°○Karens everywhere○°

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With Kaede

Kaede wanted to go alone. Iruma insisted of coming with her but, she gave up a few minutes later.

The real reason Kaede wanted to go alone was so she could take a relaxing walk with her headphones on. She pulls out her phone and goes through her playlist and eventually chose a song.

○♤Bruno, what did you tell that man? He's a clever man, did you know? I bet he works for the government♤○

Kaede really loved the song and played it on loop. She eventually found a trail to walk, and walk she did.

She kept walking for about five minutes and saw a good bench, in a perfect spot. Kaede sat down and took out her sketchbook and lead pencil from her backpack.

She closed her eyes and exhales. Kaede opens her eyes and turned to a fresh page. She looked around her and started to draw a tree trunk.

Now... how should she draw the branches? Spread out and thick? Thin but plenty? She thought about it, chewing on the top of the lead pencil.

"Young woman!" A high pitched voice screamed. Kaede snapped out of her thoughts and looked up.

A woman with blonde puffy hair ran up to her, dragging a kid, about the age of twelve, who looked very embarrassed, and looked like he tried his best to look like he didn't know this woman.

"You shouldn't be vaping here!" The woman shrieked "You're destroying nature!"

Kaede tried to look around for other people and realized she's the only person in the vicinity.

"Me?" Kaede asked.

The woman scoffed "of course its you! Who else has a vape here?"

Kaede looked at her with pure confusion.

"What vape?" Kaede asked again.

"Mom, thats a-" The kid tried to explain to his mom what she was holding, only to be cut off by the woman. "A VAPE! EXACTLY!" She yells.

"Maam, this is a lead pencil." Kaede said calmly. She wanted to slap this woman so hard that she would fly across the Earth all the way to Sweden.

Kaede become lost in her thoughts until she heard beeping. The woman was on her phone already and the kid was covering his face with one hand.

Not long after, two cops came. "What's the problem here?"

The woman screamed on the top of her lungs. "THIS YOUNG LADY OVER HERE IS VAPING!" The cops fix their gaze on Kaede and at her pencil, then to each other. "Ma'am, thats a pencil and not a vape..."


"But maam, it's the truth. Its a pencil. As for you, you can leave."

Akamatsu turned around and left, still wondering about how the woman mistaken her pencil for a vape.

(A/N: i dont wanna suffer alone so here. Suffer the angst with me :D )

(Art by Senpapichoulo on tiktok :P)

So you know how I said I was writing a REAAALLY long chapter? Yeah no, it ended up too long so i have to break it up into different chapters. (It also didnt help that it somehow didnt save i dont know how and now i have to rewrite everything) see you later!


Mischief Madness | Pregame V3 ChatficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora