On the bus

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-I looked at Cierra and she grabbed my hand-
Cierra:des wait what if we meet some fine ass niggas
Me:it'll be long distance and I'm ugly tf
Cierra:no your not
-she gave me a pep talk we said bye too our parents and left. On the bus we was not holding back us and the kids in the back were playing games. The guys were on some gay shit like always-
-we kept doing what we was doing. I got dared too twerk on a guy from the other school as soon as we got off bus-
(3 hours)
-we got all our stuff out and I went too this one guy. He was cute and all-
Me:um do you have a girlfriend
???:yeah why
Me:well I have too twerk on a guy from a different school that's my dare
-he looked at this one girl-
???:make quick and you owe me
-I Did it we introduced ourselves and then I went back too my line. What I didn't know his girlfriend was gonna be in my cabin. When I saw her stand in my line I looked at him and he wasn't paying attention. When we got too the cabins I was on top bunk Cierra was bottom a girl named Lila was on top next too me and his girlfriend was bottom next too Cierra. It was lunch time so we all went and sat by cabins while I was socializing I saw tyshawn and his girlfriend go too the bathroom. When they came back she was limping he was playing with his hair. They sat back down at their tables and I looked at her. She had the biggest smile on her face yet I was somewhat dying on the inside why Idk. I didn't know why but I just know I was hurt-
(After lunch)
-I had hiking and when I tell you I was scared, I put on a black cropped tank top with a flannel shirt and some biker shorts with some all black Air Force ones and pinned my hair up. I made sure I had my water bottle I had sun screen and I used the bathroom. It was our cabin and a boys cabin. Just of course tyshawns cabin just great-
Tyshawn POV
-I was staring at Desiree while she helped everyone with sun screen. Guys were trying there best too impress her by taking their shirts off but she was unamused. I went over too her and she looked up at me with a smile-
Des:need help
Ty:yes please
-she helped me with my back because I didn't need her too do my whole body-
-I could see his girlfriend coming back from the bathroom but I accidentally scratched him and he tightened his back muscle-
Ty:it's fine
-when I was done he introduced me too his girlfriend and she wasn't a bug fan of me. For some reason she had too go too archery-
(During hiking)
-I had tripped and almost fell but someone caught me. I didn't care who it was I backed up and the guy just held me-
Ty:you okay
-I looked at him-
Me:oh I'm sorry I just-
???:you two are cute together
???:no cap when y'all have baby's they'll look just like the two of you
-I blushed and he smiled. We took a water break and kept walking. I was constantly staring at him. I was starting too feel light headed which lead too throwing up. A counselor came over-
Ty:I can take her too the nurse office
Counselor:we don't want you two too get lost
Ty:I know the way
Counselor:I'll come
-he slightly rolled his eyes and we left while walking I was constantly throwing up I started getting dizzy so ty picked me up. When we got there I was fine just wasn't use too the weather. Lucky for us swimming was next and as we just went too the cabins guess who we saw making out his gf and a guy. I had a idea too put a smile back on his face-
Me:make her jealous by using me
Ty:you sure
Me:of course
-we came up with a plan and we were ready-
(Getting dressed)
-I put on my bathing suit-

Cierra:girl do you know how risky that plan isMe:he already said he wasn't no girl put a hand on me and he won't let a nigga put a hand on me Cierra:okay but damn she thick-I chuckled and grabbed my stuff

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Cierra:girl do you know how risky that plan is
Me:he already said he wasn't no girl put a hand on me and he won't let a nigga put a hand on me
Cierra:okay but damn she thick
-I chuckled and grabbed my stuff. When we got over there I asked tyshawn too out sun screen on me. Of course sons kids were there so we had too keep it pg13. The swimming test started and I passed so I was aloud too go too the deep end. All the teens except alice (his gf) was aloud too go. She was stuck with the kids because she didn't wanna take the test. I sat on his lap and we all talked. When I tell you alice took that swim test so fast and came over-
-we all stared at them-
Alice:fine I'll put it out I don't want you around her
Ty:why not
-I leaned back on him and he blushed-
Alice:I'm your girlfriend yet she's sitting on your lap and all up on you like she yours
Ty:so we gon ignore the fact that we saw you kissing some other nigga which actually looks like you
-he pointed too this one guy. His friend came over trying too calm him down-
Mikey:chill my guy
-we all got out and I was trying my best too hold him back but my foot slipped. I caught my balance-
Ty:des move please
-he didn't care and pushed him in. This dude looked like he died. Of coursed I slipped in and all that water hit my belly. When I tell you that shit hurt I wanted too die. I went down but quickly got pulled back up. As soon as I got out I backed up and everyone started surrounding me-
Ty:back tf up give her some air to breath
-I was mumbling a bunch of words trying too contain my tears-
???:it's okay too cry I know that shut had too hurt
-I started crying and he pulled me on his lap. When I moved my legs and arms the huge red spot on my stomach was there. He looked down and of course no one else could see. He wiped my tears kissed my cheek and hugged me-
(Horse back riding)
-we learned all about horse back riding and we all split. Me tyshawn Mikey Cierra and Alice had too go too the garden. I ran into Alice and she tried to throw a punch but her hand stopped centimeters away from my face-
Ty:walk away before I let her go off on you u and I won't stop her
Alice:tf she gon do
-he backed up and watched me fuck her up. He finally pulled me back and I went back too being the innocent cry baby. He smiled and leaned in till our noses were touching-
Ty:aw the little innocent one I see
-I leaned in the rest and kissed him. He licked his lips and smiled. Finally it was our turn and what we didn't know was cash the horse ty was riding and Megan my horse had a baby together. For some reason I imagined I was riding something else...you know what I mean. I started getting wet and I feel like everyone could tell even tho it wasn't noticeable. Finally we got off and I knew he noticed what happened. He looked at me and smirked-
Me:get the fuck away from me
-he pulled me closer and looked at me-
Ty:do I have permission too feel you down there
Ty:it's okay I don't really rush
Me:can you rephrase the question
Ty:can I touch you down there
Me:oh sure
-he snuck his hand into my shorts-
Ty:do I have permission too use my fingers
Me:hmm I'll think about it later
Ty:take your time
-he kept playing with my underwear and then he told me-
Ty:I'm telling you this and you won't change my mind but I refuse too eat 🐱
Ty:the girl I tried it with she um...
Ty:like a fish market
Me:damn well I know I clean myself I know I don't smell and I feel bad for you, whoever that girl is ruined the experience for me
Ty:maybe I'll give you a chance too change my preference
Ty:I'm gonna say something okay
Ty:I knew when I walked out the bathroom with her you were hurt
Me:you could tell
Ty:yeah of course I could and I'm sorry I didn't say anything earlier
Me:it's okay she was your girlfriend and I had no place too say anything but now I do
-he chuckled and kissed me again-
Ty:I love how you say was not is
Me:cause she's not but if you want me too prove that...
-he pulled me up he asked too use the bathroom then I did. I ran up and when I caught him we ran into the closest bathroom-

Pregnant at camp🤪Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora