The Fay

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Some call us angels. But we are far from celestial. We are born from the first laugh and the first tear. From mortal emotion into immortal being, bound forever to the earth. In deep forests we dwell, hidden by the mysteries of nature. You may hear our songs in the wind, sweet melodies carried on a soft breeze or rousing ballades in the fiercest storm. In the water, you see our reflections, gone in the blink of an eye yet ever-present. In the sun and stars, you feel our warm glow as we guide you onward to the path of the righteous.

Long have we walked this world. Through the ages, we have seen the forces once contained in Pandora's box gain strength, causing this once beautiful realm to slowly fall into chaos and despair. As we were once born from a child's laughter and cry, so too were others born from much more obscure dwellings. The ghouls from haunting memories you cannot seem to escape, no matter how hard you may try to forget. The tricksters from misguided minds, brought forth by blind faith and the lies that spread like a deadly virus. The ogres and monsters you have convinced yourself are not real because you do not wish to see them, yet they are closer than you could imagine. Grief... Heartache... Misery... Even death... This is what they leave in their wake.

There are but few among mortal men and women who dare to brave them. The Fay know where these valiant souls are. The Fay know whose dream they are to touch and stir up. With silver wings that shimmer brightly in flight, the Fay are the first you meet on your hesitant quest for a new life. Bewitching smiles and voices chiming like crystal bells draw you near. An alluring picture is put before you; not all in the world about you is bad. There is still some good. There is still something worth living for.

The Fay carry all the knowledge of this realm and the ones beyond. The how, the what, the who, the why... Yet with such knowledge, there is often a prize to pay. Ignorance is bliss, as the saying goes. This is, ironically, sometimes forgotten, and things that were better left unsaid are spoken. One's future is not set in stone. Life holds many paths to tread. The desire to take one path by whatever means necessary may lead onto a more sinister road, swirling deeper and deeper until you plummet down into that dark abyss.

This is why we, the Elves, have long been the guardians of the Fay and the keepers of your dreams. We are the warriors that will defend you in slumber and help you remember the beauty and light you behold once you wake. We will nurture your desire to take hold of your mind and your own heart but caution you not to stray into temptation. We are the sword that will break free the chains of fright that bind you to the darkness.

Many try to look for us. Few can see us. Many try to follow the path in the dim light to find their place beyond the depravities of the world - not many succeed. For the journey you must take to find yourself is perilous, and the spawns of mankind's imperfections will stop at nothing to keep you within their grasp. But you must never give up. At the twilight of your life, when sorrows drown you and you see no way out of the darkness that clutches at your heart, that is when you will see us. That is when you will see the Fay and Elves, who welcome home another righteous heart who has ventured to take the leap into the unknown, defying all for the mere chance of something better than what they had. A beckoning light awaits those who fight. A promise is made upon our meeting. You shall rise among us, like a Phoenix from the ashes. And as your soul takes flight in sweet relief, the dawn will break through, ending the night that has reigned within you for so long. And with the dawn comes hope.

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