Part XIX *°Little souvenir°*

Start from the beginning

"Finally done?" he half-asked, placing a soft kiss on your cheek. You still weren't used to the display of affection, nor the death glares that came with it.

"Yeah... I'm not sure how I did though." you answered frankly, because of certain circumstances *cough* cat shifting *cough*, you didn't get the chance to revise your lessons thoroughly.

"Same." he nonchalantly answered, walking towards his friends and high fiving them. You did the same and they all greeted you. You were instantly welcomed by them into the group, as you already hung out with them before and you really liked having them as your friends too.

"Did you pass the test bro?" Hoshi asked Vernon, while looking at his grade in a disgusted way.

"Yeah I passed. I passed away."

"At least we finally survived exams week." Woozi chippered trying to light up the mood.

"Physically? Yes. Emotionally? Definitely not." Wonwoo answered, looking even more tired than before, as if that was possible.

"And I even almost didn't survive it physically." Mingyu joked, refering to his cat transformation.

"Ahem." Mrs. Kang cleared her throat behing you, making the laughter die down. "Mr. Kim and Mrs.____ in my office."

You and Mingyu followed her under the confused gaze of the squad. You cautiously walked in and waited for her to speak.

"I am very disappointed in you two." she leaned on the desk and brought her joined hands to her mouth, looking at the both of you from over her glasses.

"First you miss a whole week of school, and now I get back your results and you're not even in the top 10? Heck you barely got into top 20!! Just what happend to my two top student that they downgraded this much in such a small amount of time?"

"Eh, you say we had a bit of a catastrophy..." Mingyu confessed, you almost hit him when he used that pun, "but we promise to catch back on our missed lessons, right ____?" he turned to you.

"Yes, yes we promise, we just had a little problem, but it's all okay now."

After few more scoldings, she dissmissed you.

"I can't believe I lost another opportunity to win..." you dragged your feet out of the office. Mingyu came behind and threw his hands on your shoulders and started massaging them.

"But you did win." he whispered near your ear, you looked at him doubfounded, waiting for him to explain further.

"You won my heart."

"Aaah shut up, you're so cheesy." you pushed him away so he doesn't see your embarrassed face, he always did stuff like that and you weren't sure your heart could take it.

"Next time I'll win though." he confidently said after he stopped laughing.

You slowly approached him and put your hand on his cheek, shaking your head. "Minmin, my sweet summer child, just because we're dating and I love you doesn't mean that you're not my rival anymore. I will literally destroy you at the next exam."

"It's war then."

You glared at eachother for a little while, before he grinned at you, changing the whole aura around you from electric to fairytail like. "Wanna get ice cream on the way home?"

"Yes, definitely. I'm getting chocolate. Last one at the ice cream palor loses." you started running before even finishing the sentence.

"Hey that's cheating!"

"You've got longer legs, it's fairier like this." you screamed back, completly oblivious of the little cat head keychain that looked exactly like cat you, that magically appeared next to the Minty one you found the first time, bobbing with every step you took. A goodbye gift Jeonghan gave you.

Just a little souvenir of what you have been through.


Author notes: aaaaaa this is the end 😢😢😢 im torn between feeling happy for finanlly finishing a longer piece and sad because i have to say goodbye to thestory and my cute little readers that encouraged me so much ( i wouldn't have finished this if it werent for you guys and for this im forever grateful <3 )
Anyways i hope you had fun reading this story as much as i had writing it and just so you know i started this in 2016 so if you see any contradictions in the story know that i forgot what my 17 yo brain was trying to say x)) bejdhjd and i forgot to say this too but english isnt my first language either so excuse any mistakes 🥺🥺
Thank you again for this amazing experience 💕💕 and stay safe babies
Much love -Mia  💕

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