Obsession Chapter 2

Start from the beginning

"Are you kidding?" he laughed, "This is my third." 

I sat down in the chair beside him. 

"Dad?" I started hesitantly. 

He looked up from his food and stared at my face, alarmed at my (obviously failed) attempt to sound casual. 


"When did you realize that you'd found your mate in mom?" I asked, trying to relax my posture.  

He watched me suspiciously. 

"Why do you ask?" 

"Well... How do you know when you find your other half?" I said, reformulating the question and at the same time avoiding his. 

He sat up straighter, meeting my gaze with sharp, steel grey eyes. 

"Son?" he said. "Is there anything you want to tell me?" I hesitated again. "Anything at all?" 

"Well... I think I might've found mine. My mate. But I'm not sure, so..." 

"Your mate? Are you sure?" 


"No! I just said I wasn't! Didn't you just listen?" I sighed. "So can you tell me or not?" 

He looked at me, then got comfortable in his seat again. "It's... it's kind of like finding your other half," he said, confirming what I'd asked. "You can't stay away from her for long, and you have a vague feeling of where she is all the time, so you'll always be able to find her no matter the distance. You know, in case of danger." I let out a low growl. The mere thought of any hurt or damage being made to Lily had me so angry and worried that I almost rushed out to find her. But I stayed put, because this was important for me to know. "You'll love her more than anything and'll do anything for her - though I'd advise you not to let her know that, cause it gives the females an unfair advantage you won't want them to have." He laughed at some private joke, or memory, whatever. 

That was it? 

"That's it?" I asked skeptically. 

"Well... To really mark her as yours to the other wolves, and to her, you'll need to mark her properly. Right now you feel almost like you've already marked her, but it doesn't show to anyone else, and to her it's just a strong attraction she can't explain and'll probably blame on teenage hormones." He chuckled, then went back to being serious. "This means, of course, that she's still available for other guys" I couldn't stop the fierce growl that tore through my chest, "so you'll have to... mark your territory, as soon as you can." he finished, seemingly unfazed by my growling in his face. 

Mark your territory. That meant I'd have to have sex with her. 

"So I've found her? She's the one?" I asked, getting exited. It HAD to be her!  

"IF you can feel the Pull, I imagine so." 

"OK, " I said and rose to walk out the door, "thanks." 

The sun was shining outside and I went to lie down in the shadow of the big willow tree in out backyard. I concentrated hard on Lily's face and imagined her in my arms, praying it would work. One minute passed by. I remembered the exact shape and color of her glittering eyes. Two minutes. The outline of her jaw... Three minutes. The perfect line of her nose, and her full, soft-looking, pink lips... Five minutes. I imagined the silk feel of her hair in my hands, and her alluring scent in the air around us. How it would feel to have her soft body tightly presses against mine... 

Nearly fifteen minutes passed before I started to feel a slight pull in the back of my mind. I stayed put for a couple of five minutes more, letting the Pull grow stronger by keeping focus on Lily's face. I wondered if it would go away if I stopped, but decided to risk it, and let go of her image. 

You don't know what obsession is... Until you meet me. (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now