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By now, you had both finished eating. You looked up to see that Bakugou had some food on his chin. You giggled, he obviously never learned the same table manners you did as you were growing up

"Here." you said, picking up your napkin and wiping the food away. As you did this, his cheeks quickly darkened and his eyes widened. You didn't notice at first as you were still chuckling but when you did he quickly looked away and scowled.

"Finished already?" Toshinori said as he took away your plates. When he came back to say goodbye to you two, he whispered something to Bakugou which was inaudible to you.

You waved to Toshinori and left, and as you did you could feel Bakugou wrap his hand around yours. You walked side by side for a little while, you just suspected that he was taking you back to the lighthouse but soon enough you realised you were headed in the wrong direction. 

"Where are we going"

"You'll see." he said, still looking strait ahead. It reminded you of the time he first took you to the lighthouse. A smile began to spread on your lips as you thought back to that.

After walking a little while longer, he tugged on your hand slightly, getting you to look up. When you did, in front you was a small pier. It looked out onto the sea that glistened in the moonlight,  there were a few lanterns along the side and a small rowing boat at the end.

"I never even new this place existed." you said, leading him to the end. He smiled and tried to keep up.

You leant against the wood and looked out, breathing in the fresh air. He came up behind you and wrapped his arms around you, leaning his head to the side a bit to see your expression.

"I wish it could be like this forever." you sighed.

"It can be." he said, which made you turn around and look up at him.

"Stay here, with me." he said.

You lips parted slightly, and without even noticing it your faces were getting closer. Katsuki's heart was beating out of his chest, he knew now was the right moment but he didn't know what your response would be. But before anymore words could be said, you leaned in to kiss him. As you put your lips on his, he immediately kissed back as if he had been waiting for this from the start.

His hand moved up to your neck as he deepened the kiss. You were moving in sync, and quickly the kiss became more heated. You leaned back for a moment, breaking the kiss to speak.

"Yeah. I wanna stay here." you said in between kisses. You could feel his smile and as you both pulled away his hand moved up to your cheek. You leaned into it, putting your hand on top of his.

"Lets go home." he said.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

You took a short cut through the forest on the way back to the lighthouse, Bakugou was walking a bit ahead of you as you were too tired to walk at his pace.

But something felt off, you looked around to check but it was clear. As you sped up to catch up with Katsuki, you heard the crunch of leaves behind you. When you went to look, there were two red sinister eyes glowing in the distance. Your stomach turned and you were unable to move or even speak.

When you finally built up the courage to turn around and call for Katsuki, he wasn't there. You were alone, with whoever still had their eyes on you.

"Katsuki!?" you shouted as you began running to see if he was just very far ahead. But the further you ran, the more fear began to consume you. Calling his name over and over, you came to a sudden stop when your dress caught on a fallen branch. You tugged on it as the figure approached you. As he came closer, the moonlight began to highlight his features, he was a skinny man with pale features and white hair.

"Princess." his voice said.

"Who are you?! What do you want?"

"We just want to help you."

You tugged on the dress hard enough for it to rip, but when you did you only fell backwards. As he walked up to you closer, another man came up behind him, he had black hair, blue eyes and burnt skin.

"We've come to save you from the murderer, Katsuki Bakugou." the pale one said, a sadistic ring echoed his voice.

"Murderer?" you whispered, still on the ground as they towered over you.

"Did he not tell you?" he mocked, knowing full well you were oblivious to the truth. "He killed our friends."

"Where is he?" you said panting.

The two men that stood in front of you looked over to your left, there you could see Bakugou about 50 feet away. He was on the floor as if he had just been beaten up. As he adjusted himself, his eyes wandered over to the glowing crown that stood in front on a tree stump.

"My crown." you whispered out loud.

He walked towards it slowly, as if he was in a trance and gently reached out to touch it.

His whole life he had been chasing after survival, stealing food, finding any sort of shelter, all alone. So when something that held such power was waiting in front of him, it made his mind go blank. He was in so much pain, doing whatever it would take to avenge the ones who have been killed that eventually it broke him. No longer was he doing it to avenge them, but it was out of anger. Life just wasn't fair, it was cruel and harsh and ripped away everything he once had.


And so when he ignored your cries, it was the worst mistake of his life. He wasn't there to protect the one thing he truly did have. You. All because he was angry and selfish.

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