I don't have many friends here. Charan, Sadhana, and Ritesh are the other doctors in the emergency ward.

Buzz... Buzz...

My phone buzzed breaking my chain of thoughts I looked at it and there was a message from an Unknown number

Hey! Your father said you didn't have breakfast, can we meet for a brunch? ~Jay

My fingers went cold with anxiety after seeing that message. Should I feel sad that my father is forcing me or should I feel better that this Jay is better than my dad?  He looks understanding maybe I should talk to him. I sighed, pushed all my thoughts back, and texted him back.

Hey back! Sure, how about the AMG's cafe? ~Divya

Okay, see you in 15 ~Jay

I went to nurse Mala and told her that I will be going out for lunch and redirecting all my patients to other doctors in the meantime.

I went to the cafeteria and got myself a cup of filter coffee and sat there waiting for him. Filter coffee is the best kind of coffee one can ever get. I felt someone in front of me and lifted my head. He looked almost 6 feet, with deep and dark eyes, he had this mysterious aura around him. He was wearing a blue suit with a white shirt on the inside. He looked like those Abercrombie models.

He adjusted his throat to grab my attention and I stood up and said.

"Hi! I'm Divya." With a smile on my face.

"I'm Jay, Stop staring at me your beautiful eyes might get hurt." He said and sat in front of me.

My face went all red and my stomach did somersaults hearing the first guy flirting with me.

"I don't want to get married so early in life, I started my career a month back. So can you tell my dad no for this marriage?" I pleaded with my eyes.

There was a hint of anger on his face but he covered it up with a smile and said

"You can work after marriage too. And I'm not a going to say no." He said looking into my eyes.

"Why? Marriage is too big of a responsibility for me right now. Please understand me." I asked him in a desperate voice.

"I like you and I will marry you." He said in a deep voice. I couldn't understand what I did to get myself into this situation.

"You don't even know me, what if I am a psychopath?" I asked him and he chuckled at my question making me angry.

"You know what you are a psycho.." before I could complete my sentence we were interrupted by Charan and Ritesh.

"Hey Divya, what are you doing so early here? You never come with us when I ask." He asked me giving me a stinky eye.

Charan is the kind of guy who is friends with everyone. He has a happy personality and talks to everyone without any hesitation, unlike Ritesh.

I just smiled at him not knowing what to tell him.

"Hi, I'm Jay Rana Ramesh. Divya's Fiancé." Jay introduced himself to Charan and Ritesh.

My White Knight ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora