Chapter 44: Part 1:Its a...

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Thanks so much. I can't believe that in four hours I got like a hundred new reads! That is so unbelievable. Thank you guys so much. I can't believe j have 4,8K reads, thank you!!! So note about the chapter this is kind of in two parts. So you will get this then a SUPER SUPER SUPRER SUPER SUPER SHORT CHAPTE.the shows how the reactions are. Once chapter closer to the end. I think there is under five chapters. Maybe. Thx. Love ya. Enjoy


Vilu P.O.V.

I walked out of the shower in a maternity shirt and skirt. My bump was showing now so I couldn't wear just any clothes. We had gone to the shops and bought some. I sighed and walked over to the bed where Leon was sleeping soundlessly. I smiled of my self and went next to him. I bent down and kissed his check.

"Morning" he says with his eyes still closed.

"Wake up today we are going to find out whether the baby is a boy or a girl" I tell him.

His eyes flutter open slowly and he pulls the covers off inch by inch.

"I will go and make the breakfast while you get ready. Okay" I tell him and he nods in understanding.

I walk down the stairs slowly touching my stomach gently. I get down and get some bacon eggs and bread out. I put the bacon in the oven and begin to make our eggs. Fran and Deigo were coming over today. They wanted to help clean up since I was busy right now. I finish the eggs and butter the toast. I out the kettle to boil and Leon soles down the stairs. I still hadn't made a decision and it was haunting me. But I still didn't know what to do. I shrugged the thought off and carried on making the breakfast. Leon comes and helps with the Tea. The doorbell rings and I go off to get it. At the door are Fran and Diego.

"Hey!" Fran says to me happily.

"Hey. Come in. Breakfast is just about ready" I tell them and they come in and take a seat at our table.

I go to the kitchen and get all the things on plates and Leon brings the teas. We all sit down and begin eating.

"So what do you think it is going to be?" Diego asks us.

"Well I think boy" I start, "this child kicks and feels so aggressive"

"I think it is a girl" Leon says.

"Well you don't know how aggressive this child is" I tell him.

"Well there is Indigo. Remember how she used to be" Fran says.

I laugh thinking about the memories. We finish eating and then get up.

"Thanks for helping, we should be back in an hour or so" I tell them and Leon and I get into his car.

We drive to the hospital. We go in and tell the nurse where we want to go and she let us. We went to the waiting area and sat on the blue chairs. I put both my hands on my stomach gently and wait for Dr Carlson. After 5 minutes Carlson came out and let the people that were in out and he let us in. (Sorry if that was confusing)

"well you can take a seat Leon and Viou you may go onto the bed." I go on the bed and lie down.

I pick my shirt up a little and Carlson comes over with his equipment. He puts the gel on and rubs his piece of equipment over my stomach. He then puts something to his ear and looks up at the screen. We see a picture.

"I can't tell you that this child is a..." I smile widely from ear to ear.

I couldn't believe I was going to have a baby... He gave me a cloth and I wiped the gel off. He went off to print the picture.

"I can't believe it. We are having a baby..." Leon says happily.

"I know I am so happy!" I say.

He gives me a hug and kisses my forehead. He goes down a bit and looks at my belly.

"Can't wait to see you." He says to my stomach. Well the baby.

"Congratulations. And Vilu. You must be careful. The baby will be out soon" Carlson warns me.

I nod and Leon and I walk out. We drive to the house. I walk in and the house is sparkly clean. Everything was packed. It looked brand new. Outside the grass was mowed and the flowers were watered. Everything looked perfect.

"Oh my gosh!" I say on awe.

Fran and Diego come downstairs.

"Well we didn't do it on our own" the say and step aside and our friends and family come out.

"Thank you guys!" Leon and O say thankfully. We couldn't believe what they did for us.

"We realized what a busy time it is now. And Maxi and I understood so we did your house" NATY said.

Leon and I carried in thanking everybody ice the work that they had done for us. Leon and I walked upstairs to just put our things down and we then see the lounge. The white couches were perfect white again. They had put a new carpet and the TV stand as dust free. We walked into our room and stood in awe. There were red flower petals by the bed. The bed had a new duvet set and pillowcases. We walked to the bed and saw a collage of Leon and I. Wait how did they get those pictures, only Leon and I have those. But then I looked inside the bathroom. There were flower petals around the tub and flower petals leading to the shower. On the tub there were candles that were lit and they looked like they were glowing. They had bought like a bath set which had soap,cream,sponge, bubble bath. I stared at the bathroom.

Leon and I walked downstairs to the lounge where everybody was waiting for us.

"Thank you guys so much for what you have done for us. It is unbelievable!" I say to them with a warm smile.

"Now we have some news for you guys" Leon starts.

Everybody looks at us either eager and curious eyes.

"It's a..."

Sorry I know it is shirt and boring. But the next one is short that will have what gender the baby is. I am so excited to finally finish this story. You have absolutely no idea. So what did you think of the chapter. Will write the next chapter but I want you guys to answer this

What do you think the gender is??!???????

Tell me in the comments. If you get it right then the next chapter will be dedicated to you.

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Lexy xoxo

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