- Kiki
- how is you?
- the group, I mean
- you okay?

- yea, I'm okay
- hbu?


We were exchanging questions. Yep, we had unwanted memories at school. But we both know we were okay with talking about the matters. They were in past now. But I sensed that both of us were scoffing at that moment.

When I remember the list of contacts in the group chat I just went through earlier, there was a number that I always remembered. A number who I always ended up sharing so much stories. That familiar number.

Fire from the past slowly rekindled. Nonetheless, I chose to reply Kira 'I'm okay too.'


•• Kang Kira ••

- Kiki
- how is you?
- the group, I mean
- you okay?

- yea, I'm okay
- hbu?

- yeah, I'm okay too
- I wonder what's this group purposes anw
- I don't feel like caring what they gonna discuss there

- idk
- it's better to see all the texts at the end of the day

- I don't think they'll be sleeping at the end of the day
- groupchats are always noisy 😂
- but tea~ 😌

- Omg hahahaha


I left Kira's text just the way it was with a light smile on my face. I was about to put down my phone to continue making the customized bracelet that was ordered by a customer when another notification came.

I let out a soft sigh as I lifted my phone up. My phone kept buzzing because of the way Yeri message. She talked smoothly, but the way she sent messages though...


•• Choi Yeri ••

- girl...
- what is this group's purpose???
- can I leave the group?
- it's not important to me

- it's a group
- with a plan
- of
- class reunion

- I don't think I'll be joining
- I can leave the group, right?

- well
- it's up to you


Yes, I chose to leave the groupchat. Not my matter to mind with. Call me mean or whatever, but I felt good that I started anew.

I didn't want to return to the tiring past. It felt good to step in the present time and I wanted to look forward for the future already.


Yeri wanted to go but she had no transport to attend the reunion. She told me about how she was curious about the people and that, she didn't have a transport to go. Out of pity, I volunteered. Our houses were only a few meters away, so I thought it would be better to go with her.

Dubious Encounter | Kim Namjoon + Im ChangkyunWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu