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"Well isn't that just perfect. The two of them, together. They couldn't have made it easier for us." the dark voice said.

"What's she doing with him anyway?" Toga replied.

"Can't you see it, they like each other." Dabi responded, looking down at the blonde.

"Does she even know what he is?" Toga said.

"What? A murderer?" Shigaraki spat, "I doubt it. As soon as she finds out, she will run strait back to her beloved castle."

"Then we need to act soon." Dabi added.

"Don't rush Dabi, we will get our revenge. He will pay for killing Twice and Kurogiri. I promise you that." his voice was sinister, he would stop at nothing. And it wouldn't end there, the whole kingdom would go down with him.

"And anyway, we have this now." Shigiraki said, holding up the bag you left behind.

"What use is that to us?" Toga asked.

But without saying anything, Shigiraki opened the bag and pulled out a crown, "Just imagine how much this is worth."

"If we give that to the King, he would do practically anything for us in return for her." Dabi snarked.

"What about him though." Shigiraki pointed to you and Bakugou who were walking in the distance, "You think he will actually stay with the girl, a tramp like him would do anything for the riches this crown could give him. We just need to lure him."

You watched as Bakugou began to pull out a few loose bricks from the lighthouse, it seemed as if he had done this before. When the hole was just about big enough for you to fit through he gestured for you to enter, "Ladies first." he smirked.

"Wow, such a gentlemen." you fake gasped before you climbed through the hole, Bakugou following shortly after.

You both walked up the spiral staircase, the light coming in just enough to highlight the dust particles floating in the air. Your senses were filled by the smell of sea salt and the sound of your footsteps on the stone steps. The steps seemed to go on for a while, but it didn't bother you. The sound of rain tapping against glass began to get louder as you reached the top of the stairwell. At the top was a small room with a glass roof, a ladder in the middle of the room leading up to the light that shone out into the sea. The circular room was fairly bare, a loveseat and a small cabinet with a candle on was the only furniture there.

Bakugou took out a small metal lighter from his pocket and the light the candle, letting off a golden hue into the room.

You ran your finger along the cabinet, collecting dust along with it. You began opening the draws to try and find anything, they all seemed to be empty. However, as you opened the bottom draw, you found a few pictures and letters. Taking them out and sitting down onto the loveseat you began to look through them. Bakugou came and sat down next to you, furrowing his eyebrows as to what you had to found, and the fact that he had never found it before despite coming here.

As you sorted through the pictures, something stood out to you, it was man, but there was something in his eyes that you recognised. But as you went to look at the next one, you were completely shocked. It was a young woman who looked exactly like you, this was impossible, she wore different clothes and had shorter hair, but her face was the same as yours.

"Is that you?" Bakugou said under his breath.

"It can't be."

"But it looks just like you." he said looking up from the picture to you, then back down to the picture, comparing it in his head. 

In search of answers, you went to look at the letter, the ink was old and smudged but still readable.



I am currently living in an abandoned lighthouse, it will be safe here. I wish to see you again, I will find a way for you to leave the castle again so that we can be together. I will find a way to get some money so that we can run away.

The pictures you gave me are beautiful, one day we can get married and start a family together. Just like I promised.

We will be together soon. I love you.

(Father's name)


A silent gasp left your lips as you were able to finally understand. Looking back at the photos, you realised that the man who stood there, wearing rags, who had nothing was your father, the King.

"That's your father?" Bakugou thought out loud, "Then that must be your mother. Did you know about any of this?" he said picking up the photo of the woman.

You weren't able to reply at first, it all made sense now. He hid you from the world because he grew up living in the worst of it. But what was even worse was that they lied.

"Katsuki." you said as your wide eyes met, "No, I had no idea."

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