Chapter 1 - Galaxy Stuffs Up Again

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"Hurry up, Galaxy, we haven't got all day"

It was a bright day. I was taking those who wanted to see my realm - the Human realm - there. Galaxy was making my portal, due to my inability to take more then one person - plus myself - to a different realm. The people who wanted to come were; Ghost, Galaxy, Time, Elemental, Illusion, Nightmare, Positive, and, against his will, Negative. The people who knew the most were Nightmare - my husband - Illusion, and Galaxy, but Nightmare knew the most because I took him every off day.

"Hey, Glitch, uh, don't the others need "Human" names, because as far as I'm aware, their names are not Human." I winced as Nightmare voiced one of my doubts. I thought for a moment before I answered him.

"Well, I was just going to say that those were their nick names. But I guess you could, uh, give them names if you wanted to." I saw him visibly cringe. The last time he named something, it was a wolf. He named it 'Henry', and it attacked him, because thats what wolves do in the Human realm. But he thought it was because it didn't like the name. "Or not?" I said laughing.

Galaxy turned to me. "Glitch, I think that it's ready."

I nodded back at him. "OK." I said. Addressing everyone, I said "Don't go off on your own, don't use your powers, and don't do anything without asking me first." After everyone nodded their agreement, I warned them, "One last thing, everything will look different, but I will sort that out when we get there. Just don't run off." And with that, I stepped through the portal.


As soon as I stepped out, I realized something was wrong. At least, something felt off, but I had to wait until the others came through the portal. We weren't in the Steve realm any more, but we weren't in my house either, which is where we were meant to appear. A few moments later, the next person, Illusion, came through.

"Uh, Glitch? Where is the portal? And why are we in a long, empty corridor?"

I looked around, realizing that he was right. "I don't know, but we can figure it out when the others come." He stared at me. then I realized something. Illusion didn't look like an average Human. For one, he was taller then me, though that might just have been him being a grown man. Secondly though, his hair was long and silver, flashes of pink and purple rippled through it. It was pulled back into a low ponytail. He wore a gray suit top with a white shirt underneath. Over the top of the shirt was a purple tie that faded to pink at the bottom. Pink framed glasses covered steel gray eyes. He had black dress pants and matching gloves.

A noise from behind me told me that someone else was emerging from the portal. Time and Elemental. Time was wearing a hooded robe that had gold buttons dotting it, and Elemental was wearing a simple brown tunic, khaki pants and black boots. He also had vines weaving through his chestnut hair. But there was something off about them too. Time had one normal, but gray, eye, but the other, instead of an iris, was a silver clock. Elemental had an arm made entirely from magma, and the other water, though the magma one seemed to not emit more heat than regular skin, not from where I was standing.

Elemental was the first to look up. "Glitch, this is weird. Where are all the blocks?"

Time nodded in agreement, and spoke. WITH A VOICE! "Yeah, I am also perplexed by this."

I stared at him for a second before replying, "Well, uh, please don't freak out, but I think that we are in the wrong, um, realm."

630 words

yeah... its short.

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