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The  girls were stingy with our time together and I didn't blame them after how long I was gone, they ended up taking me to the mall and between the money Kentrell kept forcing me to take I spoiled the three of us, He'd even snuck it in my bags if...

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The girls were stingy with our time together and I didn't blame them after how long I was gone, they ended up taking me to the mall and between the money Kentrell kept forcing me to take I spoiled the three of us, He'd even snuck it in my bags if I refused. I took a sip from my milkshake at the food court and thats when Amara scooted back looking under the table, "Bitch if you'on quit kickin me wit them crack and peel ass feet," I mugged her, "Bitch my feet soft as hell dont play wit' me," I kicked her once again harder and she raised her eyebrows looking to Taya.

Taya put her phone down now listening and grabbed a fry dipping it in her ketchup packet, "Hm?"
"Did you hear her? This girl so mean now." Amara shook her head stealing one off her plate and Taya looked to me, "That's what happens, she reflectin' her li' yeah now," "I dont know what y'all are talkin about, I said one thing," "Not y'all, he done hoodified this bitch," Taya joked and I just shook my head picking my burger up. "So whatchu thinking?" Amara asked looking to me as she ate.


"Like the whole situation with that Kaylyn girl?"


I nodded covering my mouth and they laughed at me for doing the teacher fist, "Uhm...Okay well, I might just disable my social medias for now. I don't want to have to leave Kentrell, atleast not right now. I just know he has attatchment issues and he needs someone around but I just need to be away for a while just to yknow...Wrap my mind around it and think of the best decision for myself. Im just worried he wont wait for me, he's not very patient, I dont think he can handle being alone."

"What so he has attatchment issues?" Taya asked with a frown.

I nodded, "He's actually more then just some angry rapper who makes murder music, atleast to me he is. He has to be, this is the first time Ive felt love in years and its so much stronger this time. I know its early on but I just feel like we go together, fuck it Im attached too." Taya nodded, "Now what about Kaylyn stank ass?" That made Amara burst out into laughter and I shook my head, "Well I dont know if Im holding too much against her, I mean sure she..." I thought about it to myself and sat my burger down. The girls looked to me, "What?" "I should beat that girls ass," "Purr, I mean but like...Why again?" Amara asked taking a bite of her food.

"She sat up smiling in my face, knowing me and Kentrell were seeing each other."

"Maybe she thought you were one of his—"

I shook my head, "Nope! There's no defending her I looked dumb, she sat up giggling at anything he said and bribing off him the whole time she's probably just using him for a damn baby!" I said and looked around to the people staring at me, calm down Brandi. I just sighed looking to my food, "So where does she stay?" Taya asked, I shrugged, "Probably some rusty old cabin I dont know, why?" "Im just sayin we can go beat her ass if you want, I heard she cheated on him anyway." I groaned to myself, I couldn't blame anyone but my own reflection though.

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