Irene palmed her forehead and laughing. Her members just watching her antic while eating their breakfast

"Really? I don't remember. I thought it just my dream, aigooo" – Irene

"Seriously Rene" – Seulgi

"You stay there tonight or come back?" – Irene

"Depends on my work. I will tell you again" – Seulgi

"Okay then" – Irene

"Got to go now, bye Rene" – Seulgi

"Bye" – Seulgi

Irene sighs then chuckle at her own stupidity. How could she forget Seulgi calling her early in the morning?

"Unnie, what he said?" Joy asked

"He have work at Jeonju today"



Currently, Seulgi and his friends arrived in front of the house as directed on GPS. The house is not too big and located at neighborhood area. A car parked at the garage but no one outside. Seulgi hope he will meet that person today

"Hyung, are you sure this is right house?" Seulgi asking his bodyguard, Ji Changwook who drive car for them

"According to GPS, this is right place"

"I think house owner is available. That is their car" said Eric

"Let's go out" Changwook hop down then run to Seulgi side to open the door for him

Moonbyul press the doorbell while the others stand behind him. A woman come out few minutes later and jog to the gate

"Good morning ma'am, is this Mr. Kim Jinseok house?"

"Yes, what can we do for you sir?"

"We want to meet with him. Can we come in?"

"Yes sure, wait a minute" the woman unlock the gate and let them in

Kim Jinseok is reading newspaper at living room when they enter the house. He looked shock seeing Seulgi and his men arrival

"Mr. Kim Jinseok?" Seulgi asking

"Yes sir, have a sit" said the man then he looked at his wife "Make coffee for our guest"

"It okay ma'am, we just have breakfast" said Seulgi then Jinseok wife sit beside her husband

"So, what can we do for you sir?" Jinseok asking

Seulgi take deep breath before he speak "For of all let me introduce myself first. I am Kang Seulgi, CEO of SG Entertainment and son of Kang Taeyeon, your former employer" Jinseok eyes turn wide while staring at Seulgi

"Y-you son of...Mr. Kang?"

"Yes, I think you can guess already why I come here to see you. I hope you can give full cooperation to us to make everything easy. I'm not going to punish you if you help me but if you close your mouth then I don't have choice. I want you to open up to me about the betrayal that you had made and I know there is someone behind you. You're good staff back then that's why my father appoint you as CEO. He trust you but sadly you stab his back mercilessly. Remember Mr. Kim, karma goes around. If you make it hard for me, I will make it hard for you too. Now what is your choice?"

Jinseok look down to his laps and his wife looking at him sadly "Yeobo, please be honest to them. We're having hard time already. Don't you want to live peacefully like before?" Mrs. Kim plead to her husband

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