Chapter 6: "When Bigfoot Got the News"

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At the end of Chapter 5:  (Ozgür) He ignored my question. "Tell me your name," he demanded. "You already know my name," I said breathlessly. Why was I breathless? "I want to hear you say it." There was an expectant silence on his end that compelled me to answer him. "I'm Ezgi," I said in a husky tone. He was making me melt into the back seat of a cab with just the sound of his breathing. "Hello, Ezgi. I'm Ozgür but I also answer to Mr. Big," he said impishly. "Tell me Ezgi, why are you running away from me?"

(Author's Note:  Please read to the end of the chapter and give us your comments and your vote too. Thank you!)


(Ezgi) "I'm not running away. Who said I was running away?" I said with a laugh and made a dismissive noise.

"Your lost shoe tells the tale, Cinderella," he said drily.

"I'm not feeling well. The flu, I think. I'm highly contagious." He made a skeptical noise which should not have sounded sexy but it did. Curse him!

"There's someone that would really like to see you again," he said. His low, deep voice was making me throb in places that had no business throbbing.

"Omigod! Are you seriously referring to your penis? Listen here buster! I'm not looking to pick up where we left off. So, if you think I'm going to sleep with you again..."

"I meant your fish," he said, calmly interrupting my tirade. "Remember Goldie? But it's really nice to know you're thinking about my penis." I could literally hear the wicked smile in his voice. "Though I'm curious as to why you wouldn't want to pick up where we left. I'm still partially deaf in one ear from your lusty screams." His sexy teasing voice drizzled over me like thick honey. I tried to shake off his sexual sorcery.

"You conceited, cocky, arrogant, perverted, knuckle-dragging..." I spluttered in outrage.

He made an appreciative noise. "I missed the dirty talk, baby," he cooed in my ear.

I made an enraged animal noise and he laughed uproariously.

"So, is tomorrow good for you?" He interjected abruptly.

I narrowed my eyes at his audacity. He was a manipulative, evil man and to my everlasting shame, I wanted to say yes. I wanted to go back to that hotel room and have my way with him over and over again and forget this awful reality. But I couldn't afford to fall into his dastardly dimples again. I needed time. Time to compose my confession. Time to get used to the idea that once I confessed, I'd probably never see him again. My palms started to sweat and I took the coward's way out

"Maybe. I'll let you know. I have to go now. Bye."

I hung up the phone and stared at it, willing it to ring again and hating myself for it.


I tossed and turned restlessly, unable to fall asleep. I kept stressing out about my upcoming job interview tomorrow, about how time was running out, and that I'd have to tell my mother soon before things became more evident. I tried really hard not to think about how I'd raise a baby by myself. I tried not to think of a baby period and then felt terrible for my ambivalence. I tried not to think of labor and the horrid birth video I'd watched. Overthinking is my curse. I buried a frustrated scream into my pillow.

It didn't help my insomnia at all when the asshole neighbor came home during the wee hours and began to bang on the drums like he was possessed with the spirit of Tommy Lee. I got up and looked around for my robe. I intended to march over there and give that inconsiderate ass a piece of my mind. By the time I found the robe, the commotion had stopped. I got back into bed and finally settled in when the phone on the nightstand started to vibrate.

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