Special Category: Best Cover - Entries

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  Covers are such an important part of books and sometimes they are just underrated. We mean, don't judge a book by its cover?! What else should you look at while buying books?! We are not saying that the cover alone do the trick, synopsis is also important. But we must admit that covers play an important role in our decisions.

  And there are some that are quite beautiful, let me tell you! Here are 15, just to prove our point! ;)

📚 Advisory Time, by triothethird

📚 A Violent Hope, by believablebooks

📚 A Wedding Love, by _starflies_

📚 Cavren Valyr: The Last Fireborn, by DarielClaire

📚 Facade of Perfectionism, by Shrya1712

📚 Garnished with Love, by _miss_idealist_

📚 Let Me Find You, by nutellaxgirlx

📚 Lost & Found, by aAaaAa_liyA

📚 Spark of Frost, by VerosAmadeus

📚 The Girl On Run, by priya_shady

📚 The Quest of the Destined, by Anora0901


📚 Vampires and Angels, by Pansexual_Dragon

📚 Vendetta, by guessmynamehehe

📚 You are the One for Me, by MineForever6

Unfortunately, only one of them can win. The winner will only be announced in 2021, but till then no one is stopping you from guessing, right? Who do you think that will win?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2020 ⏰

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