1- where we go from here

Start from the beginning

Dinner that night was a quiet affair. Kana ate leftover rice and fish from breakfast, all the while thinking about what kind of survival training Kakashi was intending to put them through. He had hardly made a great first impression during their meeting, but he was jounin for a reason. Kana was sure that she'd come to find out, whether she liked it or not. Right now her biggest priority was not getting sent back to the academy.

The next morning she woke up before her alarm, still nervous. As Kana went about her morning routine in a trance her mind was on their test. The tension didn't disappear until an hour after their meeting-time, when Kakashi still hadn't shown up. Naruto was pacing. In intervals he alternated between complaining loudly about their sensei, and fidgeting with a kunai from his pouch.

When Kakashi showed up Naruto was in the middle of one such rant, and he had the decency to look embarrassed. It didn't stop him from shouting "You're late!" on the top of his lungs.

"Maa, there was a little old lady carrying groceries. I had to help her," Kakashi smiles at them, so full of bullshit, and Naruto bristles.

"Now then," Kakashi sets down an alarm clock "it is set 'till noon." He says, then holds up two bells. "Here are two bells. Your task is to take these from me before the time is up. Those who have no bell by noon are not eating lunch. There are only two bells, so one of you will definitely fail." The smile on his face is downright evil, and how he manages to express so much with three fourths of his face covered Kana doubts she will ever understand. "And.. The person who doesn't take a bell fails, so one of you will definitely get sent back to the academy."

"Come at me with the intent to kill, or you will for sure fail." Kakashi is immediately mocked by Naruto, because if he couldn't even dodge a blackboard eraser how the hell is he supposed to dodge a kunai. Kakashi only looks at him disinterested.

"Ignore mr. deadlast and start when I say.." Kana can see the rage building up in Naruto with apprehension and when he grabs a kunai and is about to throw it she is ready to stop him, until suddenly Kakashi is right behind Naruto, the kunai pointing at the back of Naruto's head. "Maa, I didn't say start yet.." Kakashi's lazy tone is in contradiction to the calculation of a trained killer residing in his every move, and a chill goes straight up Kana's spine. They are supposed to fight him? How?

"Since it seems you guys are finally starting to come at me with the intent to kill.. Begin!" Kana scrambled to sort her thoughts out and leave her spot in the clearing. She immediately hides in a tree, watching as Naruto stays in the field and challenges Kakashi to a straightforward battle.

They fight, and Kakashi manages to trap Naruto in a snare easily. The boy grumbles, hanging from the tree by his feet. Then someone, and it must be Sasuke because there is no one else here, throws a volley of shuriken at their teacher. Kakashi uses the substitution technique and Kana's eyes race around the field, trying to determine where he has gone. When she sees a flash of silver in the greenery she throws her shuriken. The silver flash is gone as soon as it appears and Kana is left with no way of knowing if she hit, unsure if she should move towards him or away from him. She doesn't get to make that decision as Kakashi suddenly drops down in front of her, startling her into falling off the branch. She grabs another branch in the last second to stop herself from tumbling to the ground, and then she hangs there awkwardly.

"Whoops," Kakashi says, not a single ounce of regret in his voice. Kana holds tight to the branch she caught, and when Kakashi's eyes stary from her back to his book she swings upward, landing on the branch as she uses her momentum to aim a kick. Kakashi side steps easily, and Kana jumps backwards to the three behind her to put distance between them. She aims more shuriken, but Kakashi is replaced by a log at the last second. Kana feels a presence behind her, but by then it is too late and she is pushed down from the three. She meets the ground rolling, getting up and throwing a kunai at Kakashi who jumps down from the tree easily deflecting it with one of his own.

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