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Ideally, I'll be opening up new contests either each month, or every other month. 

If you want to participate, submit an in-line comment (by the prompt you chose) within the entry period and I'll respond to provide confirmation. Please try to spread the word about this, maybe share it on your profile. That way, it will be able to become something that's actually fun to take part in.

Prompts can be slightly altered as long as they remain easily recognisable to the judges and readers. Regardless, I've tried not to attribute gender to the characters featured in the concepts and prompts to leave it up to your preferrences, that's why most of these will refer to the characters using *they* and *them* pronouns. 

Even though it is appreciated, there's absolutely no need to follow me or read my work in order to take part in these contests.

Nonetheless, if y'all find these scenes and dialogue funny, or something you'd like to read, feel free to head over to my profile and check out Black Widow, which is the book most of those have been taken from. 

As I mentioned before, give credit to the respective prompt's owner. Failure to do so will lead to your entry being discarded. Plus, I'll obviously have to report it to the Wattpad staff. So, please be mindful. I'll make sure to remind you to do it in case y'all forget. We're human, we're allowed to make mistakes.

And that's about it!


2021 Sapphire Prompt ContestsWhere stories live. Discover now