustling sound became louder for a second, before it completely stopped, inhaling sharply you prepared yourself to fight. So when the door began to creak open, you stayed hidden behind the metal door.

You could hear someone breathing, it sounded like a man. They took one small step to get a closer look. You needed to do this now. Lifting the lantern a bit higher, in one quick motion you stepped out from behind the door and was ready to attack.

"Kirishima?" you said, completely dropping the lantern so that it shattered below you.

The red head that stood in front of you, wrapped his arms around you. Hugging you tightly he whispered, "Don't ever leave me again."

After realising that he had come here to save you, you melted into the hug, wrapping his arms around his neck. "I'm so sorry."

"For what?" he said, leaning back so he could see your face.

"I was so stupid, and naive. I never should off left. Look where it got me."

"Hey, hey, it's okay. It's not your fault." he said trying to comfort you, "Let's go home."

The two of you tip toed through the side entrance that Kirishima had found. He told you about how he managed to sneak in, especially as it was so late at night. But he hadn't been able to tell you about his meeting with Bakugou yet, in all honesty, he didn't want to. He wanted for you to have nothing to do with him. In Kirishima's eyes, he was only unwanted trouble.

You sat on the back of Kirishima's horse, with your hands around his waist. You didn't know whether or not to tell him about what happened during the time that you ran away. You figured that it's unlikely that he would approve of you agreeing to stay with a stranger. You knew deep down that he wouldn't understand, Bakugou wasn't just a stranger to you. You had a connection, whether it was real or fake. And this wasn't something you could easily get over. No, in fact, it had entirely broke you.

"Cheer up Princess, we will be home soon." Kirishima said, seeing your dead expression.

"I'm scared."

"Why? Because of your parent's reaction?"

You were also hiding the other truth from him, which was that your parents didn't exactly live the life they claimed to.

"Yeah." you nodded, looking around as you entered the main town. It was less bust now, but there were still some people out. A fear in your stomach appeared as you began to recognise the bars and shops, there was a chance Bakugou would be in one of them. Maybe even showing off his new crown to his cheap friends.

Jaw tensing, your eyebrows furrowed you kept your head forward. Let him see you, why would he even care? He got what he wanted, didn't he.

Meanwhile, Bakugou waited in the alleyway that he talked to Kirishima in a few hours ago. He wanted to see if he would come back, maybe even with you. But at the same time, he didn't even know what he would say. It's not as if he could just apologise and everything would go back to the way it was before.

Shoving his hands into his pocket, he shook his head and began to exit the alleyway. But as he was about to turn around the corner, his eyes landed on you.

You sat there, holding on to Kirishima, with no expression. Your features were numb, but it looked like you were in pain. All he wanted to do was run up to you and wrap his arms around, feel your warm skin beneath him, as you tell him that you're okay. But he couldn't, he just had to watch you go back to your old life. He had only caused you trouble and he knew you were better off without him. No matter how much it hurt him.

His eyes left you as they landed on his feet. He kicked the stone wall, not even giving you a second look, it just hurt too much.

You turned back once more to look at the place where you actually felt alive. It was over now. But as you turned back an ash blonde caught your eye. He kicked the wall, wiping at the corner of his eye. Your heart was racing, he was actually there. All you wanted to do was tell him everything is going to be okay, to feel his arms around you, whilst his lips touch yours.

Kirishima watched out of the corner of his eye, seeing your face gradually light up. Your lips twitching a smile, however it quickly faded. As quick as it happened, it was over. You broke your gaze, looking straight ahead, the light once again leaving your features.

"How far to the castle?" you said.

"Not long now."

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