Fashion wasn’t something that moved me but growing up with a fashion icon you are forced to live up to everyone’s expectation hence I didn’t like going out in the public. For the reading I initially wanted to wear my blue jeans and a white plain tee-shirt but Anna convinced me to wear a long silk baby blue dress and she tied my hair in a high pony tail, initially I didn’t want to wear such a fancy dress so Anna changed her outfit to match mine.
Stephania Queen was the most loved thriller novelist and a lesbian icon; her books had everyone captivated as if her pages were made of cocaine, including me. Because my mother was loved by everyone, she had managed to gift me signed books but I never had the chance to actually meet her. I stood in line like everyone else and a few times I got some glances from a few people, my mother was famous for her work but she had ensured that she kept me hidden from the world but people always found a way to invade her privacy so she made taught me to ignore the few glances that I received from her fans.

“I cannot wait to see her, she is literally an icon and I heard she is currently not seeing anyone” Anna said happily.

“All I want is to see her” I said

“Lame!” Anna exclaimed

“Thank you” I chuckled.

The reading was the most magical experience. Stephania was one of the most beautiful people I had ever seen, her skin was perfectly tan and her long hair flowed as if the wind was in favour of her. She was wearing a black pant suit with a pair of vans but what stood out were her mannerism and her humble nature. As soon as the reading was done, we stood at another line for the book signing and all Anna could talk about was how amazing and how beautiful Stephania is.

“Did you hear how she said murder?” Anna asked and I shrugged, I had already noticed that she had one of the most exotic accents which I couldn’t really place “She made me fall in love with the word” Anna explained and I chuckled.
As soon as we reached the table Stephania sat behind, she looked up at me and smiled

“To?” she asked maintaining the stare

“Jane Day” I said

“Jane Day” she mimicked while writing it down
“Oh it seems like someone got the attention of a writer” Anna whispered.

“May I ask why I’m only meeting you for the first time?” Stephania suddenly asked.

“I just hate leaving the house” I said

“Me too and that is probably why I never meet people as beautiful as you are” she said and all I did was chuckle

“Maybe it is about time I started going out” she said

“Maybe” I said

“Only if my first trip is with you” she flirted “Unless if you are willing to wait for me, there are about five people left and then I can take you and your friend out for a few drinks or coffee?” she suggested.

“Oh no, I cannot come with because I have a date already” Anna stated while a sinister smirk was spread on her face.

“Okay, just the two of us then?” she asked.

“Okay but only if we are going out for a cup of coffee” I said and she smiled and handed me my book. As I was walking away from her I couldn’t help but feel a few butterflies in my stomach but I could still sense that she wasn’t what I wanted but at least she made me feel something.

“You got a date with the hottest writer and you can’t even grin about it?” Anna asked

“She is beautiful but I can’t help but think about Angie” I expressed

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